Chapter 29

I'm Sorry, I Love You

Author’s POV

Having calmed down from the giddiness that was getting to you, you finally sat yourself down and thought about Kris’ words seriously. He was right, you knew it.

Right now, you wanted to sort your feelings about…not that you knew how.

But at the moment, you have decided to just distant yourself away from Kai a bit, to give yourself some space.

Monday came and you have spent the day trying to avoid Kai or at least not make any form of conversation with him. Kai already thought you weren’t talking to him because of the whole Voldemort thing, so your silent treatment didn’t exactly come out of the blue.

Surprisingly he didn’t bother you and gave you your ‘space’. It was strange that he’d give up so quickly just like that, but you didn’t want to think too much of it and just let it go.

It was time. And detention class was indeed empty.

Usually students could relax in detention. Playing on their phones, doodling or sleep, as long as you kept quiet and didn’t bother others, the teachers wouldn’t mind.

But all of the above were completely out of the question when you’re in a class with Voldemort himself.

Just simply revealing your phone would get it confiscated.

Doodling would just get you scolded for messing up your books.

And sleeping…haha well God knows what could happen to you if you did that. One minute you could be in dreamland and who knows, the next minute your head could be rolling across the room floor, detached from your body.

So there you were, awkwardly sitting in the middle of the back row – as far away from the devil as possible not to mention that the back door wasn’t too far away either.

There was still 2 minutes for the detention to officially start, yet you’re already desperate to run away.


The front door rapidly slid open with quite a big amount of force causing Lord Voldemort to jump. The dark lord looked at the culprit and immediately scowled at him with those scarily pointy eyes of his.

Normally, you’d be giggling at the hilarious look on his face but seeing who the sudden visitor was, left you too shocked to even notice.

Kai quickly glanced at the clock, thankful that he wasn’t late. As if purposely getting himself into detention for you wasn’t enough, he wouldn’t wanna be staying for another hour tomorrow with the much hated teacher.

Voldemort didn’t even bother to make it discreet that he was glaring the younger boy down from head to toe. He pulled a belittling look at the troublemaking kingka and silently scoffed at him.

“Take a seat. I want complete silence”

Kai slowly nodded at him with a half assed attitude, earning another glare. As he turned and caught your eye, his expression changed to a cocky smile. And he casually strolled down the classroom, sending you a quick wink whilst he was at it and making you even more baffled.

You watched as he dragged out the chair from under the desk next to yours. He propped up his right elbow on the desk and leaned in, giving himself a clearer view of you. His left hand dug into his trouser pocket, pulling out his phone that was well hidden by the desk.

A light buzz in your pocket shook you out of it and you glanced over at him knowingly.


Pabo-Jong :p

I figured you didn’t wanna be spending an hour on your own with Voldemort ;)


You tilted your head at the message *…is he serious?* the phone vibrated again in your hand.


Pabo-Jong :p

Shouldn’t I at least get a thank you?


You glanced over at him again to see him staring at you expectantly like a child.


That Girl ♥

No one asked you to get into detention


Kai smiled triumphantly at his phone


Pabo-Jong :p

You’re speaking to me again :)


*Damn. That idiot. I’m supposed to be ignoring him.*

Kai watched as your eyebrows twitched and chuckled silently. Then he noticed how you kept staring at the screen and quickly let his thumb glide across the keyboard.


Pabo-Jong :p

You already said something

It’s too late to go back on it now :p


You pursed your lips at the text. A few seconds later, your fingers found their way back onto the keyboard. Kai didn’t fail to notice and smirked.


That Girl ♥

Fine, whatever


Pabo-Jong :p

Still no thank you? :(


No reply.


Pabo-Jong :p

Why am I doing this for this ungrateful girl?


Pabo-Jong :p

I wonder what you’d have done if I weren’t here


Pabo-Jong :p

…just you and Voldemort…on your own


The messages came through one after the other, the last one making you wince at the very thought of it. Finally you sighed in defeat.


That Girl ♥

Right, I get it

Thank you, happy?


