Chapter 22

I'm Sorry, I Love You

Author’s POV


 “…I…just wanted to check that you were fine…” his eyes lingered on Kris’ hold around you “…I guess I’ll get going then” tearing his eyes away from you and diverting it onto the end of the street, his words came out as nothing more than mumbles.

As he walked past you, you noticed that his left hand was covered in dried blood.

Instinctively your hand grabbed onto his wrist causing him to stop in his track but he did not dare turn to face you.

Realising what you did, you quickly withdrew your hand, much to his disappointment.

“Y-your hand…it’s bleeding”

Kai still did not turn to you and brought his left hand in front in attempt to hide his injury.

“It’s nothing”

Kris looked back and forth between you two. Even as an outsider he could feel the worry and care that you had for this guy…although you were too stubborn to admit it…you clearly still hold feelings for him

Seeing the concern that filled your gentle orbs gave his heart a painful clenching sensation…and he was not stupid enough to not know the cause of it.

He is completely aware of his feelings.

…but he also knew that before anything can even begin…it has already ended…

Whether or not he held such feelings for you…did not matter

For his fate…has already been sealed within his wealthy background

His returned his attention to the ex lovers standing before him

Just by observing the two of you, he could already tell that the two of you could never progress without a little push.

And so being the more older and experienced one, he ignored his own heart and spoke up for you….which wasn’t taken nicely by the younger boy.

“That looks pretty bad. You really need to get it treated before it gets infected”

Hearing the older male speak, had Kai glaring daggers into him. This is only the second time he seen Kris, he didn’t even know his name. All he knows is that he dislikes him…this man, appears to be too close to you and he did not like it a single bit.

You anxiously looked at Kris, fearing a clash of personalities as you expected him to not back down and glare back. To your surprise, he was actually acting mature for once and took things into hand…not that you were sure you could thank him for this…

“Look, I need to head back to the office now so I’m leaving this troublesome girl in your hands”

Now it was your turn to glare at him and mumble “no one asked for your help to begin with”

Kris chuckled at you childish nature that he always manage to bring out, he ruffled your hair messing it up

“Take care, clumsy” nodding a goodbye at Kai who stiffly returned it to him, he makes his way back to the driver seat.

You watched his car drive away whilst sorting out your now messy hair with a pout hanging on your lips. Kai stood observing, now more confused as to what he should make of this situation of the relationship between you and that blonde giant.

When the car has long left your sight, you looked at Kai. Realising that he was looking at you the whole time had your cheeks turning pink. You awkwardly cleared your throat and looked down, only to have your attention brought back to his bloody hand which stood out in your vision with the prominent red.

“Just come in, we need to treat your hand” you mumbled

Kai suddenly was alerted when he saw you limping towards home and quickly caught up. Feeling his soft grip on your arm, made you stiffen up, you shyly looked up at him and decided to just accept his support.

“I’m back” no reply “…omma?”

Confused, you shared a moment of eye contact. Kai blankly looked back at you before pointing out a note left at the phone table with a nod.

Turns out the note stated that your mum has decided to go to the supermarket…which meant that the two of you were left alone in the house.

“Ahem. Take a seat…I’ll…get the first aid kit”

Kai eyed your foot “you should take a rest…I can-“

Maybe this is the effect of being home but all the heavy air around you seems to have lifted and you felt much more comfortable

 “Yah, you’re the guest here, just sit down”

“…but you’re ankle”

Without bothering to listen to him, you made your way to the bathroom at the end of the hallway whilst Kai had no choice but to sit and wait.

Having already found the first aid kit in the cabinet, you were about to get up when your phone started vibrating in your pocket. Unlocking your phone, you were shocked to find tons of messages and a few missed calls…all from the girls.

As you scrolled through them all, your phone started ringing again.


In the living room, Kai could vaguely hear you explain everything to your friends. He couldn’t help but to chuckle at the sound of you trying to calm them down.

“Min-ie ah, I’m really fine…there’s really no need to visit me. Don’t worry, I’ll be in school tomorrow.


“Arraso, I will…bye~”

The call finally ended with a loud sigh.

Finally you got back to the living room with the box of first aid kit. Kai smiled when he saw how exhausted you looked. Like that one phonecall completely tired you out.

His smile caught you off guard, causing you to stop for a moment before pretending not to have noticed.

The box is settled on top of the coffee table as you bottom sunk into the space next to him.

Not caring about anything else, you took his hand without hesitation and concentrated on cleaning the wound. Kai had his eyes fixed on you and decided to break the silence.

“Can I ask you something?”

Without looking at him you casually answered him “go on”

“That guy…who is he?”

“Kris? I guess he’s a friend”

Kai did not like the sound of how you answered him *you guess?*

Unaware of his silence, you continue to treat his hand whilst Kai stared at how focused you were. All you had your eyes on is his injured hand, which you held onto gently…but at his mind was still stuck on the topic of your relationship with Kris.

Once the wound was clean, you took out the antiseptic ointment and proceeded to dab it on.

You notice Kai flinch at the sudden contact between his wound and the ointment which made you panic.

“M-mian…does it hurt?”

