(20) Upcoming Event

Beyond Limits

CHAPTER 21: (20) Upcoming Event .





Letting out a soft groan, I pushed myself up from the bed and leaned against the headboard as I reached over to grab my phone. 20 new messages, 15 missed calls, and all of them came from Onew.


Onew : ' Sunghwa, where are you? :o' 

Onew : ' Yah, will you reply me? I'm still at the place where I was still chatting with SooMin.'

Onew : ' Sunggghwaaaaaaaa ~ Will you pick up your phone? Where have you been? I'm starting to get worried... ><' 

Onew : ' Are you lost? Please call me back asap when you see this ):'

Onew : ' Sunghwa.... I'm sorry, I know you're probably jealous about me and SooMin, will you come back now? It's getting dark...'

Onew : ' Mian........ I tried looking for you everywhere but I can't seem to spot you at all, stop playing and come out already? ....'

Onew : ' I have to go... I have a scheldue. ):, you're probably not in the mood anyway... Call me when you see this?'

Onew : 'Park Sunghwa, you're really scaring me now. You haven't replied any of my calls or messages! I barely slept an ounce last night, are you okay????' 


Stopping after the 8th message, I've decided to call Onew to tell him that I'm fine. I didn't know that my absence alone would cause him to be so worried and uptight... What a mess you've created Park Sunghwa. 

"SUNGHWA?! Yah! Where did you go?! I know I know, it's my fault! But you could have at least replied me? Do you have any idea how worried I was? You were literally killing me!" Onew's loud voice flooded my ears as soon as he answered the phone.

"I know... I-"

"You know?! I walked through the entire carnival and nearby shops already! I couldn't even find you, where in the world were you yesterday? What happened?" 

"Okay, look listen Onew oppa." I explained, closing my eyes as I take in a deep breathe. "I'm really sorry. And hey, it wasn't your fault at all either, I... I don't have any issues with you and SooMin, I mean, after all, you both are just friends right... I was just feeling kinda unwell the last minute so I had Seol Yie to fetched me home via cab. I'm really sorry." I sighed. 

On the other side of the phone, I heard Onew let out a sigh of relieve as he continued, "....Glad you were fine Sunghwa... But please do not scare me like this next time...?" 

"Mmm! Mian oppa." 

"Are you feeling better now? Do you mind if I drop by later on?" 

Biting my lower lips, I thought hard. Was I ready to face Onew again and act like nothing went wrong? Like as if meeting Joonhyung was nothing? I doubt so...? "Errr... I don't think it's kind of convenient ah oppa... How about next time?" I trailed off, not wanting to sound too direct in rejecting him.

"Ahhh...Geurae... Get some rest okay." 

"Ne, gomawo oppa." I replied, before hanging up the call. Slumping back into my pillow, I stared right at the ceiling as images begin to flicker through in my mind. I thought I've seen SooMin somewhere before but I'd probably just throw her to the back of my mind and focus on what I should be right now. 

Should I tell Onew...? I mean, I don't want any further complications nor sympathy from him. No, correction. I do not want or need any sympathy from anyone. No, not even Seol Yie. Y'know what? It to be sympathised. That feeling... I just detest it. Alot.







"Sunghwa ah!" Aunt Sheryl called out from the living room as I headed out. "Lee SooMan is here to see you for some matter." She smiled as she placed a cup of tea in front of him before leaving the both of us.

"Gomawo Aunt Sheryl." I thanked her as I bowed and greeted ahjusshi."Annyeonghasaeyo ahjusshi, what brings you up here?"

Smiling, he took a sip of tea before settling the cup back down, "Still remember about me wanting to introduce you as my granddaughter?" 


"The event is in 2 days time. It's an annual thing that our company have whereby we would invite the whole of SM staffs and artistes as well as the media. Through there, I hope to introduce you to everyone." he explained, placing his big palm over mine. As he hands covered mine, I felt a familiar warmness emiting from him... Somehow, I felt at ease when he does that.

Getting myself back to life, I let out a small smile as I nodded. "Ne, but I'm not sure if I'm cut to be your granddaughter... After all... I-"

"Shhhh." he hushed, "Everyone will welcome you warmly. The SM family always love to welcome a new member! So don't worry about it alright, just get yourself prepared by 5pm and my chauffeur would be downstairs waiting for your arrival."

"Ahjusshi... Thank you... Really, thanks alot." I breathed, squeezing his hands. "I have a question for you actually..."

"Question?" he mused.

"Yea... Erm, are SM celebs' allowed to date...?" I mumbled softly as I look at my lap.

There was a pause before he answered, "In the contract, it states no. But however... if any of them is really in love with someone else... I wouldn't stop them." 

