Chapter 16



It’s been a week since then. The day for Hanazawa Beach trip came. Yuto goes to Okai’s house in delight. He’s going to fetch her. Just a timing that Okai is waiting for him too, outside their house.


“Grandpa! Yuto is now here!” she shouted, as she sees Yuto coming.


Old man Kitagawa goes outside in curious. He sees Yuto, hesitating a smile by the gate. Okai smells something awkward between them.


“Anou… Grandpa!” she broke their silence. She goes to the gate and opens it for Yuto. She held him inside. “This is… Yuto-kun.” she added.


The Old man didn’t show expression and just let a nod. Yuto let a bit smile. Shyness can trace to him.


“O-ohayou… Kitagawa-san.” he added with a bit nervous.

“Only Okamoto-kun can call me on that name….” suddenly, the Old man said.


It made Yuto in an awkward position. The Old man smiles. “Just call me… Grandpa.” He added.


Yuto became enlightened… and Okai as well. She thought that her Grandpa will make it more difficult for Yuto.


“So… we’re going now, Grandpa.” she said, as she held Yuto outside.

“Grandpa…” Yuto uttered with a smile. “I will take care of Chisa… I promise.”


The Old man let a smirk. “I know you will, kid.”


Then Okai and Yuto continue to go, leaving the Old man in a thought.


‘I wonder what Okamoto-kun feels right now…’


Just then he realized that Keito will pay a visit on him, later.


Okai and Yuto are having fun as they walk to school, where their other classmates and the bus that will take them to the beach, waiting. They were stopped to see Keito standing in a bit distance to them.


Yuto holds Okai’s hand even tighter, as he looks firmly on Keito. Okai feels his tight hold and looks up to him then to Keito. Silence came as Keito stares at them, with their big bags and hands intertwined. Suddenly, he let smile. Hurt still can be trace on him.


“Ohayou!” he greeted.


The two became move. “O-ohayou…” Okai uttered.


Yuto doesn’t show response, as he keeps on holding Okai’s hand. Keito moves and goes near to them. Yuto doesn’t let go Okai’s hand. Okai noticed something on him, as she turns her look at him. 


“I heard from my classmates that your class will have a trip to Hanazawa Beach.” He said, as he walks, going near to them.

“H-hai…” Okai uttered again, as he looks at Keito, coming to their way.

“Have fun ~” Keito muttered and pats Okai’s head.


He didn’t bother to stop and just passed them. Okai follows him by her eyes.

“By the way… I’m going to Kitagawa-san to help him for his plants.” he said as he looks back in a distance. “I’ll just wait for you there ne~ Come home safe!” he added and let a wink.


Yuto saw it but Okai didn’t show reaction. Keito just continues his walk and doesn’t bother to looks back at them again. Or else… he might not control his emotions again.


“What’s with the pat and a wink…?” Yuto uttered in annoy.


Okai looks at him letting a naughty smile. “What’s with you... what’s with the tight hold, huh?” she said. But, Yuto just frowns. Okai smile even more.


“Is my Yuto… getting jealous?”

“It’s just because I am your boyfriend… so, I have the right to get jealous.” he pouted.


Okai remembers the same thing she said, when Maggie made her jealous. Okai slowly hugs him. Yuto was stopped from pouting and became move.


“Arigatou ne~” Okai muttered, while hugging him. “Thank you… for being jealous.” she added.

“Oi~ are you saying that you want me being jealous, huh?” Yuto reacted.

“Hai~…. Because it only means that… Yuto loves me very much.” She said as she feels his warmth.


Yuto’s face got red and hugs her back.  They stayed like that for a moment.


All in the class 3-D got to the Hanazawa Beach with excitement on their faces, as they look around the place. They are all mesmerized by the white sand in fronts of them. Yuto looks at Okai, beside him. She’s smiling as she looks around the beach.

The students decided to go to their cottages to change in to their swim wear. Yuto sees Okai coming outside their cottage. He goes to her and held her hand. Okai just smile and follows him. They see Kento and Maggie coming to their way. They are already wearing their swim wears too.


“Nakajima-kun! Let’s go for a swim! C’mmon!” Kento exclaimed, grabbing Yuto from Okai.


Okai glanced at Maggie. She’s observing her, from head to toe. “Is that it?!” suddenly, Maggie blurted.


Okai became move. Kento and Yuto were stopped too, and look at Maggie.


“Chisa-chan… don’t tell me that you’re going to swim, wearing that T-shirt?!” she sarcastically continued.


Okai checks herself. She’s wearing an orange t-shirt with a big water melon drawing on it and a short. Yuto looks at her too, down to her clothes. Kento turns to Maggie and slightly hit her elbow, stopping her rudeness.


Maggie is wearing a two piece bikini that she’s wearing in confident. “Yuto! Don’t you think… it’s not interesting to see?” she continued, ignoring Kento beside her.


Okai became move again, as she looks at her. She glances at Yuto then gazes down, hiding her shame. Yuto pouts.


“But I found the water melon interesting!” he said. He looks at Okai again. “It’s cute <3” he added and gave her a smile.


Okai felt a tickle in her chest, as he looks at smiling Yuto. She let a smile too. Kento let a grin but Maggie just looks at Yuto with no reaction… she gazes down, avoiding their sweet scene.


