That Night

Unwanted Love

'Thank you Nonna for everything, your food was delicious.'

'You're always welcome, Myungsoo.'

I roll my eyes and sigh. 

'Well then good night guys' nonna said and blew us a kiss.

'Good night' Myungsoo said and bowed.

'night.' i coldly said without looking at her and go to bed.

I lay on the bed and see how Myungsoo come with a evil SMIRK! uh-oh!

'Finally alone what babe?' he said and lay next to me and hug me.

Yes. I'm sleeping with him, alone. Because of his stupid problems with his back he couldn't sleep on the couch. Nonna said I should sleep there, so that Myungsoo could sleep in my room. But I'd rather die as to let him sleep in my bed! So there we go. Sleeping in my bed with his naughty upper body. He don't wear a shirt because i ripped his shirt earlier, remember? (see chapter 6) Wrong move! I'm so stupid! Argh!

'Closer babe' he mumble and hug me closer.

'mmmmh....your scent is so wonderful' he said. His eyes were close and our faces are just milimetres away!


'Psssssscht.' he cut me off and hold my mouth to with his arm while hugging me. 

That's the worst night ever!!!!

Then suddenly, i feel a hand on my leg!!! I got panik! this !!


'don't shout. Just sleep.' he cut me again and continue his touching! He slowly move his finger up. Uh-oh! WTF!!! HELPP!!!!!

*Then I got an Idea! But that's really hurtfull! Should I really do this?*

Then, OMG that what he do was so....EWWWWW!!!! He touch my s!!! 

'YA!!!' I shouted and kick him in his worthfull THING with my foot! VERY HARD!!

'AAAAAAAAHHH!!!' He scream and hold his THING. It must really hurt, cause he almost cry!!

He give me a death glare and i just look at him with widen eyes and a 'o' mouth.

'i-i-i warn-e-d y-y-o-u!!' i stutter.

He just shake his head and turn to the other side and sleep.

I was in this position for a while. I don't know but I feel bad. I would like to say sorry but, he deserve it don't he? Ah gosh! Why do you anyways care? Stupid Minah!

I hit my head for some times.

'If you go on hitting your head you will get headtaches.' suddenly he mumbled, still don't facing me.

I just nooded and go back to sleep.




'Minah? Minah where are you?'

'Mummy?' i ask in desbelive.

'MUMMY!!' I finally shouted and run to her with widen arms.

'mummy....' i mumble and hug her very strong. I cry. I cry very hard.

'Mummy, i miss you'

'I miss you too my angel.' She said and my hair.

We were staying in this position for a while. If I could only stop time, i would do it!

Then suddenly....she's gone. She gone very quick.





(Listen to

'MUMMY!!!' I shout and stand up and nearly bathed in sweat.

I look around and realize. *Just a dream....just a dream* i thought.

Then i cry. I really miss them... I wish they would be still alive. I wish, i could say them how much i love them.

Suddenly someone hug my from the site and my hair.

'Pssscht, I'm here. I won't let you go.' he whisper and made my tears away.

I just cry more and hug him back. I know I'd rather die as hugging him, but in that moment i need someone. Someone like him.

'they left me. They don't want me anymore. I'm lonely' I said to myself.

'No they didn't left you. You just can't see them, but they always here.' he shows at his heart. 

I nooded. 

'Sorry. I made you awake....' i said with a cracky voice.

'It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyways, because of my pain.' He said and chuckle.

'oh...well, I'm sorry' i said and smile. First time i see him smile. And it's nice! He has dimples. (see him smile) was never like this before! I didn't know he has this side. And well, i like this side, more than his other.

'Okay let's go back to sleep.' he said

'I don't want to. I'm scared...' i mumble.

'No need to, i will be awake untill you fell asleep, arraso?' he ask me

'arasso.' i said and smile.

Then i fell asleep.


*Kim Myungsoo, you not bad as i thought.* i smile to myself ans sleep.





Sorry for waiting so long! That was because of school. But now it's weekend! YEAHH!! :D hope you guys enjoyed it!

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Chapter 35: Love it! :D
Aww... It's the end?
I really love your story...
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo ^^
Foreverkpop234 #3
Chapter 34: I cry so much abt the prt minah die
liachunyo #4
Chapter 34: end already ? oh noooo
I'm already liking it!
Time to read, /grabs random snacks./
kpopmusiclover #6
Chapter 31: Thanks for the update ^^ can't wait for the next chapter
kpopmusiclover #7
i love it it was awesome please keep on writing oh and you should write about ailee and kikwang