Pabo-Jong :p

Very :D


For a while you didn’t text him back. Well you didn’t know what to talk about anyway. But it seems like he couldn’t take the lack of communication any longer as you felt another buzz from your phone.


Pabo-Jong :p



That Girl ♥



Pabo-Jong :p

Nothing, I just wanted to say your name :)


That Girl ♥

Oh ok


Pabo-Jong :p



That Girl ♥



Pabo-Jong :p

I’m bored


That Girl ♥



Pabo-Jong :p



That Girl ♥



Pabo-Jong :p

I’m bored


That Girl ♥

I know


Pabo-Jong :p



You silently chuckled to yourself. Sometimes Kai can act like such a child - much worse than you and Sehun put together. It was always an interesting sight to behold and you have to admit that he is really cute when he’s like that.


That Girl ♥



Pabo-Jong :p

Yeh :(


That Girl ♥

Haha you’re acting weird again XD


Pabo-Jong :p

Hehe :p


That Girl ♥

I wonder how Voldemort hasn’t realised yet?


Right after you sent that text, the two of you looked up at the same time to see Voldemort staring right at yous emotionlessly. Both his elbows were propped up on the teacher desk, his hands laced together with his chin resting on top. It seems like he was waiting for the moment that you two would pay attention to for quite a while now.

 “Since you’re both enjoying yourselves so much, why don’t you both come back here tomorrow?”

*No. way.* your jaw dropped in horror

“I’ll let yous go early today. Instead you’re going to sit through your full hour all over again tomorrow. Same place. Same time. No phones. And I’ll be making sure you sit at opposite ends of the room.”

He eyed you both individually for approximately three seconds each.

“I advise you to bring some work to do…you’re dismissed”

*Oh. My. God. Please tell me I’m hearing things*

You and Kai shared a brief moment of eye contact. *We’re doomed*


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final update before christmas ^_^


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It's has been a while since you last log in.. I miss yoj author nim... I hope you are well... I really love your stories.. I hope you will not delete them in the future.. I always come back here to read it again n again
Chapter 41: funny-cute storrrrrrrrrrry <3 i love it ^^
Finally this story has ended :( Will really miss reading this fanfic! Heh this is probably my first time commenting here. But thank you author - nim for such a beautiful story hehe, this story made me smile like an idiot at times <3 i really like hyeyi's friendship with sehun and miss a here aww <3 and not forgetting her and kai's relationship and how kai changed so drastically because of her. Hahaha :p Hope you keep writing great stories and once again, thank you so much for this wonderful story ♡ Hwaiting!
leehyunae_pearl #4
Chapter 41: this story is so cute~~ i cant stop smiling. kai is too sweet.. sehun and kris are really funny
4D_World #5
Chapter 41: Im so sorry for the sudden little comment spamming but ive been missing out on so much and i swear this will probs be the last one so bear with me ;D

This is story is so friggin perfect. I love hyeyi's friendship with maknaes...sehunnnieee >.<
eunhye and the miss a girls are such great friends as well, i love how they all contributed to the wedding in their own little ways. and kris! damn that lovable-big-brother-giant-guy. so glad that he has eunhye now, no sad ending for him :D
and you know what exo's angel really is such a perfect piece of music. if i were ever to get married, i have gotta have that playing at my wedding! its such a beautiful piece of music but LOL chanyeol that clumsy chanyeol, loved his little moment there hahaha
and and and, hyeyi and kai with their little jongkyu eeeeeeiiiii that little cutie!!!

I am soooooo gonna miss this story, kai and hyeyi are just so cute together. and i have just loved reading this so much. ill definitely be reading more of stories author-nim fighting!
4D_World #6
Chapter 39: Omg this is so frggin cute, cant stop grinning like an idiot at the computer screen hehehe
kai and hyeyi are just too perfect for each other
4D_World #7
Chapter 38: THIS! This is perfection! Finally, finally!! They're back together!!! :D
Chapter 41: I love this story XD
I miss this story~~ please write a new story starring Exo.. I love your writing!!
Chapter 41: The ending is so cute omfg can I die already