(iii) under the weather

florilegium ✈

this is for brenda who i used to talk to every day before mwah x

(anyway omfg what did i just write fluff everywhere i can't ;;)

prompt: dongwoo girlfriend account.

pairing: kyungstal

Soojung finally arrives ten minutes past the designated time at the Coffee Bean shop, sweaty and panting, but mostly worried about how Kyungsoo will react. She knows she’s promised him she’d come early this, but her morning didn’t go well.

Last night, Soojung went home drenched in the rain. She had not expected it to rain, especially when, minutes ago, it was sunny and bright and the skies were blue. And since she was too tired from the university to take a bath, she slept even when her hair was still wet.

And now, she’s suffering from runny nose and slight fever.

“Hey, why—are you okay?” The frown on Kyungsoo’s face immediately melts to a worried expression. Although Soojung intends not to worry Kyungsoo, her pale and weak look just gives away everything.

Slightly shivering, Soojung wraps her cardigan a little tighter around her, feeling a little regretful because she should have worn a thicker one. She plops down on the seat across Kyungsoo carefully. “Huh? Of course,” she sniffs, “I’m okay.”

“Your voice sounds different,” Kyungsoo states and crosses his arms, shooting her a suspicious look. He leans forward, a little closer to her, as soon as he sits down. He inclines his head and gazes at her intently.

Soojung blushes. Sometimes, Kyungsoo is rather unpredictable, especially at how he shows his affection, and then, most of the time, he just renders her speechless. It’s one of his abilities, actually, but he doesn’t admit to that.

But Kyungsoo is still staring, despite Soojung finding the table suddenly interesting and letting her eyes rest there.

“If you continue staring like that, I’ll…-”

“-you’ll what? Get even-”

“-get even more embarrassed,” Soojung finishes, her cheeks red as tomato.

Kyungsoo chuckles. “What? I can’t stare at my girlfriend?”

“It’s not that!” Soojung waves her hand, embarrassed. “It’s just that I-”

Just then, the waiter comes with their order, interrupting Soojung before she finishes what she has to say. Kyungsoo informs her that he’s already ordered in advance, and that he knows what she’d like to drink. Soojung thanks him.

She hesitates to drink, not because she doesn’t want it. Although she is thankful, the slight fever makes her lose the appetite to consume anything right now. She’s already feeling cold, no thanks to the shop’s AC, and drinking her cold beverage will only make it worse.

This is bad, she thinks, because, all of a sudden, she feels dizzy and the world seems to be spinning. Her breathing is uneven; her head is heavy. Everything is turning black-


Placing her hand on top of the table, Soojung recovers and heaves a slow, deep breath. She should be resting, but she doesn’t want to miss out on their date just because she’s sick.

“Soojung, are you sure you’re okay?”

No, I feel like throwing up- Soojung nods weakly.

“Baby, you’re really pale.”

No, wait. Don’t come closer- Kyungsoo half-stands from his seat, and Soojung shakes her head in response.

But in the end, Kyungsoo doesn’t listen anyway, because he’s stubborn and Soojung is, too, so he decides to take matters in his hand. He leaves his seat to go and sit right next to her; Soojung is too sick to protest anyway. Placing his arm around her, he pulls her closer to him gently.

Soojung scoots even closer, and smiles, because wow, he is just so warm; she might as well fall asleep in his arms. The cool breeze is nothing compared to Kyungsoo’s warmth. She closes her eyes when she feels Kyungsoo’s hand on her forehead and only does he realize she’s actually sick.

“I knew it!” Kyungsoo exclaims, but his tone screams disapproval mixed with a tad of annoyance. “Soojung, you stupid girl. Why did you have to come if you’re sick?”

“I don’t want to miss this,” Soojung whispers, her voice weak. “I mean, it’s our 4th anniversary celebration. I’m so sorry if I upset you for disrupting our date, oppa.”


It’s times like this when Kyungsoo just wants to cry because he gets to hear Soojung call him oppa once in a blue moon. Kyungsoo wants to thrash and wail and cry, because goddamn it how can you be so cute Soojung I am going to cry a river—but wait, he has to control himself. Soojung is sick, and she needs him right now.

Kyungsoo chuckles at her excuse.

“You really are stupid.”

He decides to end the date, and that only leaves Soojung feeling more ashamed for being the reason. Kyungsoo finishes his drink in one sip, fast, and then he escorts her outside the shop.

“It’s okay, oppa,” Soojung mutters feebly, trying to break free from his grasp. “I’ll take a taxi home. You should, too.”

