(17) Patience

Beyond Limits

CHAPTER 19 : (17) Patience . 






D-Did he just confessed to me?! "W-Wh-at?" I stuttered, my hands getting all sweaty as my cold sweat starts to form alongside of my forehead. 

"Erm, like, do you want to go out with me? Not like hyungs and dongsaengs... Just like, girlfriend and boyfriend?" He asked, eyes filled with anticipation for an answer. 

Breathe Sunghwa. Breathe. I DEFINITELY did not see this coming, nuh-uh. 



"What?" I asked again, snapping from my thoughts. I know I'm crazy, making a huge fuss over an confession but hey, this isn't your ordinary confession alright. Having bad experiences in relationship before getting confessed by a huge celebrity? Don't you think I need a little bit more time to get things processed in my mind? 

Taking in a deep breath, he explained. "I know you have a bad memory of hanging with someone you like... But I promise. I really do, I promise that I'm not like that guy or whoever he is previously that you had. I'm way different. If you're... Y'know, willing to give me a chance, I can prove things wrong and make things right for you. Sunghwa ah, my feelings for you... It's hard avoiding them... So here I am, bluntly telling you what's in my heart and brain." The looks on his face tell me this wasn't any joke. I've seen such faces of him before, I mean even though I just met him... To know him better, I did a little research on him and all. When he's serious, he's unstoppable. 

"I-..." Trailing off from my sentence, I was loss for words. What should I say? Yes? 


Of course you should Sunghwa! Isn't that what you want ? 

No, shut up and get off my head ! I screamed, fighting with my own thoughts. True, a part of me wanted to go out with Onew and well, do things that only couples would do. But... Another part of me tells me that the time isn't right. Things are just flooding in way too quickly, I should probably let things cool down first before making decisions right ? 

"Oppa, I... I mean, I do like you... But..." 

Onew's eyes lit up immediately when he heard such responses but it slowly faded away when I continued with the 'but'. "But...?"

"I, well... I just think that it isn't the right time now... I hope you can understand that I'm not rejecting you or saying yes... But I just hope you can give me a little bit of time and space and just, let me think through thoroughly. I don't want... History to repeat again..." I sighed, bowing politely. 


There you go Sunghwa. You just blew your chance. Rejecting a celebrity right in his face? How smart of you ! 

Onew's laughter flooded my ears as I slowly peeked at him through the corner of my eyes. "Gahhh, I've seen this coming actually. Geurae, you're right Sunghwa. I'm not going to rush you or what, but hmm... I just want to let you know, that if anytime you want to give me an answer, just call me. I'll always, ALWAYS be waiting for you ne."

That sentence made my shoulder relaxed as I let out an internal sigh of relief. Thank god he wasn't like what I expected. "Gomawo oppa... You've always been here for me and all but yet I am here, rejecting you. But still, you're still so nice to me... I-"

"Hah! Seriously Sunghwa? Those were nothing alright, I'd die for your smile!" He winked, patting my shoulders. 

I chuckled, flushing red as I fumbled with my fingers. "Thanks alot still..." 

"Oh." He gasped. "I... Well, I won't be in Seoul for a couple of weeks as there is the upcoming SHINee World Concert that I've to prepare for... So I guess I'll be flying here and there... I doubt I'd have time to actually meet up and sit down to talk..." 

Dang, few weeks of not seeing him? Well that's another story... "O-Oh... I see. Fighting oppa! SHINee members Fighting!" I cheered, letting out a fake smile.

"Yah, when I'm back to Seoul again, I'll be waiting for your answer. Mmm kay?"



The thoughts of not being able to see me is killing me already. Damn it Sunghwa, please please control your emotions ! 

"Wuffff Wuff!" Chicken barked, pouncing up and down on my bed seeking for my attention. 

I chuckled softly as I slumped my body over to reach out for him. Hugging him tightly, I sniffed. "Chicken yah... I miss Onew..." 

"Wuff!" he replied, my face. 

"Aigoo." I wiped my face, laughing by his betrayed expression. "Yah, you're one heck of a fella y'know." I commented, ruffling his furs. 
At times like this? I'm really thankful for Chicken's presence. 





"Seol Yieeeeeee, lend me your computer pretty please?" I begged, shaking her as her eyes glued on another Exo's reality show. 

"Shush! I'm watching Byun Baekhyun. Later ne?" 

"Pleaseeeeee. You can rewatch this a thousand times but I just need to go online and just watch SWC !" I whined. Yep, I needed to watch the recently uploaded SHINee World Concert video. I missed him... And that was my only source of seeing him!

"Did you mean SWC as in SHINee World Concert?" Seol Yie asked, getting curious now as she paused her video.

