Chapter 15



There is a long silence with Mrs. Nakajima and Raiya as they keep staring at Okai. It made Okai in an awkward position.


It is Sunday afternoon, when Yuto brought Okai to their house. Yuto took a deep breath before to speak.


“Anou… okaasan, Raiya. This is Chisa.” he said, knowing how they will react.


Mrs. Nakajima became move. “Ah! So, you’re true chisa-chan!” she exclaimed. “I thought… you only live in Yuto’s stories.” she added, as she goes to the kitchen and laughing.


“Okaa-san ~” whines Yuto on her mother’s behavior. 


Okai slowly looks at him and let a giggle. She was stopped to see Raiya in front of her. He’s really observing her, from head to toe. Suddenly, his eyebrows furrowed.


“You seems fine ne~” he muttered, still observing her. Okai just watches him with no reaction. Suddenly, Raiya stops from moving. “I wonder what spell my nii-chan gave to you…” he added.


Okai snorted. When Yuto heard it, he immediately grabs Raiya away from her. “Don’t mind him… he just likes to say non-sense things. hehe.” he quickly reasoned, embarrassment can trace on his face.


That’s the reason why he doesn’t want to bring Okai to their house. His family’s naughtiness will bring embarrassment to him. He just frowned because of that thought. Suddenly, Mrs. Nakajima showed up with a plate of rice ball.


“Hora! Hora! Let’s eat these rice balls ne~” she exclaimed and puts the plate on the small table. “It’s good to eat while having a conversation with Chisa-chan ne~” she added and gave Okai a wink.


Okai became move and let a bit smile. She goes to sit beside her and Yuto just watches them. He doesn’t have a good idea on this. His mom will say more things about him and he will end up in embarrassment.

Well… as he thought. His mom ended up like that. She also shows to Okai his baby photo albums, where he is seen wearing girly clothes when he was young. Yuto just face palm, hiding his embarrassment. Suddenly, Okai burst a laugh. Yuto looks at her and ended up staring at her. She is laughing but a mocking laugh cannot be trace in her. Yuto finds it nice and just continue watching her. The scene with his family and Okai is very entertaining for him, as they keep on laughing in front of him. They really are having a goodtime. Raiya is also showing his nice side to Okai, as he keeps on calling her nee-chan and showing something to her.


It’s time for Okai to say goodbye now. Yuto held Okai by their door, where his mom and Raiya standing there too.


“See you again, Chisa-chan.” Mrs.Nakajima said with a nice smile.


Okai let a wide smile and nods. She looks at Raiya waving goodbye to her. She gave her a smile too. Then Yuto held her outside.


“I wonder what Maggie nee-chan feels right now…”Raiya muttered with a pout, as he and his mom goes back inside the living room.


“Hai ~” Mrs. Nakajima muttered and sits on the couch. “But… Chisa-chan is pretty nice ne?” she added.


“Yeah~ I still wonder what spell nii-chan gave to her…”


Mrs. Nakajima looks at her son then laughs, scattering his hair.


“Chisa… gomen ne~” Yuto muttered, as he walk Okai home.


Okai just looks up to him, while they are walking. “I let them showed you embarrass things…” Yuto added then pouts.


Oka slowly shook her head. “No… Thank you Yuto, for introducing them to me. I will really feel regret if you didn’t take me to them.” she said and smiles.


Yuto let a smile as he looks at her. “Bringing you to my family is really important to you, huh?”


“No… the word FAMILY is the most important.” she emphasized.


Yuto was stopped on what she said. Okai stops too and looks at him.


“You’re very fortunate… because you have a normal family, Yuto. Unlike me…” there was bitterness in her voice.

“I still haven’t known about your family, Chisa…” Yuto gets curious.


Okai let a bit smile. “My parents both died in an accident and I was left to my Grandfather, because he’s all I have now…” she said without looking at him.


Yuto feels what she said. He took a gulp before to speak. “Well… I know that… you are receiving a both parent’s love from your grandpa… ne?”


Okai gave him a smile. “Yeah!” she exclaimed.


They continues to walk both hands are intertwine.


It’s going to be their sembreak next week. It’s been 4 months since Yuto and Okai became a couple.


Another morning at school, all in the class has their own groups and creating a noise. Their teacher enters their room in delight. The class became move and goes to their respective seats.


“Minna! I have good news for you!!” their teacher exclaimed in excitement. “Since all of you did well on your exams… I’m going to treat you all to Hanazawa Beach ( Invented ).” She added in glee.


All in the class made a noise. They all got excited, especially Yuto. He will have another chance to be alone with Okai… on a beach. ‘How romantic~’ he thought with excitement. He took a glance at Okai. She is smiling as she looks at their teacher.


When Okai got to their house, she finds timing to approach her Grandfather about the trip. She sees the Old man watching T.V in the living room. She took a deep breath before she continues to go.


“Grandpa…”she started.


The Old man turns his attention to her. Okai hesitates. “Our teacher is going to treat us to Hanazawa Beach and all of my classmates will go. So… can I go too, Grandpa?” she continued.


Her Grandpa let a worried expression. Okai immediately goes to her and clings to his arm. “Grand~pa… I’ll promise that I won’t overdo myself…. ne? So… let me join them… ne?” she whined.


The Old man just looks at her and sighed. He is very worried that something might happen to her. She still doesn’t know her condition yet, and for how much will it happens to her again. But… the Old man just let a sigh again. He looks again to his side, seeing Okai, pouting like a child, waiting for his approval.


“Just promise me you won’t overdo yourself there okay? Remember what the doctor told you.” he warned.


Okai let a wide smile of excitement. “Hai! Grandpa! Arigatou ~” she exclaimed, giving her Grandpa a hug then goes upstairs, heading through her room.


The Old man just watches her in glee, hoping that there is no something bad happens to her.

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waaah! update it soon ne~ ^__^ like it! ♥