Before he could even respond, he felt a cool soothing air blowing onto his throbbing cuts. With that little action, the pain seemed to have magically vanished

“…I guess it’s not bad getting injured like this”


Unable to work out his mumbles, you looked up into his eyes…two inches away from yours

“Y-yah!” your closeness gave you quite the surprise, causing you to accidentally press the ointment down on his wound

“Ah!” Kai jumped in pain “…what was that for?!”

“W-who told you to be so close!”

He sat staring at you, still wide eyed. A few seconds later, his expression turned sulkier as he mumbled words of jealousy.

“Not as close as that Kris guy”

Your lips parted in disbelief before returning mumbles back at him

“That Kris guy? Tch at least Kris wouldn’t try anything suspicious on me”

“…and I did?”

“In the infirmary you-!”

Heated blood circulated around your body and you were struggling to control your heartbeat.

Kai noticed your flushed cheeks and his heart melting crooked smile hung on his plump lips. Recalling those little moments that happened in the infirmary had the smile growing into a grin.

“I did what?”

 You gawked at him in disbelief *…is he actually denying it?*

“You stole a kiss from me!”

His lips twitched upwards as his grin was trying to force its way back out

“Weren’t you supposed to be asleep?”

“I-I was just- yee~ah I was…but- but still!” the words were all jumbled up in your mind and stammered out as you try to retort back “…who the hell would secretly steal a kiss like that?”

“Do you want me to kiss you now then?”

If you were in your right state of mind you would have scolded him, but your voice locked itself in your throat. The amused smirk that lingered on his lips, was no longer there…*he’s…serious*

Like a spell was casted upon you, you entered a blank state and your body felt paralyzed.

Kai slowly leaned his body towards you, resting his right hand on the back of the sofa.

Time appeared to have been restricted between you and him, whilst your surroundings revolved around yous in contrast.

No words…no thoughts…could help you snap out of his strong gaze that gripped onto you.

All that could be heard were your uneven heartbeat, continuously slamming against your rib cage that’s struggling to confine your heart in your body.


Finally he had tore his eyes away from yours which only made your heart go crazier as his attention diverted to your lips

His left hand lightly caresses your right cheek before slowly trailing to the back of your neck causing a tingly feeling to run up your body

Tilting his head, his eyes were set on those soft cherry lips…determined to claim them as his…the gap between yous slowly closes

His hot breath on your lips had your senses running wild, you could feel his plump lips hover over yours but your lips were still not completely touching…


“Hyeyi sweetie, I’m back!”

Your almost slips off the sofa when you heard your mother’s voice. Your face turned beetroot as you glanced at Kai.

“Sweetie- oh, we have a guest?”


A/N: sorry i just had to ruin the moment haha...but anyway a double update ^_^

...btw i just wanted to say that i'm gonna try and finish this fic off soon....yes i am completely aware of how the plot is constatnyl rolling downhill so im sorry for the disappointment haha...and also i wont have time to update as much due to personal reasons



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final update before christmas ^_^


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It's has been a while since you last log in.. I miss yoj author nim... I hope you are well... I really love your stories.. I hope you will not delete them in the future.. I always come back here to read it again n again
Chapter 41: funny-cute storrrrrrrrrrry <3 i love it ^^
Finally this story has ended :( Will really miss reading this fanfic! Heh this is probably my first time commenting here. But thank you author - nim for such a beautiful story hehe, this story made me smile like an idiot at times <3 i really like hyeyi's friendship with sehun and miss a here aww <3 and not forgetting her and kai's relationship and how kai changed so drastically because of her. Hahaha :p Hope you keep writing great stories and once again, thank you so much for this wonderful story ♡ Hwaiting!
leehyunae_pearl #4
Chapter 41: this story is so cute~~ i cant stop smiling. kai is too sweet.. sehun and kris are really funny
4D_World #5
Chapter 41: Im so sorry for the sudden little comment spamming but ive been missing out on so much and i swear this will probs be the last one so bear with me ;D

This is story is so friggin perfect. I love hyeyi's friendship with maknaes...sehunnnieee >.<
eunhye and the miss a girls are such great friends as well, i love how they all contributed to the wedding in their own little ways. and kris! damn that lovable-big-brother-giant-guy. so glad that he has eunhye now, no sad ending for him :D
and you know what exo's angel really is such a perfect piece of music. if i were ever to get married, i have gotta have that playing at my wedding! its such a beautiful piece of music but LOL chanyeol that clumsy chanyeol, loved his little moment there hahaha
and and and, hyeyi and kai with their little jongkyu eeeeeeiiiii that little cutie!!!

I am soooooo gonna miss this story, kai and hyeyi are just so cute together. and i have just loved reading this so much. ill definitely be reading more of stories author-nim fighting!
4D_World #6
Chapter 39: Omg this is so frggin cute, cant stop grinning like an idiot at the computer screen hehehe
kai and hyeyi are just too perfect for each other
4D_World #7
Chapter 38: THIS! This is perfection! Finally, finally!! They're back together!!! :D
Chapter 41: I love this story XD
I miss this story~~ please write a new story starring Exo.. I love your writing!!
Chapter 41: The ending is so cute omfg can I die already