I love you

Living with the enemy


“So you mean you had one of the best nights of your life with Seunghyun, and now it’s over between you two”? Chaerin asked Jiyong as she lay on his bed. Neither of them of them had classes so they decided to hang out in Jiyong’s house while he told her about his night.

“Yeah, and you know what. I don’t regret it, I’m done trying to get him back” He said as he folded some of this clothes, it was the only way he could get rid of the ache in his heart. 

“Really? Is that why you’re trying to fold a paper bag”? Chaerin asked as she watched her new friend. “Anyways, I’m confused. You didn’t let him speak at all”? She always hated unnecessary angst, she’d rather people just confess their feelings and get it over with than going round in circles like the ridiculous tale that is the love story of Seunghyun and Jiyong.

“Why should I? First we spend the night together and then he leaves and I wake up to his girlfriend telling me that it’s okay for me to love him”

“And what about this note he speaks off”?

“I don’t care, why does it matter”? He wondered why chaerin was prying so much when he just wanted to forget. “He lied about me being his first anyways”

“Does it really matter who his first was”?

“No but he lied to me, he…”

“Would you have stayed still if he told you then and there”? She asked sternly, she loved Jiyong but he was being stupid and immature and she couldn’t take that.

“I guess I wouldn’t” he responded after thinking it through.

“Again, what about that note”?

“AGAIN WITH THE NOTE”!!! Jiyong yelled throwing his hands in the air, he was starting to rethink his friendship with her; Taeyang was a better friend. “But….there was no note, only Bom”

“And you never once thought that she would have taken it”?

“No” Bom was his best friend, he trusted her. There was no way she would ever knowingly hurt him right?

“So let me get this straight, Seunghyun who you love oh so much left because he thought you didn’t love him anymore and once he found out that you really did love him, he gave you one of the best nights of your life but had to leave for some reason, leaving you a note which you didn’t see, and that he had to tell you something important but you flat out told him that it was over, and….”

“What have I done”! He exclaimed as he thought about it, he was doing the same stupid thing Seunghyun had done, so many months ago. He turned his back without clarification “I need to see Seunghyun” He said picking his phone.

“Finally” She sighed as Jiyong ran out.


The drive to Seunghyun’s house was relatively shorter than usual as he drove wayy above the speed limit, hoping he wasn’t too late.

“Jiyong” One of the maids greeted him by the door, but he ran past her and straight to the room Bom was.

“Jiyong”? Bom called as he walked into the room.

“Give me the note Bom” he spat, hoping Chaerin was right .

“What are you talking about”?

“The note Seunghyun left in the hotel room”



He laid on his bed staring at the ceiling wondering what he was going to do about Jiyong; he wanted to know what made Jiyong turn against him in just one night. The night before was amazing, he did everything as he saw in the videos he watched.

“What were you going to explain to me”? He heard Jiyong’s voice but he didn’t budge, it was just his mind playing games on him like it did when he was apart from Jiyong. “Seunghyun”! He heard the voice again; making him sit up, and there Jiyong was, standing before him.


“What were you going to explain to me”? Jiyong asked again not taking his eyes of him.

“That thinking you didnt love me wasn’t the only reason I left” he answered as he slowly got off his bed “I wanted to get my grandfather to make a call to clear your mother’s name so I had to pretend to date Bom so he would believe that I wasn’t still in love with you but this morning, I told him I didn’t care about anything anymore, that I only wanted you”. By the time was done speaking; he was standing nose to nose with Jiyong.

“You did all that for me”? Jiyong asked before lounging at him, kissing him passionately “God! I love you” Jiyong breathed before deepening the kiss.

“Marry Me,” He said before he could stop himself, making Jiyong freeze in place.

"What"? Jiyong asked in shock.

“Oh my God”! He screamed and ran out the room, shutting the door behind him and leaning on it. He wasn’t sure why he said it; he was so overwhelmed. One minute Jiyong was telling him that it was over, and the next he was in his room kissing him. He braced himself as she walked back out to the room, where Jiyong was still he in the position he left him.

“Jiyong...” He started before Jiyong stopped him.

“Don’t say anything, don’t ruin it” Jiyong said as he pushed him to sit on the bed before seating on him, wrapping his legs around his waist.

“Jiyong, how come you came back”? Seunghyun asked in barely a whisper; Jiyong’s hands were roaming in places that made him feel good.

“Chaerin spoke some sense into me” he answered as he grinded on Seunghyun.

“Uhmm… I guess I should thank her later” he groaned. “Jiyong’s my mother is home”

“I guess we could keep it quiet” Jiyong smiled. He loved seeing his effect on Seunghyun.

