(13) Surprises again and again

Beyond Limits

CHAPTER 13: (13) Surprises again and again.







I was surprised. The doctor was surprised too. Ah whatever, anyway everyone was really surprised. The doctor said that my leg's cast could be taken off earlier than expected ! Damn, I didn't see that coming but... Yay ! Time for me to get my left leg moving again ~ It really staying at home more than 8weeks , not being able to move around freely... 


"Yesssss! Now you can accompany me to the concert Sunghwa!" Seol Yie tugged on my arm excitedly as we walked out of the hospital's entrance. 

Bwo? "Concert? What concert? When, where what?" 

"EXO!!!" She screamed jumping up and down. 

Rolling my eyes, I let out another heavy sigh, "Yah, told you I wasn't interested in EXO..." 

"Pft! Are you my friend or what?" 

"Sorry but I'm your GAY friend, to be exact." 





Holding my bag closed to myself, fearing that I might get robbed or anything, I squeezed my way through the crowd trying to follow Seol Yie as close as possible. Yea, you've guessed right. I am at EXO's concert. 

"Seol Yie! Seol Yie! Wait up!" I screamed as I slowly lost sight of her. Damn that mad woman! Why did she even choose to buy 'moshpit' tickets. I frantically searched for her but accidentally bumped till a girl. 

"Omo! Mianhae!" I bowed and bowed, apologising continuosly. 

"Aniyo! I'm fine! Keke. Hello there, are you an exotic too?" She grinned, holding her hands out for me to shake. 

Gladly accepting her hand, I shook it and continued, "Errr... Well, not really. I'm here with a friend... But I lost her... I guess-"

"KYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" thousands of fans screamed as the light dimmed and the spotlight was flashed on, focusing on the stage. 

"It's starting! It's starting!" The girl whom I just met screamed as her eyes beamed with excitement. 


2hours of non-stop rocking the whole concert hall, I felt tired even though I didn't really cheered or anything. And guessed what, the girl whom I met ? Well yea! She's such an adorable girl, and her name's Natalie but I decided to give her a nickname Tallie since it suits her face better. 

"Hmmm Natalie?" I spoke as we made our way to the nearest cafe for a chat. 


"Who's your bias in EXO?" 

She yelped softly before sipping her drink. "Keke, Kai oppa~ Didn't you see how dazzling he was on the stage just now?! Kyyyaaaaa~ His dance moves are as stunning as always!" 


Though we had a kind of rough encounter, but after the chat at the cafe, I had a better understanding of Tallie. The both of us shared many common interest! Such as love for animals, SM fans, and yea! Many more ~ My phone's vibration snapped me out of my thoughts. Glancing at the screen, it stated there 'Onew' . Omo, Onew oppa is calling me ! 

"Sunghwa ahhh, where are you now?" 

"Annyeong oppa! I'm erm, outside! Wae?" 

"Oh, I- I... I heard from Seol Yie that you had remove your cast so I-...." Is something wrong with Onew? Why does his voice sound so shaky? 

"Oppa, gwenchana?" I asked. 

Silence filled the conversation for a few minutes before Key decided to snatch the phone and explain, "Sunghwa? Yea, actually hyung wanted to ask you out but he's just nervous so he's tounge-tied." "YAH!" I heard a faint voice from the background and snickerings. 

My heart did a few flip flops as I gulped. "Bwo?" 

"Aish. Onew hyung wants to ask you out. DATE yah Sunghwa! D.A.T.E" Key spelled it out for me. 



Just as I was about to answer, the line went dead. I flipped through the calender in my phone. Aniyo, it's not April Fools today... What in the world just happened to me ? Initially, I wanted to ask Seol Yie on what I should do when I got home. But I found her dead asleep. Sigh. 

"Wuff!" Chicken barked as he rubbed against my leg, asking me to pick him up. 

"Annyeong Chicken... Guess what just happened?" I sighed. "Key just told me that Onew oppa wanted to ask me out on a date. Is that a good thing or...?" 