“Actually… I’m still not going to swim. So, I decided to wear this CUTE t-shirt first.” Okai said, making Maggie unease.


Yuto let a wide smile and held Okai’s hand again. “Let’s go together for a swim later, Kento!” he exclaimed and pulls Okai away to that place.


Kento just gave them a smile and then turns his look to Maggie, beside him. She’s in silent. He just gave her a pat on her shoulder then started to leave too. She still admits it…. that seeing them together makes her hurt again. But, she’s the one who let Yuto go… to be happy. She just let a smile on that thought.


Yuto just stayed on Okai’s side under the big umbrella. They are happily sitting in the middle of the white sand, under the warm sun, with big umbrella over them. Okai doesn’t feel to go for a swim because she promised to her Grandpa that she will not overdo herself. So, Yuto decided to just stay beside her. After all, that’s all he’s been waiting for… having Okai alone.


Suddenly, Kento comes rushing to them. The two look at him, with their startled face.


“Nakajima-kun! Let’s join the challenge cliff together!” he exclaimed in front of them.

“Challenge Cliff….?” Yuto just uttered, looking up to Kento in front of him.

“Yeah! We will just jump on that cliff and they are going to give us a big water melon for free!!” Kento explained with excitement.


Yuto and Okai look at each other. “Water melon seems good ne… Let’s go?” he suggested.

“Uhmm… I can’t Yuto… In fact, I have my own water melon here.” She kidded, pointing at her t-shirt with water melon design.


Yuto pouts. “But we can’t eat that Chisa~” he whined. Okai let a chuckle. “But I promised to grandpa that I’m not letting myself be exhaust…” she informed.


“And I promised him too that I will take care of you, aren’t I?” his voice got serious.

Okai observes him for a moment and nods. “Then, Let’s goooo!” he exclaimed, pulling Okai to run. 


Okai just run with them, laughing.


Okai’s knees got tremble as she stand on that cliff with Yuto. He looks at her, noticing her, shivering. Yuto holds her hand tightly. Okai looks up to him and Yuto just gave her a smile. She feels calm a bit, seeing him smiling. They saw Kento already made his jump. His scream was heard by all the people there and made them laughs. Okai looks again at Yuto, seeing him laughing.


It’s now their turn to jump. Okai clings in Yuto’s arms, tightly. Yuto noticed her, being nervous.


“Yuto… I don’t think… I can do this.” Suddenly, Okai said in tremble.

“Chisa…” Yuto called her attention. She looks up to him in shiver. “Do you trust me…?” he added on a question.


Okai gave him a quick nod, fright still can be trace on her. Yuto let a smile, as they go bit by bit to the end of the cliff. Okai stops, hesitating to go further. Yuto looks at her again.


“Last question….” He uttered again. There’s now trembled on his voice. Okai looks at her again. Yuto’s face got serious. “Do you… love me?” he continued.


Okai didn’t show response anymore, thinking how Yuto can still ask something like that while they are in that situation. ‘Ba~ka!’ she said on her thought.


They are now on the end of the cliff they just need to jump. “Because you know what…” Yuto utters again holding her hand tight. Okai looks at him, as he closes his eyes. And they both jump.


“I LOVE YOU CHISAAAAAAAAAAAA~!” Yuto shouted as they fall down on the cliff.


Okai heard it and let a smile. The water burst loud, when they landed. But, Yuto still doesn’t let go of Okai’s hand. They feel ease as they feel the water. They both let a chuckle.


“I made it Yuto! I jumped on that cliff! I made it!” Okai exclaimed in glee.

“No… chisa. We made it!”he said.


Okai looks at him, remembering what he did shouted earlier. “Ne… Yuto!” she called. “I love you too!” she exclaimed and jumps on him, giving him a smack kiss on his lips.


Yuto flinched. He looks at her in froze. But, Okai just gave her a smile.


Evening came; their class is having a barbeque time on their cottages. Yuto and Okai decided for a walk in the sea shore. They are walking with both hands intertwined to each other. They both let a smile as they look around.


“Ne…. Yuto-kun. Gomen ne~” suddenly, Okai uttered beside him.


Yuto just looks at her. “I’m sorry… because I didn’t wear something that cute… like Maggie wears earlier.” she continued, talking about Maggie’s two piece bikini.


Yuto stops from walking so, she did too. He faces her and slowly shook his head.


“Iie ~ you’re not wearing like that… when I confessed my feelings for you. So, I don’t care what you’re going to wear… because everything for me is fine.” he said then held both of her hands. “Chisa… I love you… just the way you are.” He added and bends to reach her lips.


Okai smiles and slowly closes her eyes. Yuto kisses her. It last for a moment. And they both chuckled as they let go each other’s lips. Suddenly, a shooting star came, passing through the sky. They both look up and closed their eyes to make a wish.


‘I wish that our love will stay together… as endless as forever. Because… she is all I need to be with… forevermore…’ he silently wished.


‘I wish that our love will stay together… as endless as forever. Because… he is all I need to be with… forevermore…’ she silently wished too.


After they wished, they look at each other, having no idea that they wished for the same.

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waaah! update it soon ne~ ^__^ like it! ♥