“I guess we could” Seunghyun said as switched positions with Jiyong, pinning him on the bed as he wedged himself between Jiyong’s legs.

“Seunghyun” Jiyong blushed beneath him.

“I love you,” He said before leaning down to claim his lover’s warm mouth; the kiss was slow and passionate. He broke the kiss slowly, proceeding to Jiyong’s neck, it as Jiyong bucked up, clashing his into his.




She ran out the house as fast as her feet could carry her; she had been on her way to stop whatever Jiyong was going to say to Seunghyun when she heard from the door and for some reason she didn’t care anymore. She was done chasing after Seunghyun; the last two times she tried, she ended up in bed with two different people who didn’t love her and she deserved better. She was turning into the worst version of herself. A familiar car stopped before her, and out came Taeyang.


“Just leave me alone Taeyang, I don’t blame you or anything” She said walking away from him as fast as she could.

“Bom, I just want to talk”. Taeyang had been in her mind all day; the night before wasn’t bad, he was actually gentle but what hurt was that he was gentle for Jiyong not her.

“OH MY GOD, WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE”! She was yelling when Taeyang pulled her in for a hug. She fought him for a few seconds before giving in to the hug, breaking down against his chest.

He held her close and her hair as she cried against him.

“Come with me I’m taking you for a ride” He shoved her gently into his car, hopped in and drove off. There was one spot in town that always calmed him, Han River. The drive wasn’t long but he could feel Bom’s eyes on him from time to time and he didn’t blame her either, his actions were appalling to him also.



“Thank you,” She said as they were both rested on his car, staring at the water. It was exactly what she needed.

“I just figured you needed a break”

“I did, I’ve been so evil to Jiyong” She wondered if she was ever going to be forgiven. She’d never seen him so angry.

“Yeah, you need to apologize for that”

“Do you really like him that much”? She turned to face him.

“I do, but he’s not mine to keep…we should go, I promised Chaerin that I’d go racing with her”. Something in her twinged as his mention of Chaerin’s name but she let it go.

“Its fine, leave me here” She said getting off the car, there was no way she was going back to a house filled with moans.

“I’m not leaving you here… I guess I’ll call Chaerin to reschedule” Taeyang said as he pulled out his phone.

“No don’t” she stopped him quickly “Just drop me home and you can go” She said hopping into the car; she was don being that girl.


The ride back was a lot more fun than before, with she and Taeyang bickering over music, and even singing together and as it turned out, their voices sounded pretty good together.

“Maybe you should join our music group” Taeyang said as he parked in front of Seunghyun’s house.

“Maybe” She responded smiling and the air went stale for a moment. “So… are we like friends now”?

“Like” Taeyang responded smiling, and she had to admit how cute how was when he smiled. “I have the urge to kiss you right now” he said taking her by surprise.

“Don’t, we made one mistake last night. Why make another by trying to be each other’s rebounds”? She said without thinking.

“Ouch. I didn’t think I was using you as a rebound but I see how it is” She immediately felt bad.


“Its fine. I’m actually late, I need to go to Chaerin” She knew it was her cue to leave, and she did.

“See you in school tomorrow”? She called from the window, hoping to lighting the mood.

“Yeah” Taeyang said before driving off, leaving her to deal with the mess she created. First, she was going to apologize to Jiyong, and then Seunghyun.

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Teyga648 #1
Chapter 30: Thank you for the story. I really appreciate the twist and turn. It was a good read.
lightaway #2
Chapter 30: This fic is pure perfection
I enjoyed every minute of it
Jiyong and Seunghyun just to sweet to each other and i am seriously melting aww
Thank you for writing this and sharing this with us. Keep writing, Author-nim ^^
lightaway #3
Chapter 29: Aww finally, so glad that Jiyong chooses to meet Seunghyun and let him explain. Chaerin is so cool by the way.
lightaway #4
Chapter 28: I don't want to hate on Bom, but man, she was so annoying. She didn't like Seunghyun before, and now she does?
lightaway #5
Chapter 27: Aww does it mean that they're together?
lightaway #6
Chapter 26: So, Bom likes Seunghyun now and she kind of forgets Jiyong's feelings. I still can't get it, they used to be bestfriends. I love Minzy though
lightaway #7
Chapter 25: Hahahaha omg Seungri xD
At least it's Seungri who makes Seunghyun left Bom and took Joyong instead
lightaway #8
Chapter 24: Omg so it was an act? Seunghyun and Bom? XD
lightaway #9
Chapter 23: I am so sad for Seunghyun. It must be so hard for him. Now it's a little complicated because there's Ji's bestfriend. Someone would get hurt.
lightaway #10
Chapter 22: No, no, no he shouldn't leave.
He misunderstood what he heard