
Unwanted Love

'YA! Zelo! Wake up.'

'msjhsj....just 5min. more....' i mumble

'No. Wake up or else...'


'Okay, but I warned you!'

~Some Minutes later~


'I warned you, hehe.'

'What happened?! Zelo, why are you wet? Did you took a shower with your sleep clothes?' Himchan joke

'Shut up!' I shout to himchan hyung. Then i turn over to Yongguk hyung.

'I would beat you up if you don't be my hyung!' i said angrilly to Yongguk hyung.

Himchan laugh.

'What? I warned you!' He defend his self.

'whatever...' I mumble and roll my eyes.

'Just get ready.' Yongguk said and left with Himchan.

I go to my bathroom and take a shower, brush my teeth and dress up. I don't know but I just feel like wearing my casual outfit. (imagine Zelo with this outfit)

I go downstairs and see the Hyungs eating theire breakfast and talking about useless Stuffs.

'YA! Where's my breakfast?' i pouting

'What? We had to do our breakfast by our own too.' Jongup hyung said.

I sigh and take the milk from the fridge.


'Zelo, go open the door!' Youngjae Hyung command me.

'Why me?' i ask annoying.

'Because I said it.' he answer and continnue eating.

'ugh...' i sigh and open the ing door. Who the hell is going to visit us at 7.00am?! I open the door and see some girls in front of my door. They look like 15, but they wear clothes like 18. You know like, they all have excerpt in theire shirts, too much Make-up and mini-rocks.

'Anneyong Oppa! We did Breakfast for you!' one girl said in a high voice.

I look at them coldy, take the food and Slammed the door without saying thanks. *Aish, this es!*  

'AHHHH! 'OMO, HE TOOK IT!' 'HE'S SO HOT' 'AHHHH!!' they scremed behind the door.

I sigh and go to the kitchen.

'Who was it?' Jongup ask.

'Some es...' i answer.

'They gave you a meal?' Youngjae ask with wide eyes.

'huh? OH, yeah. Here, you can have it, if you want' i said and give it him.

'Not hungry?' Yongguk ask.

I shake my head and go upstairs. *Why have I always think about you? Gosh, Junhong! She's a liar!* 

I hit my head and go to my room. I listen to music and just relax. Untill someone open the door and enter it. 

'YA! Don't know how to knock?' I ask angrilly.

'Wow! You are in really bad mood.' Daehyung said.

'sorry...' i mumble

(you can listen this part to B2st- I like you the best)

'whatever. Wanna come with me and the others to the mall?'

'No. I don't want to.' i said.

'Come on!..... If it's because her then, Forget her! She's nothing! She's a ! Don't destroy your Life. Life goes on.' He suddenly said.

'NO! SHE'S SOMEONE! SHE'S MY LOVE! I DON'T WANNA FORGET HER!' I turn over and shout back with tears in my eyes.

'zelo...' he said in a quiet voice.

'What's happened?' Yongguk suddenly come and ask.

'It's her' Daehyung said annoying.

Oh! Listen, 'Zelo-ah, It's hard, we know. But it's over. She's history.' Yongguk try to start.

'NO!' I stil shout.

'ZELO! STOP IT!' Yongguk angrilly shout and make me scare a bit.

'Nobody understand me.' i said and left my room. 

*They don't know how it is when your Love betray you. They can't feel my pain. Aish, Minjia! Why did you do this to me?*

'ZELO-AH! Where are you going?' The other shout after me, but I ignore them and slammed the door.



It's warm. I can feel the warm sun-shines on my skin. I take my mobile and look at the pictures. 

*Weren't you happy with me?* I ask my self as i see the pictures we made as we were a couple.

I delete every picture from us and continnue walking. I walk to a little cafe and on my way, i was past by a car, wich drives very fast! I don't know but, did I just saw Minah sat on this car with Myungsoo? Ah, what are I'm talking. She'd rather die instead of driving with this bastard.

I order a cup of milk and playing with my mobile. The waiter looks like a . Gosh, es, everywhere. Then I go to the toilett. As I were washing my Hands, I heard someone shouting with a very deep voice. I didn't know who it was and i don't really care. Then I left the cafe. On my way I pass by a guy who is back hug a girl. Looks like a couple. I didn't saw theire face but I don't know, that girl...she's very familiar. Whatever...

