
You are the Key to my Heart

Sooyoung frowned as she walked up another aisle of books.


“Taeyeon, did you find it?” she shouted, only to be answered with several glares for her to be quiet.


Sooyoung ducked her head and tried to move away as discretely as possible but tripped over something.


Rubbing her head which had hit the shelf, she winced in pain.


I hope I don’t have a bump on my head.


“You’re squashing me” a voice whispered fiercely.


Sooyoung looked down in surprise to find Taeyeon underneath her, face turning a slight shade of blue.


Murmuring a string of apologies, Sooyoung stood up and brushed herself off before offering a hand to a grumpy Taeyeon.


Taeyeon limped away, complaining to herself, “I think that giant managed to break all my rib bones,  hmphhh, what does she think I am? A jelly which will just rebound after being sat on?”


Sooyoung caught up to her, smiling sheepishly, “Sorry about that Taeyeon, didn’t see you there.”


Taeyeon pulled a fish face in reply.


Sooyoung patted her head, “Did you find the book?”


Taeyeon shook her head, “Nope, did you?”


Sooyoung shook her head too.


They walked in silence for a little while.


Taeyeon let out a sigh, “We should have asked Seohyun what the title of the book is.”


Sooyoung nodded despondently and then her face brightened, “We could ask the librarian.”


Taeyeon peered over at the librarian, letting a shiver run down her body.


“I’m not doing that. Your idea Sooyoung, you go do it.” she stammered.


Sooyoung looked puzzled, “Why not?”


She walked towards the desk but upon closer inspection, she immediately ran back to Taeyeon.


“Let’s just stick to finding it ourselves” she muttered.


Taeyeon smirked.




Tiffany hovered over Jessica’s body as the doctor examined her.


I tried pouring water over her face, but it didn’t work. I hope the doctor will make her wake up.


“Will she be alright?” she questioned for the hundredth time.


The doctor nodded absentmindedly, “We need to shock her into waking up.”


Tiffany tapped her chin thoughtfully and smiled, “Do you have a cucumber?”


The doctor looked at her puzzled, “A cucumber? How’s a cucumber going to help?”


Tiffany rubbed her hands together, “I guess you don’t know a lot about Jessica, do you?”


Five minutes later, there was an ear piercing shriek.




Yuri looked around her, making sure that no-one was following her.


That would be dangerous.


She opened the door to what seemed like any ordinary bakery store. The owner of the bakery raised his eyes at her and a whisper of a sinister smile passed over his lips before he gave a curt nod to the back.


Yuri made her way to the back of the bakery, trying to ignore the enticing smells of the breads and cakes on the shelves and opened a trapdoor in the ground. She made her way down the stairs, coming to a spacious cavern with adjoining tunnels.


Yuri jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder.


“You’ve arrived” whispered a voice, smooth as silk.


Yuri turned to the person, eyes expressionless, “As you have ordered.”


The person latched his hand onto Yuri’s wrist and pulled her into a room. In bold letters on the door of the room said: WARNING: Those who enter without authorisation will never come back out.




Yoona woke up to see the room empty.


“That’s strange” she mumbled knowing that the other members wouldn’t normally leave her alone.


Getting up unsteadily, she found a pink envelope on the chair.


To Yoona’ it said.


Yoona smiled as she opened it but as she read, her smile faded away.


She took out her mobile phone but it was out of battery.


Looking around the room, she saw the window propped open by a stick.




Sunny tumbled out of the cab and dashed to the reception desk.


She sighed in impatience as the receptionist continued to have an exceedingly long and unnecessary conversation with someone on the phone.


It seems luck isn’t with me today.


By the time the receptionist had hung up, Sunny was about to tear her hair out in frustration.


“Could you tell me what room Hyoyeon and Seohyun are in?” she asked icily.


The receptionist disregarded Sunny’s tone of voice and lazily typed something onto the computer in front of her before absentmindedly looking at her nails.  


“Excuse me!” shouted Sunny, causing all heads in the room to turn to her.


 “This is an emergency so I would appreciate if you could hurry up.” hissed Sunny.


I’m worried sick about my members and all you can do is have a long phone conversation with somebody for over 20 minutes and look at your nails!


The woman melodramatically burst into tears.


Sunny fidgeted, unsure of what to do. She was now fully aware of all the eyes on her.


Suddenly a stunningly beautiful lady walked towards the two.  


“Sorry about the service.” she stated, unceremoniously pushing the crying woman to the staffroom, “How may I help you?”


Sunny was speechless, entranced by her deep brown eyes.


“Uhhhh, are you alright?” asked the lady.


Sunny snapped out of her trance and nodded, blushing furiously in the process.


“Do you know what room Hyoyeon and Seohyun are in?” she questioned nervously.


Why do I feel like this? Think clearly Sunny, you have to warn Sooyoung and Taeyeon. But, she’s so pretty and her voice is so…


The lady gave another alluring smile, “They’re in room 9 on floor 5”


Sunny turned a dark shade of pink and mumbled a low thank you. She began to walk away but she felt a hand grab onto her wrist, fingers resting right over her over active pulse rate.


