The hurting past.

Unwanted Love

I've never believe that he would smile back, but he did! Woah...his smile is very special. He has dimples. And I love dimples so bad. 

'You're smile is very nic-' upps! Uh-oh. I didn't wanted to say it! But it just dropped out of my mouth and here it comes again. He looked at me like I'm crazy and coldy. I quickly looked away and feel how my checks turn red. And now, another surprise! 

'You too' he smirked and looked away.

I looked at him as if he was weird to said that. But I was happy. Happy to heard that! I happily gave my attention back to the teacher as I heard behind me words that really hurt me.

'Yah! , who do you think you are?! He's just new here and you are turn him on? What a !'

one of the queenka said.

'Let her! She just need attention, because her parents are dead!'

yes. Yes, that were the word where hurting. Me so badly. I try to hold my tears not to flew and try to concentrate. I try to ignore them but I couldn't. The es behind me just laughed. They knew it. Everyone knew it. I remember how. 




I remember how I sat on my seat and was so happy, because I just finished my gift, that we should do and give it to persons we love. And I made a heart out of wood for my parents, to show my love to them. They are always busy, so we don't really spend much time togheter. But I used to. Today is the day my parents finally came back of theire business trip. I can't wait to see theire faces when I'll give them that. I smiled and go on with my work. 

Then suddenly someone knocking on the door.

'Excuse me please, can I get Minah for a second?' My aunt asked my teacher.

I was confusing. Why is she here?

'sure.'my teacher answer. She call to me to go out and so I do.

'Minah...'my aunt start. Her eyes were red and she just look like she saw a ghost or something.

'aunt? Are you okay? What's wrong? You look terrible!' I said as I try to make her laugh but I didn't.

She didn't say something more just hugged me very strong and then she whipserd with a cracky voice:

'Minah, I'm sorry. Your parents died on a airplane crush this morning.' 

I was shocked! very shocked! I just remembered how I got fainted and was in the hospital for much days. My life changes a lot since them. But I was strong.



I couldn't hold it anymore. My past hurts me so much. Zelo noticed that i was crying.

'Yah! Weird girl! Why are you crying?' He whispered.

I quickly wiped the tears away and ignored him. Didn't he heard what the es behind us said? Or did he heard it but ignored it? 

As the class ends I quickly grabbed my things and went to the next class. Great. What for great start to school! Gikwang went beside me with a his arm over me. I acted like I never cry and it works until...

'Yah! Weird girl! Stop!' Zelo shouted behind me. Why is he calling me weirde girl? Oh yeah... I introducing myself.

'what do you want?!' Gikwang oppa coldly asked.

'I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to your Girl.' He coldy said back. I looked to gikwang then to Zelo and blinked a few times. 

'What?' I finally asked to brook the awkward silence.

'why did you cry earlier?' He asked.

'You did what?!' Gikwang sreamed.

'None of your business' I coldy said and left them before my tears are falling again. Gikwang shouted at me but I ignored him. I ignored everything and just went outside. Outside to my favorite place. I need to be alone now.






Yeah!!! Second chapter!! How was it? Good or bad? Please subscribe it would make me really happy!! ^^

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Chapter 35: Love it! :D
Aww... It's the end?
I really love your story...
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo ^^
Foreverkpop234 #3
Chapter 34: I cry so much abt the prt minah die
liachunyo #4
Chapter 34: end already ? oh noooo
I'm already liking it!
Time to read, /grabs random snacks./
kpopmusiclover #6
Chapter 31: Thanks for the update ^^ can't wait for the next chapter
kpopmusiclover #7
i love it it was awesome please keep on writing oh and you should write about ailee and kikwang