Chapter 10



Another morning for school and yet, Yuto is still on his bed. He’s now awake but he doesn’t feel to get up yet. As if that he’s waiting for someone… to makes him get up. He opened his eyes and observes his surrounding for a moment. He doesn’t hear any noise. He immediately gets up and looks at his door. As if that he’s expecting someone will come in… and throw a bag on his face, because he’s going to be late for school. But no one did enter. He took a sigh and stands up from his bed.


As he goes down, he observes the mood downstairs. No one is making a noise… there’s no annoying voice talking on the living room.


“Well… how lucky that Maggie didn’t bug this morning ne? Okaa-san?” he kidded as he goes to the kitchen and sees her mother cooking breakfast.


Raiya on the table looks at him and frowned. “It’s because you made her cry! Onii-chan!!”


Yuto became startled as he drinks water. “What?”


“What really happened between the two of you last night, huh? Yuto…?”asked her mother, as she puts the omelet on the table and serves Raiya.


Yuto didn’t response and thinks about what happened last night. He still doesn’t get it… why Maggie acted like that.


Okai goes downstairs in delight. She sees Keito, waiting in the living room. Keito immediately stands up, as he sees her going downstairs and smiled.


“Okai… don’t overdo yourself in school, okay?” warned Old man Kitagawa, when Okai reached the living room.


Okai let a smile then nods. “Hai! Grandpa!”


“Ne… ok-chan. Your grandpa is very cautious on you now ne~?” Keito muttered, as they walk to school.


Okai became move. “Well… I still haven’t told you, Keito…”

Keito looks at him in curious.


“Grandpa and I went to a doctor to check me up… because of the sudden pains I had.”  she continued.


“What is the doctor said? Is it serious?” he asked in worried.


Okai looks at him and slowly shook her head. “No… the doctor said that I’m just exhausted… so, I better get rest and don’t overdo myself.”


“Then, Ok-chan! Don’t ever clean again! Especially… don’t ever clean that GYM again!”


Okai ‘s eyebrows got furrowed. “Are you opening the topic about that night, again? Huh, Keito?”


Keito became silent as he gazes down.  Okai rolled her eyes and walks in frown.


“Wait, Okai!” he runs to her.


But Okai didn’t looks back and continues walking. She giggles as he hears Keito repeatedly calling her. She’s making fun of him, pretending that she’s mad, when Keito opened about that topic, which caused their sudden fight. For her… it’s not important now. It’s not a big deal for her actually because… she now admits that she like what happened that night.


When Yuto enters their room, he sees Maggie, having a chat on their other classmates already.


‘This girl… she’s really been in to something, huh…’ Yuto thought and continues to his sit, ignoring her.


Maggie gave him a glance in distance then turns to her classmates and continues chatting. Okai enters the room and directly goes to her sit. Maggie watches her as she sits. She noticed Yuto gave her a smile and Okai smiled back too. She feels annoy and just turns to her classmates, listening blankly on their conversation.


After class, Yuto immediately stands up from his sit and glanced at Maggie. He was about to goes to her, since he keeps on thinking her during class, but Maggie hurriedly goes outside, avoiding him. Yuto just sighed and goes outside by himself. He looks around.


‘Since, I’m going home alone… maybe I’ll check out the rooftop first.’ he thought.


He runs in the hallway in delight. When he got to the rooftop, he let himself feels the breeze up there. He goes for a sit. Maggie came up on his thought again.


‘What’s with her na~’ he thought.


He felt someone tapped his shoulder. He looks up beside him and sees Okai smiling at him. He was stopped. He didn’t thought that Okai will go there too. Okai sits beside him. He was about to speak.


“Oi, don’t ever think that I’m here because you’re here too…I came here first before you” she warned, not facing him.


Yuto feels disappointed for no reason. He pouts.

“Nakajima-kun… I’m really sorry, ne…” she muttered.


Yuto looks at her. He smiled. “No… it’s okay. You know what…maybe that guy and you became best friends is because… you both have skills in punching.” he kidded.


Okai let a chuckle. “Wait… you’re really something, huh? How did you know that we’re best friends? Because… commonly others will think that he’s my boyfriend.”


‘Because I don’t want to think that way~ Or else… I might hurt myself from thinking that.’ he thought as he looks at her.


“Nakajima…?” she uttered, noticing him spacing out.

“Ah! Just a guess… I didn’t thought that it would be correct. hehe.” He reasoned.


Okai chuckled. Yuto just stares at her and smiled.


“Chisa… want to go somewhere else? I want to show you something…” he offered.


Okai gave a nod and smiles.


They got in to a park, where Sakura trees are in fully blossom. Okai was stopped from walking, as she mesmerize by the place. Yuto noticed her silent behind and looks back. Suddenly, sakura petals fall down as he looks at her. He is mesmerized too… but to HER. As sakura petals fall on her... Yuto finds it very wonderful. Okai looks at him and smiled. Yuto’s sparkling mode pops out. He looks away at her in blush.


They ended up standing on one spot. Okai is still looking around in delight.


“It’s very wonderful in here na~” she muttered.

“Okaa-san always brings me and Raiya in this park. That’s why I discovered this place. This part of the park is my secret place… even though I’m not the only who came here. I still recognize it as my secret place….” he said.


Okai looks at him. “Can I ask… why?”


Yuto looks at him and smiled. “Because this part of the park has the most sakura trees that gets fully blossom. And whenever I want to burst something on me… like guilt, angry, sadness… I just came here and all of my worries will be gone. I will just look at those sakura trees in beauty and I will be calm…”


Okai just keeps on staring at him. She found him cool in a moment. She let a smile.


“You’re really something na~” she muttered.


Yuto smiles. “Chisa…”


He was about to say something when Okai chuckles. He was stopped and looks at her.


“Chisa…?” he repeated.


But Okai just chuckles again. She doesn’t know why… but every time she hears him calling her Chisa, she finds it tickling. Ever since, she found Chisa a pretty name when Yuto started to call her that. And now that he’s all alone again with Yuto… she found the name tickling. As if that there’s something tickling her heart… as she hears that name coming from him.


“Chisa…?” Yuto calls again and Okai chuckles.


Then Yuto got the idea why she’s letting a chuckle like that. “Chisa.” he called.

Okai chuckled again. “Oi~ you like your name, huh?” he teased.


Okai was stopped and looks at him.


“Chisa!” he shouted.


Okai chuckles and runs. “Chisa! Chisa! Chisa!” Yuto repeatedly shouted and runs with her.


They ended up running in the park like children who’s playing in delight. Suddenly, Okai remembers what her grandpa and the doctor said. She stops from running. Yuto was stopped too.


“Chisa…?” he uttered.


Okai looks back at him and smiled. “Nakajima-kun… let’s take a sit ne?”


Yuto just nods, having no idea what’s really on her.


They are now sitting on a bench. Silence came as they feel the air on that park.


“I’m so happy now ne… because I always cherish my time when I’m here… and now…” he let a smile before to continue.


“I’m cherishing my time here… with you.” 


He paused for a long moment and becomes move. Did he just confess to her? He started to show a panic expression.


Suddenly, he feels something leaning on him. He looks beside him and sees Okai. She’s already sleeping. He let a sigh of relief and smiled. They just stayed like that for a moment. 

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waaah! update it soon ne~ ^__^ like it! ♥