Goodbye Kiss??

Addicted to his kiss
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The second hour was going on by the time Hyoyeon arrived at her classroom. She took a deep breathe before turning the door handle.

"Sorry for the interruption sir. I had a meeting with the Principal." She made a 90 degree bow.

The teacher, a plump woman in her late 30's, peered at Hyoyeon through her reading glasses.

"You are excused." She handed Hyoyeon a piece of paper. "Fill in this and hand it over to your class president by lunch." Hyoyeon grabbed the paper and nodded. "There is only one seat left. Help yourself."

Hyoyeon silently walked towards her seat. It was exactly in the middle of the class, opposite to her liking. Before she plopped down on her seat, her teacher spoke "Excuse me Miss..err." "Kim. Kim Hyoyeon Ma'am." She completed the sentence.

"Yes Miss Kim. Are you okay?" Mrs Nam, the teacher asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes Ma'am. I am fine." She replied, wondering what made her teacher enquire about her health condition.

"Your face is really red. I thought you might be having fever. If you are fine, then it's okay. Please take your seat."Mrs Nam turned back to face the board.

"Sure." Hyoyeon muttered and sank in her seat. Was she that obvious? Did that kiss Kris gave her a while ago make her blush to the point her face turned red? She patted her cheeks lightly in the hopes of getting rid of the red tint.

Hyoyeon was a studious student. Hence she didn't find it difficult not to think about the kiss and concentrated on what was taught.

Soon it was lunch break. The class President was collecting the filled out forms from all the students.

Hyoyeon approached the President with her form.

"Seohyun-shi?" Hyoyeon was surprised to see that Seo Juhyun was her class president.

"Hello Hyoyeon-shi." She smiled. "I sit to your immediate left but you didn't notice."

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't." Hyoyeon flashed an embarrassed smile. "It's fine." Seohyun replied. "I wish I could give you company during lunch but I have to hand in these forms." She pouted.

' cute!' Hyoyeon thought as she saw the other girl pout. "It's okay. There is always a tomorrow." Seohyun nodded in agreement.

The girls bid goodbye to each other and proceeded to their respective destinations.

Hyoyeon made herself comfortable in one of the empty tables and took out her lunch.As she opened her lunch, she felt someone joining her in the seat opposite to her. She heard girls in the cafeteria gasping and squealing as the person sat. Though she was glad that someone was kind enough to give her company, she was not so happy to see who it was.

'Kris!' She rolled her eyes.

"Hey." Kris smiled and Hyoyeon could swear that half the girls in the cafeteria fainted. The other half porobably didn't see the smile. Was she the only one who felt that it was more of a smirk than a smile?!

Without greeting back, Hyoyeon grabbed her lunch and made way to another empty table.

Now the whole cafeteria was filled with gasping fangirls. People all around were muttering and it was a chaos. But Hyoyeon couldn't care any less. He stole her first kiss and now her second kiss. That too this morning. How could she forget about that so soon!

Surprisingly, Kris didn't bother her after that. At least, not during the break. A part of her was glad that he didn't but a part of her was  not so happy either. She ignored that and the innumerable amount of people staring at her and concentrated on her lunch.

People didn't seem so friendly to Hyoyeon. She guessed it was probably because of what happened at the cafeteria. Ignoring the oh-so-perfect Kris might have earned her a bad reputation.

What if she told others that she ignored him because he kissed her without her consent? Will they believe her? Several thoughts were in her mind and she grumbly sat down on her seat.

"Hyoyeon-shi." Her head shot up on hearing someone calling her name. It was Seohyun. Ofcourse, who knows her name except Seohyun and...Kris. On a side note, how come Kris knows her name! She shook the thought away and smiled. "Seohyun-shi."

"Hyoyeon-shi, teacher asked me to tell you that you have been selected as the Vice President. Congrats!" She clapped her hands.

"Huh?" Hyoyeon looked at the other girl dumbfounded. " B..But why? How? They decide all this through some selection process right? I don't understand."

"Well, things are different in this school Hyoyeon-shi." Seohyun sat on her seat, which is to the immediate left of Hyoyeon's. "The President of the school committee is chosen by the staff. They choose a person who excels in academics and has leadership abilities. The President is the one who chooses the Vice President. The Vice President is more like the President's personal assisstant. So a person who is trustworthy and close is chosen by the President so that they can work together efficiently. The rest of the committee is chosen from the candidates by the President and the Vice president."

"Close and trustworthy? But, I'm new in this school. I am not close friends with anyone. Who is the President by the way?" Hyoyeon had more questions in her mind but she refrained herself from showering her friend (?) with questions. 

"I was about to get there. Normally, they select a third year as the President but for the first time in the history of Seoul High, a first year was chosen as the President. There is no surprise in it actually.The person is labeled as p

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Foreversnsd01 #1
Im still here waiting for this story to be complete :')
Foreversnsd01 #2
Chapter 39: Please authornim please do update all of ur stories cause i'll always follow ur stories and really LOVES every of ur stories cause it is seriously AMAZING !!!
ice_jung #3
update please
aniilu3012 #4
Chapter 39: Hello!!!! I feel so good reading your story, I hope you come back soon (: Have a nice day
Hermin #5
Chapter 39: Wow I can reread it
Hermin #6
Chapter 39: Please update
Chapter 39: where are u?? update please... want to know the ending...