(11) Rescued

Beyond Limits

CHAPTER 11: (11) Rescued. 








"Are you okay?" Onew asked worriedly, patting my back. 

"Huh?! Ah, yea. I'm sorry oppa, but can you bring me back to my room? I'm feeling a little tired." 

He pouted and replied, hinting a small sign of sadness, "Oh... Okay." Mianhae ah oppa, but I still can't take the first step in opening up to you...





Narrator's POV



On their way back to Sunghwa's ward, they stumbled upon Seol Yie, panting.  "Yaaaaah! So you were with Onew oppa?! I thought you were kidnapped by aliens!" She scowled. 

Onew burst out laughing from her reponse and handed Sunghwa back to Seol Yie, "Here. Take care nae, Sunghwa. I'll visit you some time again." he waved goodbye as she entered her ward. Onew was at the entrance of the hospital when a thought struck his head. "Doesn't hurts buying some flowers for Sunghwa to cheer her up ~"


The leader stopped in front of her ward door, shocked. She could hear Sunghwa's crying and Seol Yie's comforting words... 


"Aigoo, stop thinking about that jerk already ah Sunghwa, it's really not worthwhile." She sighed. 

"He..." she trailed off. "Where should I start off Seol Yie?!" she cried.

"Anywhere you like~" 

" I ... I still remember clearly. I remembered everything so clearly. My mum... When I reached home, my house was in a total mess. A mess that doesn't even look like my house anymore. I found my dad in the kitchen, drunk and spouting out vulgarities alongside with his words. I really don't know what happen back then, but I managed to piece out what he was saying. Mum left. No no no, not my mum. She isn't even worth to be called mum ah Seol Yie. She dumped me with that horrible man...! "

"Shhhh... Shhh." she hushed Sunghwa as she tightened her hug.

"And... I ... I guess I've seen it coming. It would have come sooner or later you see. But... I, I really didn't expect it to be so quick. E-... Everything was... It was just gone. Just this instance. Like nothing! Poof! I cried, and cried even harder when I heard my dad cursing that it was my fault again. I... - I can't take it anymore! I ran out of house and headed towards that Joonhyung's house . Remember me saying that I have his house keys?" 

Seol Yie nodded. 


"Yea, I - " There was a pause and Onew could clearly picture her trying to hold back her tears when she was talking about this, " I went in and found Joonhyung in his room. With, that little . No hold on. To be exact, I heard their sound from the bedroom so loudly that I guessed that Joonhyung was in his room. Obviously, Joonhyung was shocked to find me in a mess... Thousands of us pictured out in my head. Those times when he stood up for me when I get bullied ... Times when I ran away from house and he comfort me ... Times when we were just in the park, cuddling and chatting on random topics. I - ... I don't know Seol Yie. I can't get him out of my head. I'm such a mess, I'm such a failure ... I -" 


"You aren't! Stop saying you are!" Onew burst into the room and ran towards Sunghwa. 

"You are not a mess, you're not a failure. It's that bloody jerk Sunghwa, wake up! It wasn't you who caused all these mess. Everything's the past now, so stop staying in the past!" he screamed. 





Sunghwa's POV



When did Onew come in? Did ... Did he heard everything ?! 

"Stop it ah Sunghwa, it really pains me to see you in this state. You're not alone anymore. You've got me, Aunt Sheryl, and Seol Yie! We'll never leave your side, so have some faith in yourself and get the hell out of this state!" 

Seol Yie patted my shoulders and looked at me with determined eyes, "Yes Sunghwa! We'll always be here nae!" 


Tears were getting welled up in my eyes already, with all my strength, I hugged Seol Yie as tight as I could; fearing that she'd disappear like how my mum did. 

Looking up, I gave my sweetest smile, "Gomawo, oppa." 




In return, he butted Seol Yie away and embraced me. His embrace was so comfortable, and ... I feel really secure ... 










Dear god, take a break and stop time for a little while. I want this moment to last a little longer... I prayed. 






A/N:  Have you noticed that Seol Yie keeps getting 'butted' away ? xD , well yea I'm doing it on purpose. Hehe . Anyway, I guessed I've lost quite alot of people because my story is real draggy. But yea, this is me. Sorry :/ ~~ 

No worries, Sunghwa and Onew will have more sweet moments together soon !! I mean it :-)



TO: Cherriesalwaysthere : Right! I should have thought of the 'ninja reflexes' ! Keke, it'd definitely make the story more interesting..! Thanks for your feedback, it mean alot! Here is an update for you :) Anyway, all the best for your upcoming exams/ tests ! Fighting !! ~~ 










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Chapter 34: Hello! this is a really good story :)
Anyway I can't wait till the next time you update!!
Chapter 32: No I have to cause im noisy , yours are cute not like mine .

Dude im not heartless /although I sing it everyday/ haha , will support you till the end ^^ dw.

Well erm congrats on ending your first paper and hwaiting for the future ones, you can do it!!1!1!!!!!!!!

For how many times I've told you , YOU'RE SMARTER THAN ME PLS.

Ohoh and !

Yes listen to what mimi say , skinshipskinship <3

And your one-shot ,
Nikki_SHINee #3
Chapter 32: Update soon
Chapter 31: Gosh, I totally sympathize with you. Whenever I write a new story, I check the board where I post it everyday... and then I only get one or two people to comment on it, and that's only after I bug them for a long time. I guess my writing really does ... T_T

Anyway, your English isn't bad! In fact, it's quite good! And my English/Grammar teacher prides herself on being one of the best in the US. XD

I really like your story. I do hope she gets back together with Onew, and maybe have a little action scene between Onew and Junhyung? *hint hint*

Can't wait for the next update! :D
Chapter 31: Aww yeah! It's Onew baby! I hope she will realised and they will not broke this relationship after WGM finished,good job of you to wrote about WGM uthor-nim,I'm imagining Yongseo right now :3 I hope they'll have some skinship,ppali LOL :p Anyways,Fighting! Please write more chapters after this.
Chapter 31: Sorry I was late buddy ! But good to see you updated :----) keep up the good work <3 /ps you're still very good at this sobs tears of peraudness hahaha
Chapter 30: D'awwwwwwwwww WGM even ! /:D
Chapter 30: LOL,yeah,he got too mamy manicures. Anyways,I love this chapter. I also really love WGM,especially Yongseo,oh,the memories flooded back to me. Argh,I really hope it's Onew,if not I'm gonna kill myself,LOL JK. Anyways,keep updating and I'm really waiting for your update on June. I hope you'll do well and get flying colours on your upcoming exam. Fighting. :D
Chapter 30: I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!!! I can't wait for the next one. I just know that there will be cute moments between them >< and I hope that Jinki works hard to get her memory back! Keep up the good work Author-nim :D