"Yes yes yes. Now get your off this chair!" I sighed, shoving her onto the ground and quickly browsed through Youtube. I was simply amazed and surprised by their concert. It was flawless, and really funny when they had the conversations with the whole hall of Shawols. And well, Onew and his sangtae again I suppose? Yah Onew... I wished you were here y'know. Well, maybe we could go get a drink? 



"Done thinking out loud?" Seol Yie's voice was just right next to me, making me shriek. 

Clutching my chest, I sent her a death glare. "That, was totally unnecessary." 

"Hah!" She laughed, "Can't blame me if YOU are thinking out loud!" 

"Oops?" I bit my lip in embarassment. 

"Done? Now get your away from my chair because I need my dosage of Mr Byun again." And this time, it was her time to shove me off the chair and onto the ground. 





"Oomph" I winced in pain as another girl stomped on my foot. What was she wearing? 10 inches heels? Those girls' squeals and screams were getting louder as I sensed them walking out of the door. Pushing my way forward, hoping I could get the least bit of view of them. Or maybe just him ?

"Kyaaa! Oppa ~~~ Saranghae!" Fans screamed as they pushed even further, tugging me along as well. 

Just then, Onew walked right infront of me as I stumbled forward. He stared right into my eyes and gave me a wink before moving along with the rest of the member. Key walked infront of me as well and let out a small chuckle. 

"Gah, I'm glad they're back." I muttered to myself as I squeezed my way out of the crowd. Mission to see Onew in the airport as a fan. Check. Way to go Park Sunghwa ! You're so obsessed that you want to be a fangirl right now.

Boarding the bus back home, I suddenly felt a buzz in my pocket. Omo, Onew's calling me? 

"Yoboseyo?" I answered. 

"Annnyeong Sunghwa! We all saw you at the airport! Keke!" voices sang together in unison as they all laughed loudly. 

"Annyeong ~ Welcome back to Seoul. " I laughed. 

Laughter continued to fill the conversation before a silent broke out and Key's voice was heard. "Oh, wait. Onew hyung wants to talk to you. Heh. Talk to you soon!" 

Tap tap tap. Silent. "Jeez, sorry about that Sunghwa." Onew's sweet voice filled my ears. 

"A-Annyeonghasaeyo Onew oppa." I greeted shyly. 

"Are you okay? I saw you squeezing with the rest of the fans out there. You seem to be injured or something?" he asked, having a tint of worry in his voice. 

"N-Ne. I'm fine."

"Yah, how about we meet up tomorrow in the company's practice room? I'm a little worn out now..."

"Oh, yea sure. Get some good rest oppa. See you tomorrow!" I beamed. Yep, I can't wait to see him. Pardon me for my excitement. 

And there, the line went dead. Shutting my phone, I turned and glanced outside of the bus window. Tomorrow... Heh. 



Before making my way to the practice room, I decided to drop by to visit Lee SooMan ahjusshi since it's been forever that I've last seen him. I guess he must be really busy huh. 

"You may proceed." The front desk lady ushered me into the office as I smiled and thanked her. 

"Oh, Sunghwa ah!" Ahjusshi grinned as he stood up, welcoming me warmly. "What brings you here?" 

"Ahh, nothing. I just thought maybe I could drop by and say... hi?" I giggled, sitting on the couch as he settled in front of me. 

"Any drinks you want?" 

"Ani! It's fine." 

"How have you been?' He inquired. 

"Hmmm... Doing good I guess?" 

"Oh!" He  clapped his hands all of a sudden. "I just remembered something that might require a favour from you..."


"There's an upcoming event... And well, I was hoping that I could introduce you to everyone?" 

Oh no. Here it goes again. "H-Huh?" 

He laughed again before rephrasing himself. "I want to introduce you to everyone ah Sunghwa. You're my granddaughter after all!" 

"O-Okay?" I forced a smile. It's just introducing me right? Nothing else.... And... Nothing will go wrong right ...? 

"Great!" He beamed, "I'll let my assistant tell you the details when the date approach closer okay?" 

"Ne. Then, I'll take my leave first. Have a good day ahead ahjusshi." I said, bowing to him before making my way out and to the practice room. 



"Annyeong~~" I waved as I popped into the practice room. Wow, I sure did grasp on the right timing in entering! In front of me, there were not just 5 people. But 12? And hold on... Oh my gawd. Isn't this... Super Junior standing in front of me? "Omo." 

"Oh! Noona! You're here!" The maknae yelled in excitement as he came and give me a warm welcoming hug. 

"Annyeong ah Taeminnie." I  chuckled, patting his back. 

