(iv) amethyst

florilegium ✈

this is for alyssa who's always going to be my first love x

it's so scattered bc my mind is scattered also for the mean time this is where i drop my unnecessary thoughts for different otps click here

prompt: dream weddings omg

pairing: kaistal

Because the butterflies in his stomach just won’t go away, Jongin decides to distract himself with the guests. His hands are trembling, his insides churning, and he wants nothing more than these to go away. Wedding jitters usually happen to ladies, but he’s still confused whether he’d call what his feeling one.

The ceremony invites few of his and her closest friends, those who bear witnesses of the love story that bloomed between these two people; and his family since, of course, he needs their presence for the most important day in his life, and hers.

It is held in Hyatt Regency Jeju hotel, because Soojung, though she has inhabited such a modern, urban lifestyle, still prefers traditional weddings with a magnificent view of the beautiful ocean.

An amethyst carpet is laid out at the center; the seats are covered in scattered white and amethyst cloths, and six of them for every single table also covered in similar fabric. On the left side is the buffet table, ranging from Western menu to Korean.

On the other side is where keepsakes are positioned on a table and beside is a board full of pictures from their wedding pictorial.


“Thank you for coming.”

Jongin still does his best to express his heartfelt gratitude despite the butterflies in his stomach.

His best friends, Lu Han and Sehun, come to his aid, effectively stealing him from the guests, when they notice the concern on Jongin’s face. Jongin has thought that maybe his façade is going well, that maybe he doesn’t look too nervous anymore, but his friends can see right through him—can see right through the forced, polite smiles and nervous eyes.

“You should leave all the accommodating to us,” Lu Han jokes, patting him by the shoulder, “and be handsome right at the front.”

“It feels weird to just stand there and do nothing,” Jongin admits, his tone a little shaky.

Sehun puts his arm around the groom’s shoulder. “Please, you’re going to whisk all the women—young or old—off their feet if you keep greeting them like this.”

“I’m just trying to be polite,” Jongin defends.

I’m just trying not to look scared.

But even though Jongin can’t actually say that, both Lu Han and Sehun can see through him. They offer help, or even the least bit of comfort, but they’ll probably never understand how Jongin feels right now.

Basically, all they can do is to be there for him.


Jongin hasn’t seen Soojung since yesterday. Something about superstitious, and stuff, but they both know it’s not true anyway. Even so, Jongin decides not to see her, at least, until the final day.

So when it finally happens now, that moment before the wedding starts but after the preparations have been done, Jongin walks to the back nervously, hands clasped together and lips dry. His heart is beating fast, and loud—it’s nearly impossible for anyone not to hear it.

There are walls of shrubs and vines and trees, but Jongin sets his eyes on one thing: his Soojung.

Standing right in front of him is Soojung, dressed in a (the most beautiful) wedding dress. Her hair is simple yet sophisticated, parted cleanly on the side and wrapped over one ear, and even complementing well with the light makeup. He almost explodes in tears of how beautiful this woman can ever get-

Except that he actually does cry.

Soojung reflects back the intense feeling of fondness and love and devotion, and finally, tears gather near her eyes, too, as she watches Jongin sobbing messily, that heart-clenching smile plastered on his face. He loves her, and she loves him, too.

Taking one step closer, Jongin still has the back of his hand by his face, his face scrunched up in tears and emotions all over the place. Soojung disentangles her arms and motions him to come a little closer.

He does, and she catches him, in wide, open arms, and they both wallow in tears, not because of misery or pain, but because of overwhelming bliss. He fits perfect right in her arms, and she does in his, too. Silence wraps around them, but even so, they both think words aren’t enough to fulfill the sensations inside.

You’re beautiful.

Jongin holds her carefully in his arms, pressing light kisses all over her face, but careful not to destroy the maquillage. Memories come rushing like waves in the ocean—from the first time they met, to new relationships, heartbreaks, the pains, and then finally, the happy ever after.

You’re beautiful.

He loves her because of a hundred and one reasons. One day, he thinks of maybe jotting it down, but a sheet of paper isn’t enough. Love is too big for that, and too many for 26 letters in the alphabet.

You’re very beautiful, Soojung.

“It’s time to go.”

Jongin breaks out into the biggest smile, and Soojung does, too.



Jongin inhales deep, deep, deep… and then, Soojung emerges from somewhere, dressed in this stunning wedding dress. He faintly moves around, feeling a little excited, because finally.

A romantic song plays in the background, accompanied by the soft harmony of the piano, and Jongin feels the burst of love and affection for the woman walking down the aisle. The rest of the world fades out, and it’s only Jongin and Soojung.

Jongin and Soojung.

There are tears in his eyes again, but this time, his smile shines the most—the smile that speaks of his deepest feelings. Soojung is crying, too.

In a few minutes, they will exchange their vows and I dos, but one thing is for sure, Jongin will love this woman who goes by the name of Soojung today, tomorrow, and, definitely, forever.

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sorry i haven't been active but i'm in my second to the last year in college and i need extreme focus more than ever!!!


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Chapter 34: This hurts so much
fxwhuut #2
Chapter 34: why did i decide to read this while waiting for my appointment at the dentist. i'm tearing up and trying hard not to cry ; w ; / but it's good to see you back!
sooju_ #4
Chapter 34: Oh my god. It's midnight pass 9 and i completely feeling so angsty, and it does remind me of my frist love where i couldn't tell him nor my bestfriend bcs she likes him too, and she told me first. However it does make me sad, im very grateful you update your story. Lookin forward for another story. Thank you, once again!
sooju_ #8
I really wish you continue this story
sooju_ #9
Chapter 23: oh chanyeolllll you not just my krystal falls for you but me as well. Awww awwwwww scary chanyeol is y ♥
sooju_ #10
Chapter 18: oh my god kyungstal almost taken over chanstal in my soul. but noooooooo, you are really good writer, you gave such a nice impression to the couple you present as the cast. come on make the super fluffy chanstal stufff ♥♥♥ and make it a lot wihihihibj