Too much for a day!

Unwanted Love

After school i went home. *So minah, how will you handle it?* I asked myself. I just wanted to get this as quick as possible out of my life. So that I can live my life like in the past.

'Yah! Minah!' He shouted behind me.

i turned back and saw his beauty face.

'oh, hi Zelo.' I welcomed him.

'Wanna me take you home?' He asked.

'umm.. No. I can walk by myself.' I said and smiled.

'but I want too.' He bet like a child and make his sad face.

'Sorry. Not today.'


*come on Minah! Create a good excuse!* I thought.

'umm...because....' I started.

'haha. Don't dare to think an excuse! I will take you home and finish!' He cut me off and took his arm around me. 

'And I will take care of you! Seoul is a dangerous city!' He cutely continue and we walked in this position out of school.

suddenly someone bumped me and I got pulled away of Zelo.

'yah! Who do you think you are?!' Zelo angrily shouted.

'umm..Kim Myungsoo?' He answered. Yes. He bumped me. 

'So Kim myungsoo. Did you know that you just numbed her really hard?!' Zelo said very coldy.

'who are you? Her boyfriend?' He asked with a boring face.

and now. That what he answered got me really shocked!

'no she isn't my girlfriend. ...not now.' He answered and smirked at me.

i got so blushed really hard. I quickly turned my head away. ~Akward~

'whatever' myungsoo mumbled and walked away. I could noticed that his eyes are just burned on flames after his answer. Why? Is he jealous? Aish.. Minah what are you thinking? Pabo, pabo, pabo!

'umm.. I'll go now. See ya!' I quickly bowed to Zelo an ran away and ignored his screams.

that was too much! Is he liking me? Omo.... I don't know how I feel now. It was just shocked. I need a bath. Right now.

~At home~

'nonna! I'm home! I'll gonna take a bath, arraso?' I shouted and made me ready.

'okay sweetie!' She answered back.

i took off my clothes and lay my body into that warm water. I took my iPod and then listened Iu-someday. I love Iu. She's also the reason why i started to sing! She's just my idol!

after some hours, nonna called me.

'minah!! Come down!' She shouted.

i covered my body with a towel and my hair I let fell down. I thought she would ask me something but I was wrong. Very wrong!!

I walked upstairs and my eyes widened as possible and I looked in this eyes.




Guess who eyes? ;) please subscribe! Hope you enjoy this chapter! :) love ya!

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Chapter 35: Love it! :D
Aww... It's the end?
I really love your story...
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo ^^
Foreverkpop234 #3
Chapter 34: I cry so much abt the prt minah die
liachunyo #4
Chapter 34: end already ? oh noooo
I'm already liking it!
Time to read, /grabs random snacks./
kpopmusiclover #6
Chapter 31: Thanks for the update ^^ can't wait for the next chapter
kpopmusiclover #7
i love it it was awesome please keep on writing oh and you should write about ailee and kikwang