His sleeping pill

Living with the enemy



He’d never seen the look in his father’s eyes, it was filled with disappointment.

“I am so disappointed in you Jiyong. How could you live there”? He said calmly when they finally got home. It was embarrassing being pulled out of Seunghyun’s house with Seunghyun trying to plead with his father to let him stay, all to no avail.

“I’m sorry, it just happened”

“It just happened”?

“Yes I was injured, and then Mrs. Choi invited me and I couldn’t say no and...”

“You mean the injury Seunghyun caused”? He wondered how his father knew about Seunghyun.

“Yes but it wasn’t his fault, he thought...”

“I DON’T CARE WHAT HE THOUGHT”! It was the first time his father really yelled at him and it was scary. “Look Jiyong, you know I love you and I’ll always try to protect you but I don’t want you being friends with Seunghyun”

“But dad...”

“Please Jiyong, I know I haven’t been able to give you the life you deserve but money isn’t everything” he was a little hurt that his father thought it was the money was after.

“Do you think its because of the money, you think I’m friends with him because of the money”

“No I don’t, I think you’re friends with him because that’s who you are. You’re a good kid but please Jiyong, I can’t have you being friends with him.” He shocked at his father’s request but it was the first time his father genuinely asked him of something and he was going to do it. He was going to stay away from Seunghyun, if someone had told him to stay away from Seunghyun two weeks ago, he would have complied without thinking about it but now, he couldn’t help but feel sad. So much had happened between them and now he didn’t want to stay away.

“I’ll do it. I want to ask you why dad, I really do. First you want me to stay away from Dongwook, the person who helped me that night, and now I’m supposed to stay away from Seunghyun too. Do you have something against the Choi’s”?

“I have my reasons Jiyong and I’ll tell you someday when you’re ready but please believe me now”

He returned to his room with so many questions, how could his father have possibly known the Choi’s and why did he feel like talking to Seunghyun so much. He laid on his bed clutching his phone with the kiss from last night still fresh on his mind. ‘Why am I thinking about him’?


Seunghyun’s POV

He was left standing in front of his house after he watched Jiyong being dragged out and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Just last night he’d been so happy but seeing Jiyong leave him like that, made him hurt in such a way that he couldn’t understand.

“Seunghyun are you okay”? His mother asked walking in. She’d been out all morning and he couldnt help but wish she'd been around when Jiyong's father was present, she always had a way of getting things done.

“Jiyong’s father came and took him home. He looked so angry” he couldn’t face his mother; he wasn’t ready for her to see him look pathetic.

“Did… did Mr. Kwon say anything”?

“No, he was just really angry that Jiyong was here. And it didn’t help that Jiyong and I came out from the same room”

“Oh no, he knows the both of you were friends. Don’t think too much about it okay”? His mother said hugging him.

“Its just… I’ve gotten so used to him being around, he makes me feel better and now he’s gone”

“Don’t worry baby, you’ll see him in school. Just don’t go over there okay, you don’t want to make his father more angry”

“I just hope he’s okay”

“He is, I’d be angry too if I came back from one of my travels to find you living in someone else’s house” his mother said making him feel better but it didn’t last long, he still missed Jiyong. Just when he’d come to terms with his feelings with him, he gets taken away. When his mother was done, he made his way to Jiyong’s empty room as he packed all Jiyong’s new clothes into boxes. He knew his mother told him not to go over there but he couldn’t help it, he needed to see Jiyong, it was his fault Jiyong’s father was so angry with him in the first place.

He made his way to Jiyong’s house with the boxes in his trunk.



Hey come out. I’m in front.


He sent the text and waited in car, hoping Jiyong would come out. He really wanted to see him and there he was making his way out, and closing the door behind him.

“Hey, what are you doing here? How do you know my house”? He more than wanted to answer the question but he couldn’t, Jiyong looked so beautiful just standing there with a white tee and black jeans and the sun shining against him. “Seunghyun”?!

“yeah… uhmm. My mom told me where you lived” it wasn’t exactly a lie. “I brought your things”

“They aren’t my things Seunghyun. I cant keep them, tell your mother I said thanks” he wanted to talk about the previous night, the talk, the kiss, everything but he couldn’t. Not here.

“But I want you to keep it please. For the piano lessons”

“I can’t teach you anymore Seunghyun”

“What… but..”

“I can’t see you anymore. You need to leave” He was crushed, he wasn’t expecting much but he wasn’t expecting Jiyong cutting him off either.

“Wait, what changed? I thought we were friends”

“We were never friends” Jiyong said harshly surprising him; something had changed.

“What do you mean, I opened up to you. I told you things about me, and the kiss...”

“I mean you were sad and crying, I didn’t know what else to do I’m sorry” The words out of Jiyong’s mouth hurt him a little more than he would have cared to admit. It had to be a lie, it couldn’t have been a pity kiss, it seemed too real.

“I understand, but please just take the box. My mom would be sad if you don’t” he had to leave, everything hurt and there was nothing he could do about it. He’d never treated Jiyong right so it was okay if he didn’t like him but it hurt so much hearing those words. He actually thought Jiyong would have forgiven him but it was obvious that he thought wrong. “I’m really sorry for everything I did to you, and I’m sorry for telling you all those things last night. I just thought we were starting to be friends” he placed the boxes on the floor, got in his car, and drove off.

He’d fooled himself to actually thinking that Jiyong might like him and that he might have a chance but it was all wishful thinking on his part.


