Chapter 28: Jessica

Worried for my Playboy.


It's been about 4 days since I've broken up with Daniel, I've still been thinking on how I can get Jiyong back but nothing makes sense. I was here at the factory making sure all the material we were using was perfect for my designs. My phone rang as I saw it was Bom.

'Hey BomBom,' I teased.

'Yah don't call me BomBom, you should thank me because I told Jiyong we are having dinner out today at my favourite restaurant, so be ready by 6 arasso?' Bom said.

'I-I,' I stuttered.

'Just look pretty and be calm Chae, everything will be alright, meet us at the Resto by 6 okay? We will be waiting there,' Bom replied.

'O-oh Okay,' I managed.

I could hear her laughing on the line, 'Bye, see you later,' Bom said hanging up.

Then it just hit me, I'm going to see Jiyong, I have to look my best. I looked around my finished designs, looking for the perfect dress.

'Boss are you okay?' Minzy said, she's my personal assisstant.

'Um yeah, Minzy, help me find a nice dress for a date,' I said, looking at the clothes.

I ignored her shock look on her face, 'A dress? Remember you always kept a dress here in case of emergencies? Well it's still here,' Minzy said leading me to the back.

My eyes widened as I saw the perfect dress for me right in front of my eyes,' Omo, Minzy you are the best!' I screamed hugging her.

'Oh, boss it's okay, just have fun,' Minzy said.

'Thank you Thank you,' I smiled, running to my car with the dress. Oh gosh it's 4.30 and I need to get ready.

Once I got home, I ran into the bathroom for a nice warm shower, as I stood there under the running water. Should I use the locket? No what if he thinks I'm still stuck in the past.I got dressed, as I put on black dress which hugged my body. I couldn't help but get excited to see him again, after my opening it's the second time I'll be able to see him.

I was fixing my hair in the bathroom when my eye kept on going to the locket, I need to take it for luck. I dropped it into my purse, running to the car, 6.05 I gave my key to the valet as I walked inside feeling my heartbeat getting faster. I looked around the whole restaurant for Bom, but I couldn't see them.

'Excuse me miss are you Lee Chaerin?' A waiter asked.

'Yes I am she,' I answered politely.

He bowed, 'Please follow me.'

I nodded, walking behind him, leading me to the back of the restaurant, there I saw a door which he opened leading to a private room.

'Hey!!' Bom smiled.

'Hi,' I answered back, ' What's this place?' I asked looking around this expensive looking room.

'Ah, well since I love food and my husband is the owner of Choi company we have our connections,' Bom smiled, 'It's not like you wouldn't have yours fashion designer Lee Chaerin,' Bom teased me.

'Aish stop that,' I hit Bom lightly on her arm.

'Hey are you not going to greet us?' Top shouted, sitting on his chair.

I turned to him and smiled, 'Sorry Mr. Choi, goodevening Mr. Choi,' I teased giving him a salute.

' Wow, being a designer has paid of hasn't it Chae? Look at your clothes, you look amazing in it,' Bom said linking her arm with me as she led me to the table.

'Nah...' I said shyly.

'Seriously Chaerin, you look amazing,' Seunghyun said to me.

'Thank you,' I gave in, sitting down in the seat next to Jiyong.

Weirdly enough things got awkward, as I felt it getting hotter inside the room. Bom and Top sat infront of us, while I sat infront of Bom and Top and Jiyong sat infront of each other. I looked at Jiyong to greet him, but I frowned seeing him texting.

'Am I that handsome?' Jiyong said, not taking his eyes of his phone.

I quickly turned away embarassed, 'U-umm Hi Jiyong,' I smiled, turning back to him.

'Hey Chaerin...' Jiyong said, looking up at me.

My heart literally skipped a beat when I looked in his eyes...the eyes that I missed looking into.

'I'm really sorry for what happened two years ago...' Jiyong started.

'Uh! Please let's just not talk about that, and let's just enjoy the food first,' I said, changing the subject as I stuck my fork into my steak.

' gentle to the steak it's already dead, you don't need to torture it more,' Bom whispered to me from the other side.

I looked down at my hands and I was cutting the meat very roughly...I was probably too nervous.

'Sorry...' I said.

'It's rude to text while the food is infront of you Jiyong,' Top said, as I looked at Jiyong who was once again looking at his phone, and hadn't touched his food once.