Phew, thank lord. "Ahhhh..." 

"Wae?" he asked, chuckling. "You have someone that you like in the company?" 

Scratching the back of my head, I gritted my teeth as I look back up with a grin. "Ehhh..... Yes?" 

"Oh?! My granddaughter is in love?! That's great!" he laughed happily, clapping his hands in amusement. "But, may I ask... Who?"

"O-Onew." I whispered softly, hoping that he wouldn't catch it. 

"Omo, that guy. He... He's a great catch actually ah Sunghwa. I'm glad, but does he knows that you like him?"

Giving a small nod, I continued to explain on how did our relationship actually started and how we began talking initially. I was really glad that ahjusshi didn't object against our relationship nor ban Onew oppa from falling in love. This is a good sign right? I guess so, since ahjusshi is so... gah, I don't know but I couldn't be bothered anymore. 

My mind currently is filled with the dinner event that is in 2days time. I've definitely got to look presentable don't I ? 





Tugging the hem of my dress, I peeked out of the window as I saw numerous fan girls screaming at the entrance of the hotel. Seol Yie spent almost 2hours trying to perm my hair to make it look like natural curl while on the other hand, doing my manicure. In short, we've spent 1 1/2 preparing for tonight. So I cross my fingers and hope everything goes smoothly for me today.

Apparently, the dinner event was held at this enormous and classy hotel annually for staffs and other celebrities to catch up with each other. I really hope I'm not under-dressed... 


'Ding!' The elevator rang as the doors to it opened. Taking in a final breathe, I stepped out of it in my heels as I clutched onto my purse tightly. 






Here goes nothing ! 




A/N : Sorry for not updating for like ages ? >< ... !! I've been really busy since exams are beginning to kick in. Grrr, it big time. And plus, I was hoping for more comments...? 

But well, it was only 2 .. /; 


Bad news to all Shawols ): , jjong is currently hospitalized... #prayforjjong    http://enewsworld.interest.me/enews/contents.asp?idx=32857




TO: tallieangel : why are you so smarttttt gah D: , spoils the fun for author-nim *sobs* but anyway do look forward to the next chapter ! 


TO: DreamingLight : heh, yeap ! Onew was really worried about her as you can see from this chapter. And well, Sunghwa isn't as weak as you think ;) , she'll survive through all the ups and downs ~~ 








How about a deal ? 

5 comments , 1 new subscriber and I'll give you all a mindblowing chapter xD 






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Chapter 34: Hello! this is a really good story :)
Anyway I can't wait till the next time you update!!
Chapter 32: No I have to cause im noisy , yours are cute not like mine .

Dude im not heartless /although I sing it everyday/ haha , will support you till the end ^^ dw.

Well erm congrats on ending your first paper and hwaiting for the future ones, you can do it!!1!1!!!!!!!!

For how many times I've told you , YOU'RE SMARTER THAN ME PLS.

Ohoh and !

Yes listen to what mimi say , skinshipskinship <3

And your one-shot ,
Nikki_SHINee #3
Chapter 32: Update soon
Chapter 31: Gosh, I totally sympathize with you. Whenever I write a new story, I check the board where I post it everyday... and then I only get one or two people to comment on it, and that's only after I bug them for a long time. I guess my writing really does ... T_T

Anyway, your English isn't bad! In fact, it's quite good! And my English/Grammar teacher prides herself on being one of the best in the US. XD

I really like your story. I do hope she gets back together with Onew, and maybe have a little action scene between Onew and Junhyung? *hint hint*

Can't wait for the next update! :D
Chapter 31: Aww yeah! It's Onew baby! I hope she will realised and they will not broke this relationship after WGM finished,good job of you to wrote about WGM uthor-nim,I'm imagining Yongseo right now :3 I hope they'll have some skinship,ppali LOL :p Anyways,Fighting! Please write more chapters after this.
Chapter 31: Sorry I was late buddy ! But good to see you updated :----) keep up the good work <3 /ps you're still very good at this sobs tears of peraudness hahaha
Chapter 30: D'awwwwwwwwww WGM even ! /:D
Chapter 30: LOL,yeah,he got too mamy manicures. Anyways,I love this chapter. I also really love WGM,especially Yongseo,oh,the memories flooded back to me. Argh,I really hope it's Onew,if not I'm gonna kill myself,LOL JK. Anyways,keep updating and I'm really waiting for your update on June. I hope you'll do well and get flying colours on your upcoming exam. Fighting. :D
Chapter 30: I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!!! I can't wait for the next one. I just know that there will be cute moments between them >< and I hope that Jinki works hard to get her memory back! Keep up the good work Author-nim :D