Knock knock

In the eyes of a dongsaeng

Ga Yoon’s P.O.V

I hadn’t seen Jinny in ages; in all honesty, he hadn’t even spoken to me.

I text him last night, but he didn’t reply, I guess he as just busy. I decided I was just going to go over this morning and see if he wanted to go out today.


Baro’s P.O.V

“You mean they slept together?” CNU asked, a look of shock on his face and I gave him a small nod in reply.

I was currently sitting at the table with Sandeul and CNU telling them about what I had witnessed last night – obviously not going into detail – just giving them the brief of what had been going on. I knew it wasn’t really any of our business if Jinyoung and Gongchan had been having , I mean who knows how long this had been going on for? But we were their band members and they had the right to know.

“They were just... having ?” He asked again, re-phrasing it this time.


“Wow. I would never have put them two together, but if they’re happy then I guess there’s nothing we can do to stop them, I mean, we’re a couple now, so it would be  a bit hypocritical if we told them they shouldn’t be together.” Sandeul said, glancing over at me.

“But we don’t have .” I said plainly and he nodded. “And I didn’t even know they were a couple.”

“Me neither.” He replied, and we both glanced over at CNU.

“The last thing I knew they both liked you.” He said to Sandeul. “But hey, at least they had something in common.


Ga Yoon’s P.O.V

“Ok I’m going now.” I smiled at Hyun Ah who was sitting on the couch reading a magazine.

“Oh, have a nice time Unnie.” She smiled up at me. “Just don’t be too late; we have a rehearsal this afternoon. Don’t get carried away. Time flies when you’re having fun.” She chuckled and I grinned back.

“Don’t worry, I won’t. The rehearsal is an important one.”

And with that I grabbed my jacket and walked out of the door.


Baro’s P.O.V

“Do you think he’s told his girlfriend yet?” CNU asked and I could only shrug. “Poor girl.” He sighed.

‘knock knock’

“Who’s that?” Sandeul asked, his eyes widening as he looked towards the door.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged, getting up to go and answer it.

I opened the door and came face to face with Ga Yoon, her hair was neatly curled and she was wearing a pink jacket and a sweet smile.

“Hello.” She greeted sweetly and all I could do was stare at her.

“Hello.” Sandeul said from behind me after a moment, snapping me out of the daze I seemed to be in.

“Is Jinyoung in?” She asked the dreaded question, and again I simply froze staring at her.

What was I supposed to say to her? ‘Yes he is but he’s currently still in bed with another guy and cuddling after having with him last night?’ Yeah part of me actually considered that but I had a feeling it wouldn’t go down too well.

“Yeah, but uhh, he’s asleep right now.” I managed to say, though it did come out as a bit of a groan.

“At this time?” She asked in disbelief, glancing down at her watch.


“Then I should wake him up.” She grinned, pushing past me and walking into the house.

I hated the fact this girl was older than me and an idol. I couldn’t yell at her not to. We didn’t want this getting out in the media.

“Oh Noona, would you like something to eat?” Sandeul asked, taking her by the arm and trying to pull her to the kitchen.

“No thanks.” She smiled, tugging her arm back and turning towards Jinyoung’s bedroom. “Maybe later.”

“But I can make you pancakes now if you want.” He smiled.

“Really, thank you very much Sandeul, but I just want to go wake my boyfriend up right now.” And with that she walked closer towards Jinyoung and Gongchan’s room. Where we all knew they would be lying cuddling one another.

“Hey.” CNU said as she approached him, leaning against the door frame of Jinyoung and Gongchan’s bedroom.

“Hey, sorry CNU, could I get in there, I need to wake Jinyoung up.”

“Uh...” He trailed off, giving me a quick look of panic before he glanced back at the door. “Here?”

“Yes, in here.” She said, and I could tell by her voice that she was beginning to get irritated.

“Well, I haven’t seen you in a while.” I grinned, going to stand beside CNU and blocking her path from the door. “How have you been?” My delay tactics clearly weren’t working.”

“What are you doing?” She asked, yep, she was definitely irritated now.

“We’re just-”

“Are you hiding something from me?” She asked, trying to push past as her expression dropped.

“N... No.” Sandeul stuttered, suddenly appearing beside me.

Why did he have to be the one to answer her? He’s terrible at lying.

“What’s going on?” She asked turning to me.

“What’s up, what’s up, tell me, tell me, what’s up...” Sandeul started singing.

“Sandeul!” She snapped, shooting him a glare.

“Ok sorry.” He replied, lowering his head.

“Really.” She huffed, pushing CNU out of the way so that she could reach the door handle.

“STOP!” I yelled and she turned back to look at me, giving me a death glare.

“For God’s sake Baro. Can’t I just at least wake him up?”

And with that she pushed open the door, causing all of us to wince in fear at the sight she would be met with.


Jinyoung’s P.O.V

I awoke with a start when I heard the door open. I squinted at the sudden burst of bright light that shone on through the curtains and shifted in position to look up at Ga Yoon.

A very pissed off Ga Yoon.

“Hey Noona.” I said, my voice coming out as more of a groan since I had just woken up.

“Hey Noona?” She screeched back at me. “Hey. Noona.” She repeated, as though I had said something which actually sounded unbelievable.

Was I missing something?