The lady gazed at her and smiled, “My name is Hyomin, what is yours?”


Sunny gulped, her heart thumping in her chest, “My name is Sunny.” she stuttered.


Hyomin laughed and pinched her cheeks, “You’re so cute Sunny Bunny. If you have some time, we could go out together.”


She wrapped Sunny’s fingers around a piece of paper and made a call sign with her hand before she walked off.


By this stage, Sunny’s face was a deep shade of crimson. She hurried off to the elevators, hands over her cheeks, trying to calm herself down.


What’s wrong with you Sunny? She was just being friendly. But my heart is beating so fast and my cheeks are so red. Why? Why is this happening to me? Could I be in l… Don’t think that Sunny. It was probably because I was a bit flustered before. And did she call me Sunny Bunny?


Sunny felt her cheeks get even hotter.


She opened the door to room 9 in relief and instantly smiled at her two members, leaning down to hug them.


“Are you too feeling alright?” she questioned.


The two of them nodded and smiled at her.


Seohyun hesitantly piped up, “Unnie, why are you so red?”


Sunny tried to think of an excuse.


Luckily Hyoyeon asked, “Did you have the go up the stairs like Sooyoung and Taeyeon did?”


Sunny smiled thankfully at Hyoyeon, “Yes, I did. So Sooyoung and Taeyeon came here?”


Seohyun nodded, “They asked me when the ninth hour is.”


Sunny questioned, “Did you tell them the answer?”


Seohyun shook her head, “I read a book about it but I forgot the answer. I told them to go to the library…”


Sunny cut her off, “How long ago did they leave?”


Seohyun glanced at the clock, “Around an hour ago.”


Sunny called out a thanks as she dashed out the door.


Seohyun twitched her nose, “I wonder why everyone is in such a rush today.”


Hyoyeon shrugged, “I don’t know.”


Silence descended on the two.


Suddenly Seohyun heard Hyoyeon inhaling deeply and then a rustle of the blankets.


“Seohyun,” called Hyoyeon.


Seohyun turned to look at Hyoyeon, “Yes?”




Taeyeon stretched her neck and yawned.


Maybe I should have asked Seohyun what the name of the book was.


She rubbed her eyes at the row of books swimming in front of her.


I’m so tired. But I must find the book to save Fany. And Jessica. I wonder what Sooyoung is up to.


She walked to the end of the aisle and saw Sooyoung talking to another girl, occasionally breaking into laughter.


Seems like they’re having too much fun.


Taeyeon made her way across to them and tapped Sooyoung on the shoulder with a disgruntled countenance.


“What do you... Mmmfffff”


Sooyoung placed a hand over Taeyeon’s mouth.


Sooyoung smiled apologetically at the other girl, “I’m so sorry to cut our conversation short. Little sisters can be such a pain.”


The other girl smiled prettily, “Don’t worry, I understand. It’s been a pleasure talking to you. Maybe we can meet up another time?”


Sooyoung nodded a little too enthusiastically and grinned, “Sure, have a lovely day Nana”


Once the girl had left, Sooyoung removed her hand from Taeyeon’s mouth.


Taeyeon glared at her, “I’m your little sister? Excuse me Sooyoung, I’m older than you! And what are you doing talking to a girl like that?”

Sooyoung looked nonplussed, “Like what?”


Taeyeon fumed, “You were flirting with her!”


Sooyoung rolled her eyes, “Taeyeon, I wasn’t…”


Taeyeon’s expression hardened.


Sooyoung sighed, “Ok, maybe a little bit. But it was only to get the book.”


All traces of rage vanished from Taeyeon’s face.


“You found it?” she smiled hopefully.


Sooyoung smiled back, “Yes, Nana helped me.”


Taeyeon put her hand over Sooyoung’s shoulder, “That’s good. I will forgive you for flirting with another girl other than Jessica for once. But don’t do that again.”


Sooyoung did a mock salute, “Yes Sir,”


Taeyeon grabbed Sooyoung by the arm, “Ok, let’s go and find out when the ninth hour is.”


The two of them sat down and began flicking through the book.




Yoona walked down the street, anxiety clamping down on her heart.


She wondered where Yuri had gone. She recalled the letter Yuri had written to her.


To Yoona,


I’m very sorry that I won’t be there when you wake up but I got an unexpected call and I have to go somewhere urgently. I sincerely apologise to you and I promise I’ll make it up to you later.


From Yuri


It was so formal and… vague. Yoona felt hurt.


I thought we were closer than that, yet you still address me like we’re business partners. Will you not even tell me where you are going? Do you have to be so secretive around me?


She let out a long sigh.


Is there any hope for me? Will you ever think of me the way I think of you?


As she was thinking, a warm scent wafted towards her nose.  Yoona smiled a little.


Smells like bread. I guess a bite to eat won’t hurt.


She entered the bakery and her senses were immediately engulfed by the smell of freshly baked bread, candied fruits and frosting.


“What would you like?” asked a smooth voice.


