(21) The Event

Beyond Limits

Yeap, it's been confirmed that this story is going to continue. Thankyou all ! :D 


Chapter 21 will be uploaded ASAP ! In order to show my thanks and appreciations to those who actually bothered to vote and commented or even decided to subscribe to my story, this small blurp of Chapter 21, The Event is specially dedicated to you. 

Once again, thank you for supporting Beyond Limits, and I hope each and every chapter would always satisfy your curiousity (:






Sunghwa stood there in shock as she felt cold liquid dripping down her hair and all the way down into her dress. The next thing she knew, she was shoved hard  off the stage as the lady proceed to grab a chair, and smashed right into her. This feeling was always hidden deep down in her, of course, remember what Sunghwa has undergoed when she was younger? Well, the event that is happening to her right now feels like it was nothing. 

"Security! Security!" Someone screamed, before a group of smart looking buffed guys appeared to drag the lady out of the ballroom. "THIS ISN'T OVER! LET ME GO! LEEET ME GO!!" The lady struggled and screamed wildly. 

On the other hand, Sunghwa couldn't feel anything anymore, she laid there, staring right into the ceiling while not noticing that tears begin to flow down her rosy cheeks. 

She wished none of that had just happened. In front of the whole SM Casts and Staffs, of all times, this incident occured. Why? Probably because she was fated to this obstacle, was fated to be embarassed once again. She tried. She really did, but why did her effort failed to make a difference? 

"Sunghwa? Sunghwa!" Onew kneeled beside her as he lifted her up and wiping the blood traces that was on her face. "Can you hear me Sunghwa? Sunghwa, please don't be like this, you're scaring me!" He screamed as tears begin to well up in his eyes. 

Sunghwa wanted to cuddle into Onew's chest. She wants to feel secure again, to feel all blessed and blissfull again. But she couldn't move, her legs felt nothing, it felt like she didn't have anymore strength to control her movement anymore.





Before anything continues, her world got engulfed into darkness, with the last thing she heard, "Sunghwa, please don't leave me. I need you. I need you badly, please don't go. Stay with me, you hear me?"









TO: DreamingLight : Thank you very much for your constant support in my fic! It's people like you which makes me feel all motivated and happy to keep writing this fic. Thankyou so so so much, this blurp is specially meant for you :) 

TO: tallieangel : No worries, it's been confirmed that I'm continue writing thou there are 2 'No' to whether I should continue or not. Then again, thank you very much for voting, subscribing, and the constant feedbacks. I love you soo much, so this blurp is specially dedicated to you. Have a nice day ahead :-)

TO: lowrah : Thank you for your good luck! I needed that badly :P , I'm glad you like this fic and would you do me a tiny favour by leaving more feedbacks to my every updates? It'd mean alot, then again, thankyou very much ^_^ . 




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Chapter 34: Hello! this is a really good story :)
Anyway I can't wait till the next time you update!!
Chapter 32: No I have to cause im noisy , yours are cute not like mine .

Dude im not heartless /although I sing it everyday/ haha , will support you till the end ^^ dw.

Well erm congrats on ending your first paper and hwaiting for the future ones, you can do it!!1!1!!!!!!!!

For how many times I've told you , YOU'RE SMARTER THAN ME PLS.

Ohoh and !

Yes listen to what mimi say , skinshipskinship <3

And your one-shot ,
Nikki_SHINee #3
Chapter 32: Update soon
Chapter 31: Gosh, I totally sympathize with you. Whenever I write a new story, I check the board where I post it everyday... and then I only get one or two people to comment on it, and that's only after I bug them for a long time. I guess my writing really does ... T_T

Anyway, your English isn't bad! In fact, it's quite good! And my English/Grammar teacher prides herself on being one of the best in the US. XD

I really like your story. I do hope she gets back together with Onew, and maybe have a little action scene between Onew and Junhyung? *hint hint*

Can't wait for the next update! :D
Chapter 31: Aww yeah! It's Onew baby! I hope she will realised and they will not broke this relationship after WGM finished,good job of you to wrote about WGM uthor-nim,I'm imagining Yongseo right now :3 I hope they'll have some skinship,ppali LOL :p Anyways,Fighting! Please write more chapters after this.
Chapter 31: Sorry I was late buddy ! But good to see you updated :----) keep up the good work <3 /ps you're still very good at this sobs tears of peraudness hahaha
Chapter 30: D'awwwwwwwwww WGM even ! /:D
Chapter 30: LOL,yeah,he got too mamy manicures. Anyways,I love this chapter. I also really love WGM,especially Yongseo,oh,the memories flooded back to me. Argh,I really hope it's Onew,if not I'm gonna kill myself,LOL JK. Anyways,keep updating and I'm really waiting for your update on June. I hope you'll do well and get flying colours on your upcoming exam. Fighting. :D
Chapter 30: I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!!! I can't wait for the next one. I just know that there will be cute moments between them >< and I hope that Jinki works hard to get her memory back! Keep up the good work Author-nim :D