Stage 17: A Thought to Spare

DP: KT Angel

“Taeng?” She whispered again. Still no answer.

“You said you won’t leave me…” There was still none. Taeyeon sighed in defeat. She didn’t know what she did. Did she do something wrong? Why wasn’t Taeng answering? She heard footsteps on the sand. She turned and saw Jessica looking out the sea as well. They stayed like that for a few minutes and the sun was ready to set. Taeyeon looked at Jessica.

“Jessica, let’s go back to the hotel. It’s going to get dark soon.” She told the girl. Jessica didn’t move nor turn. Taeyeon waited.

“Can you come with me for a minute? I want to show you something.” Jessica said as she started walking off in a direction away from the hotel.

“O-okay.” Taeyeon followed shortly after the Jung. She took a glance back at the hotel before following Jessica fully.


Sunny was in her room. She was arranging something. It was colorful and fragrant. She wrapped them in a plastic cover before placing a neat red ribbon to hold it together aesthetically She smiled at the job well done.  She took a small card and took out a pen. She was about to write on it when…

“Ahhh!” She immediately sat up at the familiar scream. She bolted out the door to where she thought the noise was coming from. She stopped and placed a hand to massage her forehead at the familiar seen before her.

“Yuri… Why do you have a bug again?” Sunny asked at the girl holding a familiar beetle. Then, she noticed that Tiffany was hiding behind someone she didn’t know. The tall stranger seemed to be wearing a large hoodie and some jeans. Before Yuri could answer, Sunny asked.

“Who are you?” The stranger opened to ask before Tiffany answered for her.

“She’s Im Yoona and she’s visiting Yuri here.” Tiffany said as she pointed at Yuri. Sunny looked to see Yuri was still holding the beetle.

“Is that the beetle from when we went to that ski trip?” Sunny asked. Yuri smiled sheepishly before hiding it somewhere out of sight.

“No~ why do you ask?” Yuri chuckled. Sunny raised a brow.

“It’s all Tiffany’s fault. She was trying to keep Yoona all to herself. The minute Yoona arrived, she kept on talking to her, leaving me alone.” Yuri quickly said. Sunny saw that Tiffany was laughing behind Yoona.

“When exactly did she arrive?” Before Yuri could answer Sunny’s question, Tiffany laughed even harder. They both looked at her, Yuri with annoyance and Sunny with amusement.

“She just arrived two minutes after I screamed.” Tiffany was laughing so hard.

“Aish, if Taeyeon was here, she could handle this just fine.” Sunny whispered inaudible for anyone to hear. Yoona did hear it though.

“What did you say?” Yuri asked to which Sunny just shook her head.

“Where’s Taeyeon unnie?” Yoona asked. Sunny looked at Yuri and Tiffany as well.

“She said that she’ll be at the beach if we need her. Should I get her now?” Tiffany asked. Sunny thought of the card that was lying down on her desk. She should just give it to her personally. She nodded her head.

“Yeah. I’ll get it from my room so when she comes back, I’ll hand it to her.” Sunny was about to go when she noticed two white ears popping out of Yoona’s hoodie.

“Eh? Dan?” A familiar face popped out, meeting Sunny face to face.

“Kyu!” It came out of Yoona’s hoodie and jumped towards Sunny.

“Ah, Dan!” Yoona said as Dan jumped out. Good thing that Sunny caught him or he would have fallen on the floor. All of them shared a laugh. Tiffany came towards Sunny when she saw Dan, allowing Yuri to finally take Yoona all to herself.

“Yoong~” Yuri said, cuddling up to the girl. Yoona blushed.

“Yuri unnie.” Nonetheless, hugged her. Tiffany, Sunny, and Dan all had similar thoughts. It was ranging from ‘get a room’ to ‘I miss her’ for they all were thinking of their love.


“Jessica. What did you want to show me again?” Taeyeon kept following Jessica and now they were inside the woods. She noticed Jessica stop.

“How naïve…” Jessica whispered.

“Jessica?” Taeyeon called questioningly. She watched as Jessica turned to face her, revealing blue eyes.

“Jesse!” Taeyeon immediately adopted a protective maneuver. Jesse chuckled.

“I’ve wanted to continue the battle with Taeng for a while now. If I fight you two here, I’ll be able to catch you finally.” Taeyeon looked around and saw that they were surrounded by trees.

“You’re pretty nice, aren’t you?” Taeyeon commented. Jesse creased his eyebrows.

“What do you mean by that, Taeyeon-ssi?” Taeyeon noted the honorific.

“Pretty formal too. You just addressed me with an honorific. You chose this setting so no other people would see.” Taeyeon explained. Jesse only smiled.

“You’re right about me, being formal, Taeyeon-ssi.” Jesse started.

“And pretty egoistic too.” Taeyeon mumbled with a look.

“Ya! I heard that. But I’m not nice. The reason I picked this setting is so that no one can interrupt. The last time, I was forced to retreat because Master Jessica was locking me away.” Jesse explained but he noticed what Taeyeon was doing. He realized what she had done.

