Chapter 20



It’s now December and it’s also been a months passed but still Okai doesn’t let Yuto know about her real condition. Months passed, that Okai spent days with Yuto, keeping that to him as a secret. Well… for her, her real condition doesn’t matter as long she’s happy with Yuto. She also didn’t even notice that it’s been a months, since she knew about her real condition. Because… when she’s with him, everything seems pretty normal, as if there are going to be more days for her, being with him…


Okai became move, when she hears her phone rings. It is Sunday and she’s spending her time at her room, knitting a pair of gloves. She’s going to give that to Yuto for Christmas.


She picks her phone and answers it. “Hello?” she started, without even knowing who’s in the other line.


“Chisa, it’s me…” it was Yuto’s voice. “I’m sorry if I made you confuse by the number that I’m using… I’m using my mom’s phone. She’s been bugging me… asking if you can come with us?” he continued.


Okai’s eyebrows got furrowed. “Where…?” she asked in curious.


Okai hurriedly goes downstairs. The Old man, who’s at the kitchen, comes out being alarm by her noise.


“Grandpa… I’m going to spend the whole day in Yuto’s house.” She lied.


Actually, she’s going with Yuto’s family on their farm, helping to harvest. She doesn’t want for her Grandpa to know, Or else… he won’t definitely allow her because of her heart’s condition.


The Old man just nods with no idea. Okai gave him a wide smile then hurriedly goes outside. Exactly that Keito is coming inside; he’s going to help Old man Kitagawa for his plants again. Okai stops for a moment.


“Ohayou, Keito-kun! I’m going to Yuto’s house for the whole day. So, I can’t entertain you right now…” she greeted and informed in glee, thinking that Keito is there because of her.


“No… I’m going to help Kitagawa-san for his plants.” he said with no reaction, as she watches her in a hurry state.

“Aaah…So, bye then!” she just exclaimed and hurriedly runs outside.


Keito just follow her by his eyes, worrying.


As Okai hurriedly runs, she can see Yuto waiting in a distance. She also noticed his family, putting their things on the van.


“I’m sorry!  Did you wait too long?” she exclaimed as she catches her breathe.


Yuto quickly shook his head with a smile. Mrs. Nakajima noticed her presence and goes to them, letting a naughty smile. She puts her one arm around Yuto that made him flinch.


“It’s alright, Chisa-chan… or else our Yuto will be sad if we just take off without you….” she said giving her son a naughty look.


“Okaasan!” he whined in blush, removing her mother’s arm around him.


Mrs. Nakajima just let a chuckle that made Okai giggles. Suddenly, a tall man comes approaching. Okai was stopped as she watches the man, going near to them. As she sees, it is Yuto’s dad.


“What’s going on here?” he approached and turns his look at Okai.


Okai feels froze from her place, as Mr. Nakajima looks at her. She just gazes down, avoiding his look.


“Is this Chisa-chan? Our son’s future wife…?” he kidded letting a smirk.

“Otoosan!!” Yuto whined again and frowns, blushing.

“Hora, Hora… papa. Stop making Yuto shy ne ~” uttered their mom as he takes his husband away to the two letting a giggle.


It made Yuto more blush and frown. As for Okai, she didn’t show response. She became silent, thinking what Yuto’s father said earlier. She took it seriously. Wife…? How can she be Yuto’s wife in her condition? She feels guilty… thinking that she will disappoints them when the time comes.


Yuto noticed her silence, he thought that Okai got annoy of his parents. He feels hesitate to approach her…


“Anou, Chisa…” he called. Okai became move and looks at him. “I’m sorry for my parent’s behavior…” he continued.


Okai immediately shook her head. “No… its okay.” she uttered and smiled. Yuto let a bit smile then holds her hand, taking her inside the van.


There she sees Raiya, welcoming her with a grin on his face. She just looks at her with no reaction.


“Ne, Ne, Ne… Chisa nee-chan! Come sit here beside me.” he delightedly offered and held her inside, beside him.


Okai let a wide smile then sits beside him. Yuto gets inside too and they started to take off, heading through Nakajima’s farm ( Invented ).


It’s been 30 minutes of traveling and they are now on the farm. They stops and looks around, feeling the cold breeze. Mrs. Nakajima turns her look to Okai, seeing her smiling as she looks around.


“Ne, Chisa-chan… is it really okay? If you help us here?” she asked.


Okai lets a nod with a wide smile. “Then… you should call me mama from now on ne~” Mrs. Nakajima muttered.


Yuto became move on Okai’s side and immediately looks at her mom… next to Okai…


“Hai! Mama…” suddenly Okai uttered. And it made Yuto’s eyes widened but, Okai just gave her a smile. So, he guess that will be okay…


“Yay ~ finally! There’s now someone who can call me mama…” Mrs. Nakajima exclaimed like a child. “I’ve always wanted to be call mama… but Yuto-kun and Raiya-chan said that it would be embarrassing… that’s why… they don’t call me that…” she pouted.

“Hai… hai… I know what you feel dear…” muttered Mr. Nakajima as he pats her wife’s back.


Yuto just face palm on what her parents are acting but, when he sees Okai chuckling, he feels ease and just watches her like that. Raiya on the other side is hiding his face with his two hands. They just have the same feelings, as his nii-chan.


