(22) Starting Afresh

Beyond Limits

CHAPTER 25 : (22) Starting Afresh . 





From the previous chapter ... 







I watched her being lifted up into the ambulance. Waited outside the operation room. Watched how the nurses and doctors ran in and out of the operating room with different equipments. Watched how Aunt Sheryl and Seol Yie cried so badly while waiting.  And now, I was left standing next to her bedside watching her sleep calmly. It already has been 7 weeks since that incident had already occured; Doctors told us that we shouldn't get our hopes up high as she had internal blood clot in the brain and would probably be in coma for the rest of her life. On the positive sides, she may wake up soon but with a few side effects.

I regretted badly, so badly for yelling at her back in the waiting room. I never meant to lose my temper at her, I just merely couldn't phrase my words right. 

I was never mad at her to begin with. And the thing which hurt me most was the message she sent me, the message she sent the SHINee members. If I didn't yell at her back there, I doubt she would ever be in the hospital. If I had reacted faster, had been to the gym with Jonghyun more often, I could have held back the lady. I could have saved Sunghwa back there. But what have I done? Nothing but harm to her. 




Leaning close to her, I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and caressed her cheeks softly. "Mianhae ah Sunghwa. Mianhae..." I whispered, kissing the palm of her hand. After the kiss, I felt the soft twitch on her fingers. Thinking it was just my imaginations, I waited and stared at those fingers again. "Sunghwa?" My voice broked, as her eyes slowly opened. 

I stared at her intently, waiting for her to gain back consciousness as I held her hand tightly within mine. "Sunghwa? Sunghwa...?" I spoke, my voice getting louder. I was definitely feeling over the moon, she's awake. Yes. My sleeping beauty, my beloved has finally woke up from the coma. 

Before I could even proceed to say anything, the first sentence which came out from shocked me right through the heart. 










"W-Who are yo-u?" her voice croaked, as she blinked.








Squinting my eyes from the bright light above, I moved my stiff hand slowly to cover my eyes. Oh damn, those lights are seriously way too bright.  Shifting my head sideways, I felt a soft tug on my arm. There, right in front of me laid a reddish brown haired boy who's apparently sleeping soundly. His facial features were almost like the boy I had dreamnt of earlier in my dream, and he sure looked like an angel who has just fallen from the sky. 

But anyway, who the hell is he, and where am I ? 

"Sunghwa?" The angelic face boy spoke as his eyes breamed with excitement. "Sunghwa ! Oh gosh, you've finally woke up. I've missed you so terribly? Don't hate me alright, I'm sorry for being rash. I-" and he kept going on and on while embracing me. 

Pulling back after his 'blabbering', he looked at me and grinned. Errr... Can someone really tell me who is he again? 

Clearing my throat, I whispered softly. "Erm, I'm sorry but who are you?" my voice shook a little. 

He looked at me again, but this time, his face stiffened; smile disappeared. "Y-Yah, stop fooling around. I'm really sorry that I walked out from you..." 

Why doesn't this fella get it oh god. "I'm not kidding?" With those 3 words of mine, sent him rushing out of the room instantly. Glancing around me, I noticed many flowers, balloons and gifts ranging from teddy bears... chocolates...and many more. But all of those had a common thing. 

Get well soon, Sunghwa . 


Was I sick ? Well I should have guessed so, since I'm in a hospital... I tried to actually think how I landed up in here but every second I do that, my head would start to throb badly. "Ugh." I muttered as I massaged my temples in attempt to make myself feel better. 

The ward's door creaked open again and this time, it revealed a familiar face. Finally ! Someone I know ! "Ally? Alllyyyyyyyyyy!" Seol Yie squealed as she ran quickly towards me and gave me a warm hug. 

"Seol Yie !" I smiled, hugging her back. "I'm so glad to finally see someone I know, things are getting so messed up in here that I don't even know where to start!" I exclaimed as she giggled happily. "Oh, and who's the boy over there?" I asked, pointing towards him again. Why is he back? And just for a minute I was glad that probably he got into the wrong ward. Aishhh. 

