(xxi) no more mr. nice guy

florilegium ✈

prompt: The usually nonchalant, passive Krystal is shocked when her boyfriend Chanyeol, nicknamed Mr. Congeniality is angered over someone wronging her.

pairing: chanstal

because the cafeteria is their usual hangout, chanyeol is rather surprised when there’s no sign of krystal. the girl never misses a day to eat—either buy something from the cafeteria or go for the bistros right outside the campus. food was what brought them together.

but the fact that krystal is not in plain sight is something to be worried about.

he starts asking around—his friends, her friends, people from the dance team, basically anyone who has connection with krystal—of her whereabouts but none of them knew where she was. their answers were basically the same: the cafeteria.

he sees kris and he’s uncertain whether he’d ask him or not, but because he’s definitely worried, chanyeol doesn’t have any other choice. “try the skating rink,” is what kris says after chanyeol told him what happened. “there’s a place a couple of blocks from her house where she usually goes when she’s sad or something.”



indeed, kris is right.

chanyeol finds krystal sulking and sitting at the center of the rink alone. misery completely shadows her face, her shoulders hunched and her figure completely unelegant; it’s unlike her to be depressed like this. krystal is usually the passive, nonchalant person who cares less about everything else.

something must have happened, chanyeol thinks as he searches for ice skates that fit him. clumsily, he approaches krystal.

“there you are.”

krystal looks up, and the frown on her face (which completely vanished three seconds after she realized it was chanyeol) doesn’t remain unnoticed. chanyeol plops down on the spot next to her, falling quite hard on his because he sorta in skating.

“i’ve been looking everywhere for you, you know,” he explains. “i even had to ask kris”—he rolls his eyes in distaste—“where you could be, and he told me you could be here. it , you know, because i had to know from him. but never mind about that,” he sighs, “what happened?”

much to his surprise, krystal brings her head down to his shoulder and bursts out crying. chanyeol is rendered speechless because something really, really, really bad must have happened; krystal’s never cried like this before.

“krys, tell me what happened.”



“chanyeol, wait-!”

“you motherfu-!” chanyeol doesn’t even wait.

the instant he spots taemin at the dance studio with his friends, chanyeol sprints towards him and hits him right in the jaw. krystal screams, utterly stunned, because he’s never seen chanyeol this mad. in fact, chanyeol’s the type of person that never really gets mad, and she’s never seen him like this before, and now that she has, she’s got one reason to be afraid of him.

chanyeol is ing scary when he’s infuriated, that’s for sure.

taemin collapses on the ground, his nose bleeding, and chanyeol hovers on top, his hands grabbing the former’s collar.

“you think you’re so tough, huh!” chanyeol growls as he throws another maddening punch. the students around them disperse because mr. congeniality is terribly frightening. “you think you’re so tough just because you’ve got dancing legs and awful looks. you think you’re awesome when these girls flock around you like s. you think you’re so great just because your family owns half of the buildings in gangnam. well, guess what? you’re a piece of !”

“chanyeol, stop it!

for a moment, chanyeol is distracted and he turns around, only to see krystal scared and confused and concerned. however, taemin uses this as an advantage, and swiftly, he turns the table around and throws quick punches against chanyeol.

but mad chanyeol isn’t really someone he should be messing with.

taemin’s spotlight doesn’t last for more than a minute. in less than ten seconds, chanyeol’s got him pinned against the wall, squirming and struggling and bleeding a little. “look, . you lay one finger on my girlfriend, talk bad behind her back, i will personally hunt you down and kill you myself.”

“chanyeol, please,” krystal begs from behind him. “let’s just go. he’s not worth it.”

ignoring krystal, chanyeol glares at taemin. “now apologize.”

“s-sorry,” taemin groans.

“not to me,” chanyeol spats out. he points to krystal. “to my girlfriend. say it like you mean it, taemin.”

“i’m s-sorry, krystal.”

“that’s better.”

krystal tugs on chanyeol’s arm. “let’s just go, chanyeol.”



“you scared me!”

they sit at their usual table at the cafeteria, side by side. thankfully, chanyeol’s a little calm now. resting his arm around her waist, chanyeol drops a kiss on her temple.

“i’m sorry,” chanyeol chuckles. “i got really mad.”

“mad? you mean insane!” krystal protests, frowning. “i was really scared. it didn’t seem like you back there.”

“i guess you just bring out the worst in me,” he explains, stealing a quick kiss on her cheek. “but seriously, krystal, you don’t deserve to be treated like that. the things he did to you—i wish you let me beat him up more. it would’ve made me feel better.”

“please, he’s not even worth it.” krystal snuggles closer. “it was my fault anyway. i dated him, thinking i’d be a lot happier if i was off dating someone as popular as taemin. it was my fault thinking he was different and that he’d treat me special. i guess his ego was bruised when i broke things off with him.”

“yeah, but it doesn’t give him the right to talk bad about you and call you a .” chanyeol pouts. “or make you look bad in front of the people, or steal whatever you have and claim it as his.”

krystal doesn’t reply. instead, she gazes up at him, studies his face and smiles softly. chanyeol frowns.


“dang, boy. i think i’m deeply in love with you.”

from krys-fany scenarios x

think i might be updating (if i can) until bbjung's bday!!

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sorry i haven't been active but i'm in my second to the last year in college and i need extreme focus more than ever!!!


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Chapter 34: This hurts so much
fxwhuut #2
Chapter 34: why did i decide to read this while waiting for my appointment at the dentist. i'm tearing up and trying hard not to cry ; w ; / but it's good to see you back!
sooju_ #4
Chapter 34: Oh my god. It's midnight pass 9 and i completely feeling so angsty, and it does remind me of my frist love where i couldn't tell him nor my bestfriend bcs she likes him too, and she told me first. However it does make me sad, im very grateful you update your story. Lookin forward for another story. Thank you, once again!
sooju_ #8
I really wish you continue this story
sooju_ #9
Chapter 23: oh chanyeolllll you not just my krystal falls for you but me as well. Awww awwwwww scary chanyeol is y ♥
sooju_ #10
Chapter 18: oh my god kyungstal almost taken over chanstal in my soul. but noooooooo, you are really good writer, you gave such a nice impression to the couple you present as the cast. come on make the super fluffy chanstal stufff ♥♥♥ and make it a lot wihihihibj