The Showdown

Hello Cold World: Forever & Almost Always
The Showdown 

She left the cemetery in direction to her house. By the time she got there, it was already dark and arriving in front of her porch, she could see that the lights were turned off, meaning that G.O was either asleep or nobody was home.


She went inside her house and went straight upstairs and into her room. She turned the lights on and spotted a small piece of paper on her bed. Walking towards her pillow, she picked it up and recognized G.O's writing telling her he had some emergency at his job and had to go, not letting her know how long it will take or if he'll comeback to her place.


Undressing herself to go and take a quick shower, she finds her dog sleeping in the hallway in front of a closed door, turning out to be the guest room's door. She lets him there and enters the bathroom.


After her shower, she goes back to her room and sits at her desk. Her old journal was there, in front of her, waiting to be opened and to be read, reliving the past she tried so hard to forget.


She takes a few minutes and just looks at the book, grazing the cover with a sorrowful expression. The lights of her room were turned off while the small lamp of her desk was illuminating the dark memories. She pushes it away, turns off the light, gets up and heads towards her bed.


She wasn't able to sleep as she was playing with the ring that was hanging around her neck.


Always & Forever, I promise.


Those were the words that were engraved inside it.


Byunghee gave that ring to her the day he disappeared. He placed it on her ring finger as a promise that one day, when the time was right, to ask her to marry him.


Unfortunately, that day never came.


She spent the next couple of years searching for him but always ended up with nothing. As the days passed she was slowly losing her sanity until the day she found out he was dead.


This was the moment that drove her to the edge.


Trying not to break into tears, Seonyul closed her eyes hoping that she would quickly fall asleep and let the night pass by so she could see her lover the next day. As she did, she felt something shifting her bed next to her. She opened her eyes and saw her pet making himself comfortable next to her. She lifted her covers and let him come to sleep under them, next to her.



From the beginning, that dog was the only one that never left her side. From the beginning, he was always there for her, despite her mood swings. She hoped he will stay by her side for the long hall.



The next morning, she woke up thinking she could use her day off to go and see G.O since she noticed he hasn't comeback yet. She tried calling him but got no answer.


Giving up, she got dressed, fixed herself quickly and left the house. She got into her car and drove to his place.


Once she was parked, she tried calling him again, seeing that his car was in the driveway, and yet again, he didn't pick up. She thought he was sleeping, but instead, she got a bad feeling that something was going on.


She was afraid that something happened to him, so she got out of her car and went knocking to the front door. She got no answers, so she used the house key G.O gave her a couple of months ago and entered the house.


As she made her way inside, she heard some shouting coming up from upstairs. It was barely understandable, but it looked like it wasn't only one voice but at least two or even three. Thinking that he got into a fight with his friends, she quickly climbed the stairs to where the shouting was being made.


Getting closer and closer, she sees a door that was barely opened, as she stood in front of it.


From the crack she sees G.O holding a gun and pointing in to a man on his knees; though she only saw the back of the body, she quickly recognized as being her friend, Onew.


The moment she opened the door and stepped in, a gunshot was fired.


Out of shock, she turned her body around, facing the open door with her hands covering her face. She heard something fall on the floor and presumed it was the, now, body of her, now, dead friend. She slowly turned back around to only see a room packed with faces she'd already seen at least once. G.O's friends were scattered across the room with an expression of hate and shock upon seeing a stranger in the room.


She looked back at her lover who was paralyzed from seeing her there.


He never expected her to find out this way what he did for a living. She looked down at the body, as her eyes were getting watery.


“What is going on here? Did- did you kill him?”


“Seonyul-ah, I can explain –“


“Why did you do it?”


“Please, let me explain.”


Tears were slowly falling on her cheeks. G.O was walking her way with the gun still in his hand.


Seeing that he was still holding onto it, she shakily backed away, her arms out front telling him to stay away. He placed the gun on a table and carefully walked back towards her.


While he did, two men came and were about to pick up the dead body, but before they were able too, Seonyul stopped them by yelling not to touch him, surprising everyone in the room except for one: Seungho.