Arching her eyebrow, Seol Yie stared at me weirdly. "What do you mean who's that boy? He's your b-"

"Sorry to disturb but I'd like to do a few simple checks with the patient now if you'd excuse me." The doctor interrupted as he pushed his glasses up his nose bridge, hands holding onto a clipboard and a pen. "How are you feeling Ms Park?" 

"Kind of stiff, and my head keeps having this throbbing pain." I described, watching him scribble notes on the board before returning to me.

"Do you feel any discomfort with your legs or ribs area?" 


"Very well. Now, for the next few questions I'm going to ask, you might have difficulty in remembering but I'd just like you to answer whatever that you know of, or think of." 

"Sure." I nodded. 

"What's your full name?" 

"Park Sunghwa, Alexia." 

"Do you remember having any relatives or extremely close friends?" 

"My grandpa, Lee Soo Man... Aunt Sheryl... and Seol Yie." I answered. 

Yet again, he scribbled some notes before looking at me again. "Do you know which year you're in?"

What? Are you darn serious? "2013." I sighed, rolling my eyes. These questions are driving me mad. Ugh. 

"Do you still remember how you landed in the hospital?" 

"No." I simply replied. I am definitely NOT going to think so hard again. 

"Do you recognise that lad over there?" the doctor said, pointing to the angelic face boy. 

"Nope. Why? Should I know him?" 

"It's fine Ms Park. As for now, you should get as much rest as possible. After all, you've been sleeping for more than a month already. " he smiled, passing his clipboard to the nurse. 

"A MONTH?! I screamed. 





"Okay first, do not tell me anything or ask at all. Answer my questions." I said firmly before Seol Yie and him nodded his head in unison.

My first question was really easy, and I'm really dying to know. "Who is he?" 

"Onew. Or also Jinki, he's your boyfriend ah Sunghwa." Seol Yie explained, looking worried as hell. 


Like, the type of BOY-Friend ? Or was it boyfriend ? Nah, she's definitely playing a prank. Why on earth would I be in a relationship ?! And how on earth did I meet such a cute and gorgeous guy like him?! 

"Stop fooling around already." I chuckled, smacking her arms. 

Letting out a small sigh, she emphasized again. "I. Am. Not." 


Boyfriend ? Really? 


"Okay, skipped those explanations first. Erm, why do I have SO much gifts in my room? Since when did I make so much friends in a month?" 

"Those gifts are from fans all over the world. And those staffs and artistes in SM."

"Fans?" I cringed. Now since when did I become famous? 

"Yea, those who shipped the both of you." 



After a whole lot chunk of explanations, I kinda got a grasp of the situation i'm in now. And right now, I definitely wasn't in a state nor mood for a relationship; thank god Onew was sensible enough to actually call this whole thing off to let me regain my memory first before going back to the relationship. Though he clearly stated that he would still love me despite any circumstances. 

Weird huh, to have such deep relations with a famous guy like him. 





"Seoll Yieeeee! Get the door will you?" I shouted out as I continued reading the novel. 

Silence immerse the whole atmosphere before I heard her calling me out to the living room again. Placing the novel onto my bed, I went out to see who was it. It felt like I was a celebrity all of a sudden when cameras were flooded in the living room with staffs behind them and not to say, Seol Yie looks pretty stunned as well. 

"Annyeonghasaeyo, I'm the PD. We're formally inviting you to join this reality show called 'We Got Married' . Have you heard of it before? " he approached, sticking his hand out. 

Taking his hand, I shook them as I nodded my head. "But, why me? I'm not a celebrity or anything..." My words trailed off. 

A chuckled broke out as he shook his head, "You're definitely someone famous! Given that you're Lee Soo Man's grand-daughter. No worries, we've already seeked consent from him and all we're left, is for you to say ok to give us the cue." Of course I know what's We Got Married, I mean, I absolutely adore that show ! Practically, this show is all about two artistes getting 'married' and they will go through many things together, and do the missions issued out to them. Also, there'd always be this interview thingy after each shows to let viewers know how those artistes really feel for each other or their own emotions. 

