The project

Unwanted Love

Days passed and Zelo and I are still friends. Gikwang oppa and ai are also friends with him. Zelo is a very symphatic boy and very nice. He's just cold to strange humans because he is shy. ~how cute~ . 

I was talking with gikwang oppa about useless stuffs until the teacher came. 

'Good morning class' he said

'Good morning mr. Lee' everyone said.

'so, let's check the students first an then I will tell you what I planned for today.' He said and called all the names.

as he was about to told his plan, someone opened the door and went to his seat. Yes, this someone is a boy. This boy, who I hated. This boy who hurt my friend. Myungsoo. Yes. Myungsoo is my classmate. I didn't mention, didn't I? So well now you know it. He always came late to school but often he even never came to school! And... He never get trouble! Why? Because his uncle own this school. Yep. Seoul-High academy. That school who everyone wanted to go. Well, who not? I mean, this school is modern, huge and very beautiful. It has many rooms and everything what a dream school need. The food is delicious! It taste like an 5 stars restaurant! But the teachers are strict! But it never mind to me. Only rich people came her. I'm not rich. I came here because my aunt is a very good friend with his uncle. So that's why. 


Myungsoo sat on the left of me. He never talked to me and that was good. But today it changed.

'so the thing that I was planned is a project. The project is about a theatre. The theatre must have a little song that was written by you. And the topic is about a dream. It's not only a dream, it's your dream! So this project you will do with a partner. I already shared the partner for each one so nobody have to work alone.'

*woah... What for a great project! I hope my partner will be someone who I know well!* I thought.

He called the name and Gikwang oppa is doing it with a very nice girl who I know. Zelo is award to a . Oh poor him! Now many student I know aren't free anymore. I got slowly in panic. Then the teacher called my name.

'Park Minah and Kim Myungsoo'

'what??!?!?!' I shouted without thinking and stood up.

the teacher glared at me.


'is there a problem miss?' He asked

' Sorry' I said awkwardly. 

Gosh that was so awkward! Everyone looked at me as I were crazy! 

That can be possible! The boy who I hated most Is gonna be my partner! Omo.

'don't be mad, babe. You will realize that you will have more fun then you want' Myungsoo whispered in my ear. He blinked at me and then he smirked. 

My face went red as a tomatoe. I just ignored his stupid comment and gave my attention the teacher. Gosh! How will I handle this ing project, when I know I can be in his closeness.Great start Minah! Minah, hwaiting! You can do it! Calm down! Omo I whish that will be quickly over!






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Chapter 35: Love it! :D
Aww... It's the end?
I really love your story...
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo ^^
Foreverkpop234 #3
Chapter 34: I cry so much abt the prt minah die
liachunyo #4
Chapter 34: end already ? oh noooo
I'm already liking it!
Time to read, /grabs random snacks./
kpopmusiclover #6
Chapter 31: Thanks for the update ^^ can't wait for the next chapter
kpopmusiclover #7
i love it it was awesome please keep on writing oh and you should write about ailee and kikwang