“Hahaha!” He laughed. Taeyeon put her guard up and stared at Jesse. She was confused because she’s seeing tears in Jesse’s eyes.

“What is so funny?” Taeyeon asked. Jesse stopped.

“You locked him up!” Jesse said before continuing to laugh.

“What?” Taeyeon didn’t understand.

“You didn’t know? Oh, I’ve underestimated you, Taeyeon-ssi. Who knew you could do it?” Jesse stopped laughing and charged at Taeyeon. He held her down by the neck but he wasn’t strangling her, just holding her down. Taeyeon squirmed for a bit before calming down.

“Taeng hasn’t been answering you, has he?” Taeyeon’s surprised look gave her away.

“How did you know that?” Taeyeon asked while Jesse let go of her neck, seeing as she won’t struggle.

“You locked him in but you can’t get him out. It’s simple. It’s exactly what Master Jessica does to me every time. Did something happen between you and Taeng lately? Did you feel something getting cut off?” Taeyeon nodded. Jesse smirked as he stood up and Taeyeon sat up.

“You still have no control over your powers as his tamer, Taeyeon-ssi. Master Jessica can lock me up but she can summon me to come out if she wants to, which is as rare as a rose blooming in winter. You still have some work to do. Did you think that he didn’t answer because he didn’t want to?” Taeyeon didn’t answer so Jesse continued.

“That’s why this curse keeps going on forever.” Taeyeon raised her head to face Jesse.

“To Taeng, it was always about his tamer first.” Taeyeon stood up.

“He always keeps getting sealed with me because he always puts his tamer first.” Jesse finished before attacking Taeyeon. He pushes her down a cliff that had been nearby.

Taeyeon fell in the water with a huge splash. She had her eyes closed as she thought of Taeng.

‘Taeng!’ She called in her mind.


Dan started getting a headache. His ears dropped down and his body went rigid. He struggled in Sunny’s hold and plopped down on the floor.

“Dan? What’s wrong?” Sunny asked worriedly. Just then…

“Ah!” Sunny turned to see Yuri clutching her head.

“Yuri!” Yoona called out worriedly. Sunny and Tiffany look at each other.

“What’s going on?” Tiffany asked before going to Yuri’s side to check if something’s wrong. Sunny turned her attention to Dan, who was pushing his head down on the floor, his two front paws on his head. She picked him up and he didn’t struggle but Sunny could still see that he was in pain.

“Kyu…” Dan called out before collapsing.


Jesse continues to stare at the sea before he drew back and turned his back. His smirk adorns his face once again when he heard a big splash again. He still had the smile when he turned back to see Taeyeon standing before him, holding a black feather on her hand, pointed at him. He noticed black wings on her back.

“How can I get him back?” Taeyeon asked quickly. Jesse eyes her.

“You can’t.” Jesse said with a smirk.

“Tell me how I can get him back.” Taeyeon orders and the black feather glowed red. It shot Jesse on the arm. He hissed.

“I didn’t think you had it in you.” He said.

“Tell me. How can I get him back?” Taeyeon asked again, the feather still glowing red.

“Why? With Taeng locked up, you don’t have to put up with him. You don’t have to compete with- who was it again? Sunny?” Taeyeon glared at him before shooting him again, this time, it hit his stomach. He was pushed back by the force. He sat up.

“Don’t speak of Taeng like that! I am his tamer and even if you have been together for centuries, I still know him better than you do!” Jesse looked up at her when he heard her declaration.

“I don’t think you know this so I will tell you. At one point, there will be a time when you will separate and your maiden would determine who stays. What if she chooses him? You will get sealed with me.” Jesse said. Taeyeon remained silent for a moment while Jesse just waited for her decision.

“That is a risk that I have to take. Until that time comes, Taeng and I will stick together.” Taeyeon said, lowering the black feather. Jesse stared at her for a bit before standing up.

“Call him. This time, he will answer.” He said before letting his wings out and flying high up.

“Taeng?” Taeyeon tried. A familiar pain is felt on her chest.

“I’m here.” She smiled when she heard the voice. Brown hair turned black and eyes opened to reveal red.

“I’m sorry.” Taeng said.

“Don’t mind it.” Taeng could feel Taeyeon’s smile as he couldn’t help but smile as well. He flew up.

“Welcome back, Taeng.” Jesse said as they faced each other midair.

“I’m back.” Taeng said while Jesse smirked once again. When Taeng got into a fighting position, he raised his hand.

“Hold it.” He said. Taeng looked at him.

“As you may not have seen, Taeyeon-ssi has given a taste of her power. I’m afraid that it is just not fair to fight you in this condition. Besides, I am using Master Jessica’s body right now. I don’t want to hurt her any more than I have. She is everything to me.” Jesse said before flying down to the beach and keeping his wings before anyone could see. Taeng flew down and turned back to Taeyeon as well.

“Aigoo… How am I going to explain this?” Taeyeon asked herself. She glared when she heard Taeng stifle a laugh.