Before G.O could get any closer to her, she ran towards the body and got down, placing her friend's head on her knees. Blood was coming out of his chest as she tried to wake him up while tears were falling on his sleeping face.


“Please wake up, Onew, please. Not you too. You can't die too, please, just wake up.”


The leader signaled to some of his men to exit the room, leaving only MBLAQ present as they were watching the heart-breaking scene in front of them in silence.


G.O crouched next to Seonyul, placing his hand on her back, with the other one on her hand, which was the dead guys hair. She pushed G.O away making him fall on the floor, confused at her actions.


She looked at him with an enraged expression and red eyes, ready to explode. He has never seen her like this.


After Seungho told him about the encounter they had the other day with Onew last night, he was pissed off. Not even letting his friend finish with what he had to say, he stormed out of the house and went straight to SM's territory, kidnapping one of his group's leader and bringing him back to the mansion; which ended up in today's mess.


The only question he had was about the relationship between his girl and the other one…


He only thought she reacted that way because he killed him in cold blood.


“We had to do it… I'm sorry.”


“You HAD too?”


“Of course! He was our enemy-”


ENEMY? He was MY friend! You just KILLED the ONLY friend I had! And who gave you the right to kill him anyway? Huh? If you had something against him, you could've just said it!”


“It's what I do and it had nothing to do with you… Babe, I'm-“


“What you do? Is that why you came all messed up the other day? Because you kill people for a living?!”


“Kind of, yes-”


“Stay away from me!”


She got up and was ready to leave when G.O grabbed her arm preventing her from moving. She looked back at him, trying to get away from his grip, but it only got tighter as he tried to bring her closer.


“Let go of me!”


“No, I need to explain-”


“I don't want to hear it! I hate you! Just leave me alone!”


He let go of her arm as he heard those words.


Never in his life has he expected her to say those three words.


Another piece of his heart just broke from hearing begging to leave her. The room was silent as the people were only looking at the two lovers fighting about the truth behind G.O's life.


On the other hand, she never wanted this. She hated him, not only for killing her only friend but also for lying to her by hiding the truth about him, all this time.


She took another step only to be interrupted by a door opening on the other side of the room. She turned back facing the door not expecting what was coming out.


From the state of angriness she was feeling, she was now ready to kill somebody.


She was fuming at the sight of the man who just came in to the office. She walked towards him, completely ignoring her surroundings, and stopped in front of a desk, where the man was standing behind the chair.




“Seonyul-ah? What are you doing here?”


“What am I doing here? What about you?!”


“I live here…”


Not only were they both shocked seeing each other after so many years, but everybody was worked up as they were not understanding what this situation has brought up.


The truth about their past was about to be revealed.


author's notes
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June 5th: the sequel is up!! :D Enjoy~


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KaRain #1
Chapter 39: Excited to your next story about byunghee, authornim
kakashilover #2
such a wonderfull story.thank u author nim for sharing it with us
Chapter 39: I love this story and can't wait for the next story! Fighting!
Chapter 40: The poster is freaking awesome... Just had to say :P
Chapter 38: It took me day and a half to finish the best fiction I have ever read, not to mention how smoothly the things went, not even the way you describe the feels...
I cried in some of the chapters, and I cried even harder at the ending...
Like isn't there fate to be together? I was hoping he'll be the one to heal her...
Aaaahhh so much feels T___T
Voting up, and definitely gonna read it again once I missed it TvT ♥♥♥♥
nin1908 #6
I really like this story. I finished reading it, for the second time. :)
Cant wait for the next one
Chapter 40: I cant wait for the next story! I am sooo happy that you wrote Hello Cold World I and didnt even imagine a new series. I am alreay so excited and the poster is really pretty <3
KaRain #8
Chapter 39: Congratulations for writing a beautiful story. Write more about G.o
Chapter 39: I really love your style of writing. The story has been truly amazing. I may just read it again. ^^ This story is truly one of my top favorites. You wrote it magnificently. *hugs* I loves yous!
Just so you know, this is definitely one of the best fanfic that ive read, ever. I love how detailed you are at writing all these intricate feelings that these characters have, and I really respect you for that. Since the story is ending, I hope theres more to come from you! ♥