(05) Decisions

Beyond Limits

CHAPTER 5: (05) Decisions.







I clutched my coat closer to me as I made my way to the front counter of this enormous building. "E-Erm, can I ask is Mr Lee Sooman in-n? I stumbled over my words. Oh god, this is so embarassing. 

The front desk lady rolled her eyes when she saw me before answering, "Who are you miss?"  Can I slap you right now? Ugh. 

"Oh, I'm Park Sunghwa. Can I request to see your chairman?"  I replied, tapping my foot. I was getting really annoyed by this lady's attitude. Is the damn right way you serve a guest? I guess you better scram your off to the training centre again then ! 

"I'm sorry but you can't make requests like this. If you'd like to see him, I can arrange a short 5minutes for you." she smirked. 

"Y-YOU! - " I screamed in annoyance but I was cut off when someone called me from behind. 

"Sunghwa? Is that you?" that ahjusshi asked, approaching me. 

"Tch," I rolled my eyes at the front desk lady before turning towards him "Good afternoon sir." I greeted. 

"Sir?" he laughed. "Spare me the formalities! You can call me ahjusshi or whatever you like, but just spare me with it alright. Anyway, why are you just standing here? You could have went up to find me."

"Well, apparently, some LADY didn't want to let me see you." I clearly emphasized on the word while shooting her a death glare. Serve you right! hehe






"So Sunghwa, have you decided?" he asked as he guided me towards the elevator.

I stared down at my pair of converse shoes, thinking hard. "I...I barely know you?" was the best I could response. Other reponses such like : No, go away I don't need you in my life , Yes, I'd love to have you back swirls around my head. 

Yes yes yes, I'm crazy alright. 

"I know you must be feeling very stressed and all now. But I promise you, as long as you are willing to acknowledge me, we can take things slowly." Just then, the elevator doors open revealing a group of boys.

"Oh! Annyeonghasaeyo Soo Man sunbaenim!" they bowed and greeted together before noticing me, "Eh? Aren't you the one at the cafe who served us?" the short boy asked. 

"Y-yea. Annyeonghasaeyo" I bowed. When I raised my head again, I saw that boy. Him again. After they left, I decided to ask ahjusshi who was he.

"E-Erm, who are those guys earlier on?"

He let out a soft chuckle before answering, "Them? They're SHINee."


"Yup, the boy that made a small talk with you earlier on was Jonghyun. Kim Jonghyun, he's the main vocalist of the group." Even after he said that, I was still lost. Really lost, since this was my first time knowing things on k-pop... 

Mustering up my courage, I popped in another question into our conversation, "Then who's the one with the brown hair?" 

"Hmm? There are two brown-haired though?" he rubbed his chin.

"Oh, nevermind then!" 






I threw myself onto the couch immediately when I reached home. I was way too tired from thinking too much. "So Sunghwa, how did it go?" Aunt Sheryl probed.

I let out a heavy sigh, "Not that bad... But his job is really weird." 

"Weird?! Weird!? How can you say it's weird! You get to see all those y freaks inside and you still -" Seol Yie screamed as she whacked the back of my head. 

"YAH!" I shouted, throwing a pillow in her face but she managed to dodge it and skip to her room while humming Baekhyun's part of 'MAMA' . 

"That girl!" Aunt Sheryl laughed. When me and Aunt Sheryl was about to resume our conversation again, a loud scream echoed from the room. I ran over to the room to find Seol Yie kissing the computer screen. 

"What in the world are you screaming for?" I sighed, shaking my head in dismay. For once, can she stop spazzing over Baekhyun?!

"Look at this. JUST LOOK AT THIS!" She pointed to her screen : 

"He's just yawning I guess." 

She threw her pillow at me, "YAWNING?! YAWNING? THAT'S ONE HECK OF A YAWN LEMME TELL YOU." She turned her back to me for a couple of seconds before screaming and point to her screen again : 


"THIS GUY. HE. AHHHHHHH HELP ME AH SUNGHWA" She begged as she threw herself towards me for a bear hug.






Everyone , meet my best friend Yang Seol Yie who has a huge obsession over Mr Byun Baekhyun & Luhan . If you'd like to classify her, then she definitely belong to the 'mad woman' section. 







Anyway, credits to my bestie for this chapter because I was having author-block when she spammed me with those picture of Baekhyun. So, yeap. She's so frigging adorable hahahahaha . 






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Chapter 34: Hello! this is a really good story :)
Anyway I can't wait till the next time you update!!
Chapter 32: No I have to cause im noisy , yours are cute not like mine .

Dude im not heartless /although I sing it everyday/ haha , will support you till the end ^^ dw.

Well erm congrats on ending your first paper and hwaiting for the future ones, you can do it!!1!1!!!!!!!!

For how many times I've told you , YOU'RE SMARTER THAN ME PLS.

Ohoh and !

Yes listen to what mimi say , skinshipskinship <3

And your one-shot ,
Nikki_SHINee #3
Chapter 32: Update soon
Chapter 31: Gosh, I totally sympathize with you. Whenever I write a new story, I check the board where I post it everyday... and then I only get one or two people to comment on it, and that's only after I bug them for a long time. I guess my writing really does ... T_T

Anyway, your English isn't bad! In fact, it's quite good! And my English/Grammar teacher prides herself on being one of the best in the US. XD

I really like your story. I do hope she gets back together with Onew, and maybe have a little action scene between Onew and Junhyung? *hint hint*

Can't wait for the next update! :D
Chapter 31: Aww yeah! It's Onew baby! I hope she will realised and they will not broke this relationship after WGM finished,good job of you to wrote about WGM uthor-nim,I'm imagining Yongseo right now :3 I hope they'll have some skinship,ppali LOL :p Anyways,Fighting! Please write more chapters after this.
Chapter 31: Sorry I was late buddy ! But good to see you updated :----) keep up the good work <3 /ps you're still very good at this sobs tears of peraudness hahaha
Chapter 30: D'awwwwwwwwww WGM even ! /:D
Chapter 30: LOL,yeah,he got too mamy manicures. Anyways,I love this chapter. I also really love WGM,especially Yongseo,oh,the memories flooded back to me. Argh,I really hope it's Onew,if not I'm gonna kill myself,LOL JK. Anyways,keep updating and I'm really waiting for your update on June. I hope you'll do well and get flying colours on your upcoming exam. Fighting. :D
Chapter 30: I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!!! I can't wait for the next one. I just know that there will be cute moments between them >< and I hope that Jinki works hard to get her memory back! Keep up the good work Author-nim :D