'Sorry,' Jiyong said putting his phone into his pocket.

'No let me in there!!!' a girl screamed.

' What's going on?' I asked Bom and Top, they looked at each other confused.

'Sica...' Jiyong gasped.

Right then the door was slammed open revealing a girl screaming and kicking.

'You ! You think you can just take my Jiyong?' the girl screamed.

'Jessica...stop that!' Jiyong shouted getting that girl's name is Jessica huh?

' Just because you and Jiyong had something 2 years ago doesn't mean you guys still have it now!' Jessica screamed again.

I felt like my heart dropped, and I had the need for air.

'Chaerin don't listen to her...she's just some crazy chick,' Bom said.

'I'm just a crazy chick? At least I'm not trying to steal another person's boyfriend!' Jessica shouted again.

'Jiyong stop her!' Top shouted.

'I'm trying!' Jiyong whined.

'He deserves to move on, look at what happened when you were with him! He went crazy and had to go to rehab because of you !' Jessica shouted again.

I can't take it, I held back my tears as I got up.

'No Chaerin, don't go!' Bom exclaimed gettng up.

'FOR YOUR INFORMATION i'm not a or a like you call me to be. I'm busy designer do you think I have time to think of stealing your boyfriend? AND HECK where did you get that idea of me stealing him? I'm just here having dinner with my two friends and their brother. Trust me I never thought of getting him back!' I shouted as Jessica as I ran.

BAM, I bumped into Jiyong as my purse fell, and all my belongings were scatted on the floor. I looked up at Jessica who was still mad, I quickly looked away and picked my phone and purse running out.

Jiyong's POV

Gosh this chick is crazy, I went out with her for one date and I'm automatically her boyfriend. She's literally mental, I could feel my heart break when I heard Chaerin's words, apart of me didn't want to believe her, but the last words she said rang over and over again in my head, 'trust me I never thought of getting him back!' 

'Please take her away, and Jessica I was never your boyfriend and I will never be,' I said coldly, as the waiters dragged her out.

' Whoa Ji, that girl was crazy!' Top shouted.

I was going to respond back to Top but something caught my eye on the ground...a locket. The locket I gave Chaerin. She probably dropped it when she bumped into me...I need to get her back. 

'Jiyong where are you going?' Bom shouted.

'I'm getting her back!' I shouted running out.


The tears flowed down my cheeks, ? ? but the thing that kept on ringing in my head was when she said 'Just because you and Jiyong had something 2 years ago doesn't mean you guys still have it now!' My fingers shaked, while I grabbed my keys from the valet driver. I got into my car, but I needed a tissue as my tears couldn't stop flowing down my cheeks and I needed to drive away.

I searched in my purse, but I went in shock when I couldn't find the's gone...just like my hope. Without thinking I stepped on the gas pedal wanting to get away from all of this, I need to get away far.

Jiyong's POV

' Umm, where's Lee Chaerin?' I asked the valet driver.

'Lee Chaerin?' he asked in confusion.

'Yes! LEE CHAERIN!' I shouted in fustration.

'She just left sir...' he answered.

I squeezed the locket in my hand, I can't let her go.


Kinda of long update. I know some of you will hate me for doing that. But it's all part of the story. So please wait, and I will be probably writing another chapter later this afternoon. Everything will be alright soon.

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blackwonderer #1
where can i read 'Love is fun...or is it?'? i couldn't find it, n was it about skydragon too?? i read that first if u still have it
Chapter 36: I loved this story. But I was wondering where the topbom beginning part was. I looked through your stories and I couldn't find it. Although I did enjoy your other stories ^^!
Chapter 25: I think Tabi's better looking than Daniel. xD
i'm also looking for the prequel of this one.. hope u post it
Yay! I read chaerin unnie break off wit daniel! I'm damn happy! :p (i'm nt done reading yet still at chpt 27... Manage to finish tis awesome story slthough i'm sick n i didnt go to sch.... Thx for the story...<3<3
"you gave me aids and then you got ke pregnant!" best line that I've read so far. Surge eye. I really couldn't stop chuckling
If this is a spinoff I'd really like to read the first part first, but where is it? x_x<br />
I really like your stories but I'm afraid I won't get it if I don't read the first part!
awwww that was so cute! XD love sky dragon!!
so errr where's "Love is fun...or is it"? if this is a spinoff, i kinda want to read the first storyy. lol please tell me!