“This is not funny, Taeng. My clothes are drenched while Jessica’s have two holes in them.” Taeyeon said, worrying as she carried Jessica behind her back.

“Hahaha! People are going to think she pushed you in the water after you tried to-”

“Ah! I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear it!” Taeyeon said, shaking her head. She could hear Taeng’s laughter echo loudly in her head. Still, she couldn’t help but smile and be happy that he was back.

“I’m glad you’re back, Taeng.” She said.

“I never left, Taeyeon.” With that, Taeyeon walked back to the hotel.

Unfortunately, Taeng was right. She was bombarded with so many questions; three out of five had something to do with what Taeng said. The teachers came in and helped put Jessica to her room and treat any wound. Taeyeon was so tired. She went to her room, which she shared with Yuri. She saw Yuri on the bed with Yoona beside.

“Oh! Yoona, you’re here.” Then, she noticed the white creature on her bed.

“Dan! You’re here too.” Dan’s ears perked up.

“Kyu!” Dan stood up from her bed and jumped to cuddle with Taeyeon who just hugged him.

“Yoona, why are you both here?” Taeyeon asked.

“I had a feeling something was wrong. I came here with Dan just in case. Then, about an hour before you came back, Yuri unnie had a headache and Dan, too. She’s been resting since I placed her to bed.” Yoona explained. Taeyeon nodded.

“Hm…” They turned their attention to Yuri who just opened her eyes.

“Yuri unnie!” Yoona called, immediately making her way next to Yuri.

“Uh… Oww… My head… What happened?” Yuri asked as she slowly sat up with Yoona’s help.

“Yoona said you collapsed an hour ago. Dan, too.” Taeyeon said as she sat on her own bed.

“Really? I don’t remember.” Yuri said. Taeyeon lay down on her stomach while Dan rested on her back.

“Tell me if you remember anything when you’re feeling better.” Taeyeon’s voice trailed off as she felt her eyes closing slowly.

“Oh! Taeyeon, what’s this?” She opened her eyes to see Yuri excited.

“I see you’re okay now. What is what?” She lifted her head. Yuri was pointing at something. She checked the nightstand next to her bed and she saw a bouquet of flowers.

“Oh! Flowers~” She sat up, a bit interested about it. Flowers were wrapped up seemingly by a professional. It had a red ribbon holding it together. She looked in and saw that inside the flowers, they were…

“Dukongs!” She found three small pea plushies inside the bouquet. She looked for a card but sadly, there wasn’t anything there.

“Yoona, did you see who left this?” Taeyeon asked to which Yoona shook her head.

“They were here when I entered the room to put Yuri unnie to bed. Dan was here, too, by then.” Taeyeon stared at the bouquet before looking for a vase. She took the flowers and placed them in the vase. She took the dukong plushies out and set them beside her pillow. She stared at them happily before her eyes closed to sleep.


A/N: Hey guys. Here’s the next chapter. Hope you guys like it.

Thank you guys for leaving the comments. They really make me very happy and I laugh in excitement at reading each and every one of them. Thanks for a new subscriber as well. I hope you guys stick around until the story is over. I don’t know when but who knows. Hahaha!

I’m not sure if I will update again on Saturday or Sunday. My break is over so I might return to the once per week updates. I’m sad because I’ll be busy with school again since it’s the last quarter of my freshman year. They say that the freshman year is what is noted in the transcripts so I’m working hard. Well, see you guys on the next update. ^-^v

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Chapter 1: Ahhhhh dnAngel..thats my fav too
Eva22SNSD9 #2
Chapter 25: I can't believe i just finished this story.. It was amazing! I wish more scenes of JeTi was included.. I love the pairing.. Kyaaa!!!
Chapter 25: Applause this story is soooo nice and awesome!! Hahaha thanks for make this story ^___^

JeTi :* <3 and SunYeon, YoonYul ;D
Totoro_lover #4
Chapter 25: This deserves some applause! *claps* This is perfect and blunt Jessica as always ^-^ Another great story has ended. Thank you for the great story author ^^
Chapter 25: Blunt Jessica.
jasminelep #6
Chapter 25: thanks for this story :))
DanDyuDream #7
Chapter 25: a big clap for u!!!!!!
thanks for this story..
i'm statisfied with the ending... :)
theyt5 #8
Chapter 25: Yes everything makes sense now. I'm disappointed that such a great story ended but so so so glad it got a great ending. LOL Jessica's confession to Tiffany was so blunt. I'll be looking forward to your future stories!
LeeJuno #9
Chapter 25: Awwwwwwww the story was so goooood! You did a great job author. If DN.Angel turned out differently, this is how it should be. Jesse's and Jessica's character were my favorites.
Chapter 24: Yay update! ^^
Aawww I was right about Jesse, and as usual I have a soft spot for characters like him >.< I feel so bad for his past T.T
Next chapter will be the last?! Noooooo T.T but at least you said that it will be long :P
Happy back to school (I still have a month ^〜^) and thanks for the update! :D