It’s been an hours passed, when they started working on the farm. All of them are having fun, working together. And from time to time, Yuto and Okai are having a chance to be in their sweet mode, as they carry the trays back to the storage area. Also Raiya, enjoying Okai’s companion, as he goes to her every minute and shows something interesting on her… actually not all are interesting. There are bugs, spoiled smelly vegetable and even dead insects. Well… Okai just takes it all… somehow, she found that kid (Raiya) really interesting.

Yuto was stopped. He’s carrying another tray when he sees Okai and Raiya sitting in the strawberry corner. Raiya is putting a strawberry on Okai’s mouth and Yuto finds it cute, yet envy for Raiya because he had chance to do that.


“Oh! Oishi~” suddenly, Okai exclaimed and giggles.


Yuto let a smile then just continues to walk, leaving them.


Okai stands up from their sit and Raiya just watches her. As Raiya looks up to her, he noticed something on her, as Okai wipes her sweat on her face. She looks pale… and very tired. Raiya immediately stood up.


“Chisa nee-chan… would you like to rest? He asked.


Okai looks down to the little boy beside her. She shook her head as she smiles. “I’m fine…” she uttered.


And Raiya doesn’t response anymore, as he observes her.


Mrs. Nakajima in a distance noticed the two in their conversation. She turns to Yuto beside her, as they pick strawberries.


“Ne, Yuto-kun… join Okai for a rest ne… I think she had work enough.” she said and gave her son a smile.


Yuto turns his look to the trays beside them. Earlier, there are 25 trays there… but with Okai’s help it was lessen now in 5 trays. She really had work enough… as he thought. He gave her mother a nod and goes to her. He follows her going to the storage room.

 When they got there, he grabs Okai’s shoulder that made her shock. She immediately looks behind, seeing Yuto.


“My god Yuto! You scared me!” she exclaimed. But Yuto jut let a smile.

“Let’s take a rest now, ne?” he said.

“But there are still 5 trays left there…”

“It’s fine… you had work enough. Thanks for your hard work ne~” he muttered in a grin.


Okai just let a smile and goes with him.


“It’s going to be Christmas ne…” Yuto suddenly muttered, as they sit on their cottage, drinking tea.


He paused for a moment to realize something.


“Ah, Chisa!” he exclaimed. Okai just looks at him with no idea. “Your birthday is coming… Dec. 17 ( Invented ) right?” he continued.


Okai slowly looks away, realizing it. The n she looks at him again. “Hai!” she exclaimed. Actually, she almost forgot about it… but Yuto made her remember. How did he know? She wondered.


“Let’s go on a date!” Yuto blurted. Okai became move for a moment. Yuto noticed it. “Ahmm… are you going to celebrate it with you Grandpa…?” he hesitated to ask, disappointment can be trace on his voice.


Okai shook her head. “Actually… I’ve always celebrating my birthday with Grandpa… but, for a change… I wanna celebrate it with Yuto…” she said.


Yuto became enlightened as he let a wide smile. Okai looks away letting a smile; she’s watching Yuto’s family in a distance, as they work while having fun.

“Ne, Yuto… you’re family is really great na~ they are doing their best in harvesting…” she muttered as she watches them.


Yuto turns his look at them too. “You know what Chisa… I really like this month of December… it’s the only time we can spend together as a family, because my father is really busy at work…” he said.


“But even if it is like that… your family still knows how to have fun… that’s why I’m really happy that your mom asked me to call her mama….” she let a smile before to continue. “I feel like I’m his daughter then Yuto and Raiya are my siblings!” she continued with excitement on her voice.


“Eeeh?!” Yuto exclaimed. Okai was stopped as she looks at him. Suddenly he pouts…


“I don’t feel like it!” he whined and looks away, acting like a child. Okai became move, thinking that Yuto won’t like her to be a member of his family.

“W-why…?” she hesitated.


Then Yuto sincerely looks at him. “Chisa… If you want to be a part of my family… you just have to be my wife…” he said with spark on his eyes and looks away again. “Not as your brother… if that happens… then I won’t like to be in NAKAJIMA CLAN anymoooore!!” he ended up on a shout.


Okai became startled and place her hand to cover his mouth. “Yuto, you’re too loud!” she warned. Then Yuto became calm, without looking at her. Okai just sigh and let a grin, as she watches him, acting like that.


“Yosh!” she exclaimed as she stands up and made Yuto to looks up at her. “Then I’ll continue my work to be the right WIFE for Yuto ne~” she muttered and looks behind, seeing Yuto in silence, as she stares at her. She let a wide smile.


Then she turns around, going to work in the farm again, with Yuto’s family. She’s leaving Yuto in silence, yet in love.

Suddenly, Okai stops from walking as she feels hurt in her chest. ‘Not now… Please not now…’ she said on her thought as she touches her chest. Yuto noticed her from behind. He stands up from a sit and goes to her.


“Chisa… what’s the matter?” he asked and happiness from earlier can still be trace on him.


Okai slowly looks up to him and shook her head. “N-nothing…” she said and tries to continue walking but immediately failed and lost her balance. She’s now hardly breathing as she touches chest.


Yuto became alarmed and held her. “Yuto-kun… I’m sorry….” She uttered behind her weak voice and totally lost her conscious.


Yuto’s eyes got widened. “Chisa!... Chisa!” he repeatedly called, trembling. 

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waaah! update it soon ne~ ^__^ like it! ♥