Kyungsoo smirks. “Sometimes, I am amused at how stupid you are.”

“What- I-”

Suddenly, Kyungsoo stoops down on his knees, her hands in his, and tugs her towards him. Soojung doesn’t understand what he’s trying to do at first, but he whines softly (Soojung thinks it’s cute), and that’s when it finally dawns on her.

“But I’m heavy and-”

“Stop protesting.”

Kyungsoo ends up giving her a piggyback anyway.


They reach her home two hours later with Soojung still on Kyungsoo’s back. She is still awake but weak, her eyes droopy, but she feels safe and a little better than earlier because it’s Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo opens the door to her apartment with his own key—Soojung has given him one before—and quickly puts her down. He has never ran so fast in his entire life, but seeing his girlfriend look so weak just makes him want to take care of her more, to make her feel secured and good and happy, so he grabs more blankets from the closet and goes back to her.

Afterwards, he proceeds to the kitchen to cook, but is met with disappointment when an empty fridge greets him instead. Grabbing his jacket, he sprints for the nearest store.

The preparation is done in less than twenty minutes, and he finds Soojung in a deep sleep, right beneath layers of thick blankets. Pale, sweaty, but he still thinks she’s the prettiest—okay, he’s got to stop with all these cheesy thoughts. It’s so unlike him.

“Soojung, wake up.”

Soojung stirs, but only to whine weakly few seconds later.

“Soojung, come on,” he urges. “I cooked hot soup for you.”


“Soojung, listen to oppa-” Oh, wow. Doesn’t that feel awkward, Kyungsoo cringes.

“Hot… sleep…”

“You have to eat this so you’ll feel better.”


“Eat, or else I’m really going to get mad.”

Groaning, Soojung wakes up anyway. It’s an extreme effort to open her eyes, especially when sleep is so much more tempting. On the other hand, Kyungsoo only grins in victory.

He sets the tray aside, just right the bedside table, and helps Soojung sit up so her back rests on the headboard. He grabs a hair tie nearby and ties her hair up for her, so when she eats, her hair doesn’t get on the way. Soojung can only blush and look down, embarrassed.

“You’re spoiling me.”

“Well, you’re being cute,” he replies, sitting right next to her and taking the bowl in hand. “How can I not spoil you?”

“But you didn’t have to come home with me though. I mean, you’re probably tired having to carry me on your back for two hours, right? I’m pretty heavy.”

“Really, that’s what you’re worried about?”

Soojung nods, and obediently eats whatever Kyungsoo offers her.

“You should worry about yourself more,” he ventures. “Your health, too. I mean, I can’t stay still if I see my girlfriend suffering, okay.”

Stop, you’re being so cheesy.”

“Are you embarrassed?” Kyungsoo laughs.

She nods.

“Sorry, I can’t help it. I like seeing you embarrassed.” He scoots closer, leans forward and-

“Wait,” she protests, covering her face with both hands. “Don’t kiss me. You might get fever from me, too.”

“I wasn’t going to kiss you-” He smirks “-on the lips.” Soojung caught off-guard, he leans in for a quick peck on her nose. That seems to embarrass her even more. He enjoys seeing her embarrassed too much.

Please stop,” she whispers. Her cheeks can’t get any redder than that.

He laughs instead. “Okay, okay. I will.” He her hair. “Now, let’s finish this soup so we can cuddle.”

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sorry i haven't been active but i'm in my second to the last year in college and i need extreme focus more than ever!!!


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Chapter 34: This hurts so much
fxwhuut #2
Chapter 34: why did i decide to read this while waiting for my appointment at the dentist. i'm tearing up and trying hard not to cry ; w ; / but it's good to see you back!
sooju_ #4
Chapter 34: Oh my god. It's midnight pass 9 and i completely feeling so angsty, and it does remind me of my frist love where i couldn't tell him nor my bestfriend bcs she likes him too, and she told me first. However it does make me sad, im very grateful you update your story. Lookin forward for another story. Thank you, once again!
sooju_ #8
I really wish you continue this story
sooju_ #9
Chapter 23: oh chanyeolllll you not just my krystal falls for you but me as well. Awww awwwwww scary chanyeol is y ♥
sooju_ #10
Chapter 18: oh my god kyungstal almost taken over chanstal in my soul. but noooooooo, you are really good writer, you gave such a nice impression to the couple you present as the cast. come on make the super fluffy chanstal stufff ♥♥♥ and make it a lot wihihihibj