"Oh hyungs! This is Park Sunghwa, Lee SooMan sunbaenim's granddaughter!" Taemin introduced me as the Super Junior members stared at me unbelievingly. 

Ok let me guess. Standing in front of me is... Donghae... Ryeowook... Yesung... Eunhyuk... Shindong... Siwon... Kyuhyun ! 

"Annyeonghasaeyo! Park Sunghwa imnida!" I greeted, bowing 90 degrees. 

"We are Super Juni-Or !" They greeted awkwardly as I let out a small laughter. I spent my time chatting with the Super Junior sunbaenims and yea, they're as funny as the SHINee members ! 


"Yah, hold on. I need to borrow Sunghwa for a minute." Onew suddenly interrupted as he dragged me out of the practice room.

"E-Eh? Oppa, where are we going?" 

"Sorry for the sudden interruption but... I've just got this burning question in my heart."

"Ne?" Everytime we are together, alone, my heart... It flutters unknowingly... 

"Still remember what I said to you before I left for SWC...? I want... I want to know what's your decision ah Sunghwa." 





Yes ? I do? 





Or maybe I'm just not good enough for him... Screw those thoughts Sunghwa. 


Screw my life. Screw all these, I'm just going to do whatever I want now. 






"Sunghwa?" Onew waved in front of me. By now, he was getting worried and nervous as sweat starts to form on his back. 

Closing my eyes, I tip-toed and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me whispering, "Yes."







A/N:  Hurray for double updates ! :D How is it? Is the confession erm.. Okay ? Hehe. 

Anyway, I'm so bored so I decided to do a double update T_T... Bestie have late tuitions on every thurs sobs. And well, I love kicking her to the ground so yeap ! 


Shinee's Comeback is Daebak right ! 



TO:  tallieangel : Yes ! Heh, you all are smart readers to know that Sunghwa can never resist Onew... Can you ? :PPP ~ Gahh, I thought I lost a reader and subscriber back then when NO ONE actually commented ): ... Thankyou once again ! Hehe ~~ ^o^


TO:  Cherriesalwaysthere : Long time no seeeeee Cherrrieeeee ~~ ): , I thought I've lost you ! But I'm relieve to see your comment on my comment box. :D , anyway, Fighting on your work ! Unlike you, I've got something like an entrance exam this year sobs :'( . Practice makes perfect ! Badminton is definitely a nice sport to play hehe, I myself love it ~ . See you next chapter again ! (-: 




See ! He's hungry for comments too xD , kekeke . Onew you qtpie ^_^ 

See you next  chapter ! :D 

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Chapter 34: Hello! this is a really good story :)
Anyway I can't wait till the next time you update!!
Chapter 32: No I have to cause im noisy , yours are cute not like mine .

Dude im not heartless /although I sing it everyday/ haha , will support you till the end ^^ dw.

Well erm congrats on ending your first paper and hwaiting for the future ones, you can do it!!1!1!!!!!!!!

For how many times I've told you , YOU'RE SMARTER THAN ME PLS.

Ohoh and !

Yes listen to what mimi say , skinshipskinship <3

And your one-shot ,
Nikki_SHINee #3
Chapter 32: Update soon
Chapter 31: Gosh, I totally sympathize with you. Whenever I write a new story, I check the board where I post it everyday... and then I only get one or two people to comment on it, and that's only after I bug them for a long time. I guess my writing really does ... T_T

Anyway, your English isn't bad! In fact, it's quite good! And my English/Grammar teacher prides herself on being one of the best in the US. XD

I really like your story. I do hope she gets back together with Onew, and maybe have a little action scene between Onew and Junhyung? *hint hint*

Can't wait for the next update! :D
Chapter 31: Aww yeah! It's Onew baby! I hope she will realised and they will not broke this relationship after WGM finished,good job of you to wrote about WGM uthor-nim,I'm imagining Yongseo right now :3 I hope they'll have some skinship,ppali LOL :p Anyways,Fighting! Please write more chapters after this.
Chapter 31: Sorry I was late buddy ! But good to see you updated :----) keep up the good work <3 /ps you're still very good at this sobs tears of peraudness hahaha
Chapter 30: D'awwwwwwwwww WGM even ! /:D
Chapter 30: LOL,yeah,he got too mamy manicures. Anyways,I love this chapter. I also really love WGM,especially Yongseo,oh,the memories flooded back to me. Argh,I really hope it's Onew,if not I'm gonna kill myself,LOL JK. Anyways,keep updating and I'm really waiting for your update on June. I hope you'll do well and get flying colours on your upcoming exam. Fighting. :D
Chapter 30: I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!!! I can't wait for the next one. I just know that there will be cute moments between them >< and I hope that Jinki works hard to get her memory back! Keep up the good work Author-nim :D