Game of love

Addicted to his kiss
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“I love you Kim Hyoyeon.”

“I have always loved you.”


‘Kris loves me?! He really does?!’ Hyoyeon freaked out in her mind. Even in her wildest day dreams she had not imagined Kris saying something like that to her. Now that he did, she felt like being on cloud 9 and started smiling to herself.


The smile didn’t remain on her lips for long since her whole body started shaking wildly.

“Wake up!” She heard someone and groaned in annoyance. “What!” She spat.

The two sturdy hands continued shaking her as she made a scowling face. “It’s almost six. You have to be back in the tent!”

Hyoyeon’s eyes shot up. An annoyed Kris was sitting on the edge of the bed.

‘I..I was dreaming?’

“Dreaming about what?” Kris twisted his brows into a question.

Hyoyeon immediately covered with both hands. ‘Did I say that out loud!’ She shook her head.

“Whatever, now get up and go before they find out.” He urged her and she nodded back.

‘I was dreaming.’ She sighed disappointedly. ‘It was a good dream.’ She then looked at Kris carefully. He looked tired.

“Did you not sleep last night?”

Kris looked at her. “What?”

“You look tired.” She bit her lips.

Kris didn’t reply. He simply stared at her for a few seconds. “Take your things and leave before you are late.” He said in a cold tone.

Hyoyeon got up and grabbed the stuff she had brought along with her.




After repeating the running and hiding she did the other night, she reached the compound wall. But this time, she had Kris helping her to distract the guards. On reaching the other side of the wall, she wiped the sweat beads that had formed on her forehead and sighed in relief.

Luck was not exactly favoring her at that moment because just when she was about to walk to the cemetery, she saw Yuri and Seohyun leaving the latter’s house. Hyoyeon was standing on the pavement with nowhere to hide. She stood frozen to the spot.

“How come you are here Hyo?” Seohyun wondered when she saw her friend standing in front of her house. “Yeah, how come?” Yuri shot her a suspicious look.

“Umm..” The blonde girl swallowed some spit. “I was coming to your house.” She let the first words that came to her brain, flow out of .


“Yes.” She let out an awkward smile.

Yuri and Seohyun had no choice but to believe their friend. So it was declared that Hyoyeon had successfully completed the dare. After having breakfast, the trio bid goodbye to each other. Before leaving, Hyoyeon stole a glance of Kris’s mansion and wondered what he was doing.

‘Did he not sleep yesterday night?!’ She wondered in her mind as she recalled the sight of his tired eyes. When Yuri called, she shook her thoughts away and pedaled back to her house.



“I’m back!”  Hyoyeon shouted and let her bag fall on the couch. She didn’t get any welcome but she heard sounds of utensils from the kitchen and guessed that her mother was busy preparing lunch for the family.

“Hey..” She walked into the kitchen, ready to back hug her favorite person in the person but was welcomed by an unfamiliar sight. “Kai?” She saw him sitting on the counter munching on chips.

“Hey Hyo!” He waved at the surprised girl.

 Mrs Kim turned her attention from the stove to her daughter. “Goodmorning sweetheart! Did you have fun yesterday?”

“Morning mom.” She replied grumpily not liking the sight of her best friend eating the pack of Lays she had bought for herself. “It was good. And what are you doing here?” She shot a question at Kai so that her mother won’t ask any more questions about the sleepover. The sound of dogs howling was still ringing in her ears and she certainly didn’t want to talk to her mother about anything that happened that night.

“Aunty had invited

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Foreversnsd01 #1
Im still here waiting for this story to be complete :')
Foreversnsd01 #2
Chapter 39: Please authornim please do update all of ur stories cause i'll always follow ur stories and really LOVES every of ur stories cause it is seriously AMAZING !!!
ice_jung #3
update please
aniilu3012 #4
Chapter 39: Hello!!!! I feel so good reading your story, I hope you come back soon (: Have a nice day
Hermin #5
Chapter 39: Wow I can reread it
Hermin #6
Chapter 39: Please update
Chapter 39: where are u?? update please... want to know the ending...