Yoona jumped in fright as a man dressed all in black suddenly appeared in front of her. She tried to ignore the shivers that ran down her back like spiders.


That man looks really freaky. It’s like he exudes this evil aura. But I’m sure he’s not actually like that, I must be thinking too much. He’s probably just a harmless bakery employee who just happens to be dressed all in black and have a creepy smile. Am I even making sense? I think being in love with Yuri has completely messed up my mind.


“Could I get a tiramisu and a…”


The man quickly grabbed her, encircling his arms around her body and held a knife to .


“One word and…”,the man made a cutting motion against his throat.




Sooyoung and Taeyeon pored over the book.


“It should be in here somewhere,” muttered Sooyoung.


Taeyeon nodded her head.


All of a sudden, a grin spread across her face.


“Here!” she pointed.


They both read the words they had been searching for.


“The ninth hour is three o’clock,” mumbled Sooyoung.


She glanced up at the clock.


She took a deep breath, “Taeyeon,” she said.


Taeyeon looked up at her, “Yes?”


“We have some serious running to do,” she stated before dashing out the library.


Taeyeon sighed in confusion and then looked at the clock.


“Great” she groaned as she prepared to chase after Sooyoung.


 10 minutes to get to the Han River. Focus Taeyeon, you can do this. You have to save your Fany.




Sunny panted heavily at the front of the library.


I hope Sooyoung and Taeyeon are here.


Approaching the strict-looking librarian, she gave a bright smile.


“Have you seen two girls, both with brown hair, one similar in height to me and the other one really tall?” she queried.


The librarian scowled, “Of course. Those two immature girls were running around the library being incredibly noisy and rude to the other people in the library.”


Sunny cringed a little.


“Do you, by any chance, know where they are?” she asked hopefully.


The librarian sniffed, “They ran right out the door several minutes ago and I’m glad they did. Good riddance! I hope those dreadful girls never return again.”


Sunny gave a small smile, “Thank you so much for your help.”


The librarian dismissed her with a wave of her hand.


Sunny dragged her feet as she walked outside.


How unlucky! I missed them by several minutes, just several minutes. If only I was a bit quicker, I could have warned them. Should I go to the Han River now?


She looked at her watch.


Will I make it in time? It’s almost three.


Then she gasped.


How could I have forgotten? I was meant to go and look after Yoona at 2pm. Silly me! I hope that Sooyoung and Taeyeon can manage by themselves.  


Taking a deep breath, Sunny ran back to the hospital.




Sooyoung and Taeyeon stood near the Han River, looking around curiously.


“Why is there no-one here?” asked Sooyoung.


Taeyeon shrugged, “I don’t know, we couldn’t have gotten the time wrong, right?”


“You didn’t” came a voice colder than all the winds in the Arctic.


Both Sooyoung and Taeyeon spun around, only to find themselves been tightly bound with rope.


A man stared at them with calculating eyes.


“I presume you are Sooyoung and Taeyeon.” he stated.


The two girls nodded in response.


“What are you going to do with us?” asked Sooyoung.


He arched an eyebrow, “You wanted to see your girlfriends, right? Well I’m here to take you to them.”


Taeyeon had a bad feeling about the way he said the word girlfriends.


His features look familiar. 


Taeyeon leaned as close to Sooyoung as she could with ropes tied around her and whispered, “Don’t you think he looks a bit like Yuri?”


Sooyoung was about to nod in response when the man let out a low chuckle that made the two girls shiver.


A smile spread across his face, “I do, because Yuri is my sister.” 




Hello my fabulous readers, 


I'm so sorry for not updating for a couple of weeks, I've been quite busy. Hopefully this longer chapter will make it up. Thank you for all of your comments and to my new subscribers, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. It would be wonderful if you could leave a comment below after reading:D


There's quite a big secret revealed at the end, although I think some of you have already suspected it for quite some time. It seems that five of the members are in trouble. Any guesses on what will happen next? 

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Hello my lovely readers, sorry about the delay in putting up a chapter, I will try to get it up tomorrow. Hope you look forward to it:)


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Fanfourlife #1
Chapter 30: I love this story sorry for not reply I was busy but thank you I love the story ❤️❤️❤️❤️
shaaha #2
Chapter 33: please update fast... :) </3 i love it..
Chapter 33: Anticipating chapter 33 I really want to know what seohyun saw in the box
Chapter 32: update soon please
Chapter 32: Now this is for Sunny,Hyoyeon and Seohyun to be tortured by Yuri's brother ?!
Hmmm how can he captured them so easily like this?!
To fight back equally think we need all the 8 of them to be united but with Taeyeon 'KO' it seems impossible and when will Yuri go back to her right mind...
To have this many question on what could things be means you rock the story so far author,keep going ;)
And thank you for the update!
Chapter 32: Hope their relationship will be better.. :D
kpoplover2014 #7
Chapter 32: whooooooohooo, as expected, an awesome chapter! I'm so sad for taeny :'( i hope they'll make up soon, and more yoonyul moments pleeeeeaaaaaasseeeeeee :D:D