“Five more minutes.” I heard a sleepy voice mumble and felt soft hair against the skin of my bare chest.


“Oh I uh...” I mumbled, glancing between the two of them.

“You don’t need to say anything else.” She spat at me, narrowing her eyes. “I understand exactly what’s been going on here, you don’t have any excuse Jinyoung, the evidence is written all over his face.” She growled, pointing at Gongchan who was smiling contently as he snuggled into me.

“N-Noona.” I began, but before giving me chance to say anything, she disappeared through the door and slammed it shut behind her.

Oh Great. How was I going to deal with this?


Sandeul’s P.O.V

She clearly noticed what had been going on between Jinyoung and Gongchan as she came out with a scowl on her face before she let her eyes flutter shut.

“I’m going to go now.” She said, obviously trying to stop herself from crying.

“Wait.” CNU said, almost automatically catching her wrist as she began to walk away and pulling her back to face him. “Just a second.” He said, and with that they both glanced over at me and Baro, signalling for us to leave. So we did.



I don’t know why I grabbed her and pulled her back like that. It just seemed like the right thing to do – as though it was my instinct.

“Look, I know what it looks like, but he might-” I had to stop mid-sentence when I noticed that the tears in her eyes were beginning to spill. “Come on, we’re going out.” I sighed, putting my arm round her comfortingly and pulling her towards the door with me, wiping away her tears with my thumb as I did so. She didn’t complain or protest, just followed me out of the door.

We went out and I took her to a cafe where I got myself a coffee and Ga Yoon a strawberry smoothie.

“Don’t worry, honestly, he was probably just drunk.” I said, trying my best to comfort her as I looked  down at the mug of coffee in my hands.

“But he still did it. Dong-Woo I’m his girlfriend and I just saw proof he had slept with another guy.

“How do you know they-”

“Oh don’t be like that, I know they did. They were both cuddled up asleep and there were clothes strewn across the floor.” She said, biting her lip as she looked out of the window.

“Look, I’m sure he would have told you if he was gay.”

“Are you crazy?” She asked. “CNU I really liked him. It might not have been love, but he made me smile and I enjoyed being with him, I mean, he was funny, sweet, caring, gorgeous. I just can’t believe he didn’t tell me he was gay.”

I felt bad for Ga Yoon actually, and I myself couldn’t believe he even had the nerve to sleep with Gongchan when he already had a girlfriend.

“I probably shouldn’t say this, but Jinyoung had problems when it came to his uality, he’s always known he was gay.” I confessed, knowing that if Jinyoung ever found out I had told her this he would kill me.

“So what does that make me?” She snapped. “Just a cover up? To try and show he isn’t gay? He was just using me!”

“No, Ga Yoon, listen, he’s always tried to convince himself he was straight, he even tried to make himself fall in love with you, but if it didn’t work then... At least he was trying. At least he was happy when he was with you.”

“I don’t believe-”

“He was, and even if you and him are finished now, you’ll find someone else.”

“You think so?” She asked, looking up from her smoothie with big eyes.

“I know so.” I smiled, taking a sip of my coffee and watching as Ga Yoon did the same, before placing the smoothie back down on the table and giving me a sweet eye smile.

Of course, she would be able to move on. She’d find someone else ho card for her. It wouldn’t be too hard for a beautiful girl like her.

Oh Dear... Poor Ga Yoon... I actually feel very sorry for her.

So guys, get ready for some badeul action soon!!! xD

What do you think will happen between CNU and Ga Yoon now? Or Ga Yoon and Jinyoug? Or Jinyoung and Gongchan..... hmm.....

So this week, happy birthday to Zico

man he's cute!

And also to Lee Jong Suk!!

They share a birthday~ it was yesterday on the 14th of September yey ^^ ~!

And here's the teaser image!

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Myungyeol_lover #1
Chapter 38: I'm a new reader and saw this because of the trailer, and I swear... THIS SHOULD BE A K-DRAMA WITH THE TRAILER. I love it~!
Before I start reading this, can someone tell me if it's really angsty? 'Cause I'm not to good with angst, so I'll need to mentally prepare myself... >_> (But I really want to read a longer Badeul story, so please help me out!) (Fast!) (Please!)
China801 #3
Chapter 32: What is panual?
China801 #4
Chapter 8: Did Jinyoung actually killed him? Of course I'll keep reading but I feel like badeul is never ever gonna show. This Jinyoung is very new I like how u changed his personality but he would've actually killed Sandeul. The only thing I don't like is that Gongchan and CNU did NOT do a single thing to help Sandeul I'm sorry but WHAT THE HECK?! Are they just gonna watch Sandeul die? Sorry I'm bursting I should keep reading but I feel really hurt.......
soojinnie-3- #5
Chapter 40: Ooh yay!
I'd love to talk more but I don't have a younow.
I'll try and download it but I'm at my aunt's house because my house doesn't have wifi..
Her house has wifi but we're leaving in about thirty minutes or so and I won't have wifi until Monday.
I liked this :3
Chapter 39: Cny is mine es XD I love you guys you guys are so pretty :o Jealously XD But I ING LOVE YOUR BIASES AND CNY IS MINE *SOBS*
soojinnie-3- #8
Chapter 38: ok i read this really late but wow.
that was one..uhmmm..nice.chapter