Chicken tilted his head and stared at me innocently. Gah, fancy me talking to a dog. "Aniya, it's okay chicken." I chuckled, soothing his fur.




A/N: I wanted to type more for this chapter initially but I decided to cut it off to leave you all hanging with suspense ~ Keke. :D , am I evil ? Of course not ! I just merely wanted feedbacks on how my story is but none of you guys are cooperative sigh ~~~ 




Then again, this chapter is specially dedicated to tallieangel (and my bestie)!



TO:  Cherriesalwaysthere: hehhe! You're right! Onew indeed have 'something' for Sunghwa! I'm so envious that you have a dog T_T, (can't have one because my mom dislike animals) sigh ~~ Anyway, thankyou for your comments once again cherrie!  Lovelovelove from author-nim ~ 


TO:  tallieangel: Heyyyy Tallieee ~ Haha, hope you liked this chapter because it's specially DEDICATED to only YOU! As usual, thanks for your constant feedback and viewing of my story, I really appreciate it (: . Don't be sad alright! At least you spent great times with your dog ~ smile ! ^^ 


TO:  AreumdaumSarang: Hello there new reader ! hehe, thanks for subscribing and commenting ! I hope this chapter is good enough and up to standard ! I'll definitely continue to do my best, thankyou ! *bows*  :-) 






Whatever he does, it's Onew sangtae ~~  

 sorry but I can't get enough of Baekhyun's eyeliner xDDD 










 kai's gonna bite you x3 ! 


OnTae moment hahaha ! 












nomnomnomnomnom ~~~ Sandwich approved by maknae !  






See you in the next Chapter !! :D 




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Chapter 34: Hello! this is a really good story :)
Anyway I can't wait till the next time you update!!
Chapter 32: No I have to cause im noisy , yours are cute not like mine .

Dude im not heartless /although I sing it everyday/ haha , will support you till the end ^^ dw.

Well erm congrats on ending your first paper and hwaiting for the future ones, you can do it!!1!1!!!!!!!!

For how many times I've told you , YOU'RE SMARTER THAN ME PLS.

Ohoh and !

Yes listen to what mimi say , skinshipskinship <3

And your one-shot ,
Nikki_SHINee #3
Chapter 32: Update soon
Chapter 31: Gosh, I totally sympathize with you. Whenever I write a new story, I check the board where I post it everyday... and then I only get one or two people to comment on it, and that's only after I bug them for a long time. I guess my writing really does ... T_T

Anyway, your English isn't bad! In fact, it's quite good! And my English/Grammar teacher prides herself on being one of the best in the US. XD

I really like your story. I do hope she gets back together with Onew, and maybe have a little action scene between Onew and Junhyung? *hint hint*

Can't wait for the next update! :D
Chapter 31: Aww yeah! It's Onew baby! I hope she will realised and they will not broke this relationship after WGM finished,good job of you to wrote about WGM uthor-nim,I'm imagining Yongseo right now :3 I hope they'll have some skinship,ppali LOL :p Anyways,Fighting! Please write more chapters after this.
Chapter 31: Sorry I was late buddy ! But good to see you updated :----) keep up the good work <3 /ps you're still very good at this sobs tears of peraudness hahaha
Chapter 30: D'awwwwwwwwww WGM even ! /:D
Chapter 30: LOL,yeah,he got too mamy manicures. Anyways,I love this chapter. I also really love WGM,especially Yongseo,oh,the memories flooded back to me. Argh,I really hope it's Onew,if not I'm gonna kill myself,LOL JK. Anyways,keep updating and I'm really waiting for your update on June. I hope you'll do well and get flying colours on your upcoming exam. Fighting. :D
Chapter 30: I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!!! I can't wait for the next one. I just know that there will be cute moments between them >< and I hope that Jinki works hard to get her memory back! Keep up the good work Author-nim :D