Jiyong’s POV


He couldn’t get the look on Seunghyun’s face when he told him they weren’t friends out of his head, it’d been hours since Seunghyun drove off and he couldn’t stop thinking about him. It hurt to tell Seunghyun that they were never friends but he had no choice, he promised his father that he’d stay away. ‘Should I text him’ he thought as he reached for his phone. He wanted to talk to him, to apologize, and to thank him for opening up, and most importantly to apologize for not being there if his nightmare caught up to him.

“Jiyong, food is ready” His father called from the kitchen.

“I’m not hungry, I’m just going to go to bed early” He hadn’t eaten all day but food was the last thing on his mind.

He picked the box, and placed it on his bed. Inside it were the clothes Seunghyun’s mother bought him, along with some CD’s; the one’s he’d seen in Seunghyun’s room, and beneath the box was the iPhone, the one Seunghyun gave him. ‘what are you doing to me Seunghyun, why am I feeling this way’ he thought was he drifted into sleep




He couldn’t sleep the previous night, not only because he was scared of his nightmare but also because Jiyong’s words haunted him. There had to be a reason for him to say the things he said, Jiyong was never like that.

“YO! Are you okay, you’ve been quiet since I picked you up. Plus you kinda look like . What happened”? Taeyang asked as they made their way to school. As far as Taeyang knew, Jiyong’s father took him home, nothing more, nothing less. He couldn’t bring himself to tell Taeyang how much he missed Jiyong.

“Yeah just trouble sleeping”

“What happened to your sleeping pill”?

“he didn’t want me anymore”



They pulled into school and got out, it was going to be a long day and he wasn’t ready to face Jiyong, the guy who rejected him.

“Hey jiyong”! Taeyang yelled as he walked up to catch up with he boy who wouldn’t look his way. “Seunghyun hurry up” Taeyang said to me with his arms around Jiyong’s shoulder and he couldn’t help but feel jealous of Taeyang for the nth time.

“I have to hurry to class” Jiyong said and walked away before he could catch up to them.

The rest of his day went downward from there, he barely even saw Taeyang and he knew he would be with Jiyong. He was tired and he needed to sleep but he needed Jiyong to do it.



Please I need your help. Come to the lair. Please ^_^


He sat still and prayed Jiyong would come, and he did. He walked in shyly and stood by the open door.

“Jiyong please, just talk to me. What did I do wrong, I’m sorry if I got you in trouble with your dad” he didn’t care how pathetic he seemed. He was tired and he needed sleep.

“Seunghyun please, just pretend like you never knew me. It can’t be that had since you never did anyway” Jiyong was turning to leave when he rushed to him and hugged him from behind. He was relieved when Jiyong didn’t push him away; they stood there for what seemed like forever before Jiyong finally spoke.


“Please, I really need to sleep. I really need you Jiyong”

“Come with me” Jiyong said as he led him to the couch and sat on it “Lie down and put your head on my lap” He complied with Jiyong’s orders. “You need to stop letting your dreams control you Seunghyun, you just need to believe that it wasn’t your fault and that you did the best you could” Jiyong said as he his hair.

“Sing for me” he knew he was asking too much of Jiyong but he couldn’t help it. The song started and he could feel himself drifting into sleep and suddenly the song stopped but he couldn’t care less because he was already halfway into lala land when it happened; he felt something soft on his cheeks. It could have been Jiyong’s lips but he wasn’t sure as he drifted completely, oblivious to the angry pair of eyes peeking into the room.




He had to wait till he was sure Seunghyun deep in sleep before leaving him., he didn’t want to wake him after seeing how tired he looked in the morning. The back hug Seunghyun gave him didn’t help at all, Seunghyun was so warm behind him hat he couldn’t help but lean into him. He didn’t understand, Seunghyun was supposed to be the bad guy, not the guy asking to be put to sleep.

“Aish I can’t do this” he whispered to himself as he packed his things and sneaked out of school. He needed to clear his mind off everything, he was walking toward the empty bus stop when he felt someone grab him from behind, placing something around his nose and soon, everything became fuzzy till he was surrounded by darkness.

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Teyga648 #1
Chapter 30: Thank you for the story. I really appreciate the twist and turn. It was a good read.
lightaway #2
Chapter 30: This fic is pure perfection
I enjoyed every minute of it
Jiyong and Seunghyun just to sweet to each other and i am seriously melting aww
Thank you for writing this and sharing this with us. Keep writing, Author-nim ^^
lightaway #3
Chapter 29: Aww finally, so glad that Jiyong chooses to meet Seunghyun and let him explain. Chaerin is so cool by the way.
lightaway #4
Chapter 28: I don't want to hate on Bom, but man, she was so annoying. She didn't like Seunghyun before, and now she does?
lightaway #5
Chapter 27: Aww does it mean that they're together?
lightaway #6
Chapter 26: So, Bom likes Seunghyun now and she kind of forgets Jiyong's feelings. I still can't get it, they used to be bestfriends. I love Minzy though
lightaway #7
Chapter 25: Hahahaha omg Seungri xD
At least it's Seungri who makes Seunghyun left Bom and took Joyong instead
lightaway #8
Chapter 24: Omg so it was an act? Seunghyun and Bom? XD
lightaway #9
Chapter 23: I am so sad for Seunghyun. It must be so hard for him. Now it's a little complicated because there's Ji's bestfriend. Someone would get hurt.
lightaway #10
Chapter 22: No, no, no he shouldn't leave.
He misunderstood what he heard