I walk and walk. Walking without a target. It's very hard to forget someone who you love with your full heart. On my way, there were many es who screamed, when they saw me. Hehe, Minjia hated it when they screamed for me. She was jealous and that was so cute! I sigh. *Nothing will be like in the past anymore...* After a while, i decide to go home. *i hope the hyungs aren't angry with me. I know they just want to cheer me up, but sometimes,... I need to be alone.* As i walk home I see a very familiar back. And i could also hear the voice. Was it Minah? And the guy next to her must be the bastard. But why are they walking togheter? Helding Hands? and the worst, WHY DID THEY HAVE FUN?!

'Minah?' i said and she turns over to face me. Her happy face quickly change to a shock face.



Minah's POV



'umm...Hello Zelo-oppa!' I said and try to smile.

Myungsoo don't say a word. He just look with a hard Glance directly in Zelo's eyes.

'' he ask and look also in Myungsoo eyes.

'umm, well, we just walking and-'

'Are I'm not allow to be with my Girlfriend?' Myungsoo cut me off.


'G-girl-fr-i-e-end?' Zelo stutter shock.

'yes. We are a couple. And we even slept togheter!' He tell him while just looking at me. I just look at Zelo. His face is ery angry! HELP!!!

'Minah, please tell me he is laying and that this BASTARD isn't your Boyfriend.' he pleaded at me.

'Don't worry oppa! He's just laying!' I try to said it happily and walk to Zelo.

'But, Babe! What about last night?' Myungsoo ask.

'Shut up Myungsoo!' i said to him.

'WHAT?! IT'S TRUE??!!' Zelo shout shock.

'Huh? Nooooo, noo, we didn't slept togheter!' I said in panic.

'Don't lie! You slept in my strong arms.' 

'Minah!' Zelo angrilly shout.

'.....' *Gosh, why can this Bastard just shut up?!* I thought.

'See! She's mine!' he said and pull me from Zelo away. 

'NO! She belongs to me!' Zelo angrily said and pull me to him.

'NO WAY!' He shout and pull me to him back.

And that goes about some times. They pull me like a toy! Back and forth and back and forth. And incidentally, they insult reciprocally! They really act like they are 5 years old. Come on! My arms hurt!

'YAAAAA!!! STOP IT!! ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY?!??' Someone shout.


'huh?' we three said at the same time.


'of course, Minah.' he said and free me from the two freaks. He lay an arm around me and help me to stand. The boys left my arms and stand there frozen. I think they scared about Gikwang oppa.

'what happen?' he ask me while he bring me home.

'telling you later.'

'YA! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?' Myungsoo suddenly shout after us.

Gikwang turn over to face him. He wanted to beat him up.

I can see his angry face and i know he is VERY strong! So i held his wraist to stop him.

'no! Stop it!' i pleaded.

'bwoh?' he said confuse. He know that I hate Myungsoo, and at once I defend him. I don't hate him anymore, I think.

'Just stop it. Let's go.' i said and pull him away.

Myungsoo shout something after us and Gikwang really want to beat him up but i always discourage him.

Zelo didn't say a word. He just look at me with a i-gonna-call-you-later-and-you-will-tell-me-everything.

Gikwang always ask me what happen and i said, that i gonna tell it him later.

I board in his car and he drives me home.....

*Gosh! What for a day!* i thought and i was very tired.










So heres another chapter! How was it? Maybe I will write another chapter later but untill that, I wanna see comments and of course SUBSCRIBERS!!! :* LOVE YA!





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Chapter 35: Love it! :D
Aww... It's the end?
I really love your story...
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo ^^
Foreverkpop234 #3
Chapter 34: I cry so much abt the prt minah die
liachunyo #4
Chapter 34: end already ? oh noooo
I'm already liking it!
Time to read, /grabs random snacks./
kpopmusiclover #6
Chapter 31: Thanks for the update ^^ can't wait for the next chapter
kpopmusiclover #7
i love it it was awesome please keep on writing oh and you should write about ailee and kikwang