Gikwangs Ride to America part 1

Unwanted Love

'now tell' i said as i bite in my apple

'okay, okay....ummm, where should i start? Well....' he start



*well hello america, i missed you* i smiled

'Gikwang!'' my dad shout

'gikwang, my son, welcome home' he hugged me

'appa' i hugged him back.

'C'mon, let's go. Many things had changed, since you gone. We bought a new villa, so we live in LA now.' he told me

'oh, really? So that's the 4th time we moved on' i laugh

'how are you there? you must be feeling lonely in seoul...How is school? Do you live well?' he asked

'nea, i'm fine. Well, sometimes i'm lonely, but my friends are always there for me. School is well, also. My life is great' i told him

'Oh, that's make me happy to hear you that you live well' he smile.

We drove with one of his limousine and the ride tooks 2h.

'Umma' i kissed her check and hugged her.

'my son, welcome home' she greeted.

We had dinner and i told them from my life in seoul. After that i took a shower and slept than.



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Chapter 35: Love it! :D
Aww... It's the end?
I really love your story...
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo ^^
Foreverkpop234 #3
Chapter 34: I cry so much abt the prt minah die
liachunyo #4
Chapter 34: end already ? oh noooo
I'm already liking it!
Time to read, /grabs random snacks./
kpopmusiclover #6
Chapter 31: Thanks for the update ^^ can't wait for the next chapter
kpopmusiclover #7
i love it it was awesome please keep on writing oh and you should write about ailee and kikwang