One adverse thing I dislike about that show. Couples eventually have to break up and continue living back to their busy scheldues, and most of the time, none of them would actually become real life couples after that show. Which well... I really hate it. Pardon me but one example was the Khuntoria Couple. They were absolutely cute ! But yea... The ending left me crying for nights. 


"So... Sunghwa-sshi, what do you say?" PD-nim asked, eyes b with hope. 

"Who's the male party which I'm going to marry to?" I blurted out. I sure hope it isn't some... ahjusshi... 

"That would be a secret, im afraid to say." 


Seol Yie skipped towards my side before patting my shoulders lightly, "Go girl! This would be really fun. Didn't you say you like this show a lot? Now that you got a chance to be in it, why not!" She laughed. 

True enough... 


No harm done if I were to join ... Right ? 

"Alright then." I smiled to PD-nim. 

"Thats great!" he clapped his hands together. "Now, if you'd please change into a proper attire before we'll start filming from the start which we'd invite you?" 

Ensuring that we look the best of ourselves in front of the entire population of the world, the director gave us the cue where he would first enter by our door again, and we'd have to act surprise. The whole process was done pretty simply since our house got nothing much, and plus, me and Seol Yie were the only ones getting filmed. 

"Congragulations for being on We Got Married ! At 6pm sharp, be at the carnival and head to the ferris wheel area where you'd meet your husband." Along with the attached mission card, there was another small photocard of a guy in the background, but it only displayed his back.

"Omo, is that him?!" Seol Yie shrieked as she grabbed the photocard and began experimenting it. 

"Alright! CUT!" Yelled the PD as he cut the slate. "Thank you ladies for today! We'll be coming back at around 5pm, so Sunghwa-sshi, please be ready ok." 

"Alright, kamsahamnida !" I thanked as I sent the staffs out. 

"Soooooooooo..." Seol Yie smirked, as she made herself comfortable on the couch next to me. "Are you nervous?" She giggled, scrutinizing my expressions.

"A little I guess." 

"I can't wait to see who he is !" 

Well, me too in fact. And, why do I get a strange feeling that it might be someone I know? But oh well, let's just throw that thought back into the bin and focus on what I'm going to wear for a carnival. 




"You sure I look fine?" I frowned, asking Seol Yie. For some reasons, I felt insecure on what I wore. Do I look too childish? Or under-dressed? 

"Yesssssssss." She sighed, "Now enjoy your date!" She said, pushing me out of the house. Sliding my hands through both the strap of the backpack, I made my way downstairs where the crew would start filming me. 

Please let everything go smoothly today ! 


Throughout the journey in the car, it felt exceptionally weird to have cameras sticking out of unusual places and camera men sitting next to me, taking note of my expressions. And not to say, they had to attach some sort of mini mic on the front of my shirt. I never knew filming would be this tough!

When we've finally pulled to a stop in front of the carnival, my heart can't help but beat a little faster than usual. Things are going to just be fine Park Sunghwa! Stop letting your imaginations run wild. You got an image to maintain here ! "Now let's see... Ferris Wheel... " I muttered softly, as my eyes scanned the carnival map. "Ahah ! Found it." 





With the cameras following Sunghwa, it made it even more obvious that she was Lee Soo Man's grand-daughter now. Letting out an internal sigh, she hastened her pace towards the ferris wheel before attracting anymore unnecessary attention. When she got to the ferris wheel booth, her jaw nearly dropped when she saw the large amount of crowd queuing up to get up to the cabin. Does that mean that the male party is already in there? Or queuing up as well? Hmm... 

"Sunghwa-sshi, please proceed to the front of the booth." One of the camera men ushered her to. 

"Oh, is he waiting inside already?" She probed, making her way through the crowd. She heard gasps along the way and some murmurs about whether she was Park Sunghwa or not. 

"Yea, he's already inside. You spot that cabin with a 'wgm' sign? Yeap, he's in there." 

Sunghwa stood infront as she watched cabins by cabins passed, waiting for the right one. Her curiousity was nearly killing her already, given that her imagination was so fruitful. She thought of many stars like Changmin, Lee Joon or any other actors like Song Joong Ki ! But on second thoughts, it couldn't be possible right ? She's a minor after all. Though it felt like it had taken ages for it to finally come down, Sunghwa didn't care. All she wanted to know was the male party's identity!


Taking in a deep breathe, the doors of the cabin slowly opened, revealing a guy casually dressed. 







"O-On-Onew sshi?!" She gasped. 




A/N :    


Though I said I would update only in mid june... But my hands are darn itchy oh god T_T . Keke, anyway hope you all liked this super long update ! I decided to dump my revision time away for this so yeaaaaaa give me some feedback will you ? Author-nim is dying here. I'm just 15 1/2 and I swear I've got tons of white hair built up under those black hair of mine and this humongous eye bags D: . 

Alright, just for your info !! I won't be updating any time next week... Like I said, most probably in June where I can relax A LITTLE . Gosh, I hope I didn't lose any readers ... And specially to those who have stayed throughout this fic with me, thank youuuuuuu ! 


TO : tallieangel : Yay ! I updated again ! Hahahahahaha :PPPP All the best for your exams as well ! Fighting ~~ 

TO : baelinger : HI GAY :DDDDDDDDDDDD 

TO : DreamingLight : It hurts me to write the chapter where she lost her memory as well D: ... But however ! Things will change for the better , so remember to keep looking out for updates on my fic ! 




I NEED THEM DESPERATELY OH**********************GOD . SIGH. 





(nice manicures you got there dubu ~ ) 




and I'll buy you a cup of fruit tea with waffle. 

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Chapter 34: Hello! this is a really good story :)
Anyway I can't wait till the next time you update!!
Chapter 32: No I have to cause im noisy , yours are cute not like mine .

Dude im not heartless /although I sing it everyday/ haha , will support you till the end ^^ dw.

Well erm congrats on ending your first paper and hwaiting for the future ones, you can do it!!1!1!!!!!!!!

For how many times I've told you , YOU'RE SMARTER THAN ME PLS.

Ohoh and !

Yes listen to what mimi say , skinshipskinship <3

And your one-shot ,
Nikki_SHINee #3
Chapter 32: Update soon
Chapter 31: Gosh, I totally sympathize with you. Whenever I write a new story, I check the board where I post it everyday... and then I only get one or two people to comment on it, and that's only after I bug them for a long time. I guess my writing really does ... T_T

Anyway, your English isn't bad! In fact, it's quite good! And my English/Grammar teacher prides herself on being one of the best in the US. XD

I really like your story. I do hope she gets back together with Onew, and maybe have a little action scene between Onew and Junhyung? *hint hint*

Can't wait for the next update! :D
Chapter 31: Aww yeah! It's Onew baby! I hope she will realised and they will not broke this relationship after WGM finished,good job of you to wrote about WGM uthor-nim,I'm imagining Yongseo right now :3 I hope they'll have some skinship,ppali LOL :p Anyways,Fighting! Please write more chapters after this.
Chapter 31: Sorry I was late buddy ! But good to see you updated :----) keep up the good work <3 /ps you're still very good at this sobs tears of peraudness hahaha
Chapter 30: D'awwwwwwwwww WGM even ! /:D
Chapter 30: LOL,yeah,he got too mamy manicures. Anyways,I love this chapter. I also really love WGM,especially Yongseo,oh,the memories flooded back to me. Argh,I really hope it's Onew,if not I'm gonna kill myself,LOL JK. Anyways,keep updating and I'm really waiting for your update on June. I hope you'll do well and get flying colours on your upcoming exam. Fighting. :D
Chapter 30: I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!!! I can't wait for the next one. I just know that there will be cute moments between them >< and I hope that Jinki works hard to get her memory back! Keep up the good work Author-nim :D