Chapter 18

I'm Sorry, I Love You

Author’s POV

A strong, distinctive smell of acrylic seeps out of the art room as the door slides open. You step out of the room with your hair messily tied up in a scruffy loose bun and your hands held out, splodges of paint covering your soft skin here and there.

You make your way down the corridor, quickening your steps as you spot the ladies sign from the distance and enter the toilets. Once there, you immediately stop in your own tracks at the sight of the drama-like scene.

Stood inside the toilets were Miyoung and her little group of girlies. You eyed them all, noticing how the four minions were stood in a deformed line and Miyoung standing slightly in front. Some had their arms crossed whilst other hand one arm resting on their hips. It looked like a failed attempt of a rookie kpop group’s ending pose and you had to bite back your laugh.


You had to turn your head slightly, trying to reduce the damaging impact of her squeaky voice as Miyoung spoke up leaving screechy echoes hitting on your ear drums *Jesus Christ*

“…I see you’ve been walking to school with Kai oppa lately”

As always her voice carried a fake friendly tone with it. You looked her in the eye *Kai? Of course, why else would she bother talking to me*. Not bothering to put up with this pathetic high school drama, you completely blanked them and walked towards the sink.

“Yah, are you deaf? At least have the decency to listen when someone’s talking to you”

“How dare you come crawling back to our oppa”

“Is one boyfriend not enough for you now?”

“Two timing ”

Miyoung raised her hand and the girls were silenced like little lambs with her one little action.

Your right hand rests on top of the tap as Miyoung gives you a final warning.

“Hyeyi-ah, I don’t wanna be seeing you go through all that pain again from your last breakup. So please, do what’s best for yourself and stay away from Kai oppa, hm?”

Through the mirror you gave her a quick glance and ignored her again. As you returned your eyes back to the sink, you could have sworn, you saw her eyes travel down to your hand on the tap and evilly smirk before leaving the toilets with her minions trailing behind her.

You slowly twisted the tap turner anti clockwise and the water came running down for less than a second before the pipes, starting to one by one burst. The water sprays all over you causing you to fall back, your harshly hitting the wet tiled floor. As you fell, an unexpectedly loud, high pitched scream escapes your little lips and you hair falls out of the loose bun.

Just in time, Kai somehow managed to recognise your voice and came barging into the girl’s toilets. The whole situation in here had initially left him gobsmacked and he paused for a second observing his surroundings. When he spotted your petite body in the middle of this mess, he immediately ran over to you, taking his blazer off. Using his blazer to cover you, Kai lifted you up and carried you out of the toilets.

Outside the toilets, a large crowd has already gathered. The other students’ eyes sparkled at the gossip worthy sight of the drenched through pair. Miss A exerted all their strength to push through the crowd. Once there, they too stood staring at Kai who still had you lifted up bridal style…well for Minyoung, rather than staring she glared poisonous daggers into him. They literally had to tear their gaze away from the popular kingka and worriedly observe you.

Seeing your friends, you awkwardly cleared your throat and softly spoke.

“You can put me down now”

Kai looked at you and gently placed you down. Fei and Suji were the first to run up to you, bowing to Kai in thankfulness as they went past him. Jia followed them whilst Minyoung didn’t even spare him a look.

Kai watched over you for a bit longer. You were obviously better off with your freinds right now so he had no choice but to just leave you wtih them. He looked around at the crowd, signalling them to disperse. The males automatically did what he wanted whilst the girls followed him, fawning over their kingka’s hot body that was revealing itself through the drenched through shirt, sticking to his skin.

You forced a smile as the girls threw a load of questions at you with the exception of Minyoung who remained silent the whole time as she stared at you. The bell rang and Fei, Suji and Minyoung were forced to leave you for their own lessons.

Jia however, stayed with you and walked you to the infirmary entrance.

“Hurry and clean yourself up. I’ll go and get you my spare uniform to change into”


As soon as you opened the door, the school nurse was shocked to see you completely soaked through and quickly ushered you in. Having explained the unfortunate incident that happened and sorted yourself out a bit, the nurse was nice enough to send you home for the day.


Your POV

Hopping off the bus, I tugged onto my bag straps and loudly sighed as I could feel the wind lightly blow against my damp hair. My eyes travelled down to the waterproof paper bag the wet clothes.

Why am I so unlucky?

Trying to stay optimistic, I lightly slapped both my cheeks a few times and looked ahead at the shopping mall. A genuine smile suddenly spreads across my face. Aish, it’s appa’s 47th birthday today, so what’s there to be sad about. …Can’t wait to celebrate it later! The thought of a party alone had me feeling all giddy. Afterall birthdays = yummy snacks and food, sweets and CAKE! There could be no better treat for a bad day.

The depressive thought of the toilets incident has instantly been wiped away as I happily swing the paper bag , heading towards to cake shop.

On my way to the shopping mall, I walked through a beautiful modern, serene park with a simple fountain in the center of it. The park leads right into the café and bakery area of the shopping mall.

As I strolled through the peaceful park, I noticed an exhausted tall lean figure sat on the bottom step surrounding the fountain.

(A/N: excuse the stickmen lol)

Seriously? Why does he always show up at time like this?

The male is sat slightly leaned forward, his left arm resting over his lap and his right elbow propped up on his knee. His eyes remained closed as he holds onto his forehead with one hand. Like last time, he’s dressed in an expensive looking suit with his tie loosened around his neck. His blazer is casually left hanging over the step next to him and his creaseless white shirt sleeves were rolled up, covering three quarters of his arms.

Just when I brought my mood back up as well…should I just leave him? He wouldn’t want anyone bothering him anyway…right? And besides, is it only him who had a bad day?

After appeasing my own conscience, I was about to walk away when I noticed that he suddenly received a message as he picks up his phone, annoyance written all over his face.

Without reading through the message properly, he seems to have only looked at who the sender was before slamming the phone down beside him. He frustratingly runs his fingers through his hair and ruffling it, leaving his hair looking like a mess. Not that it did any injustice to his godly looks.

*Sigh* you’re making me feel like bad person if I leave you. Blowing up my cheeks, I debating whether my conscience would leave me alone if I just left, pretending not to have seen him.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket…thank god it’s still working from all that water…I checked the time. It’s only half 12? Appa won’t be back til 6ish anyway. Breathing out through my nose, I slip my phone back into my pocket and looked up. My head turns back to the disgruntled douchebag and I proudly smiled to myself.

Now I won’t owe you anything.


Author’s POV

Kris is still sat in the same spot by the fountain. His body leant back and head tilted up, facing the sky. Supporting his upper body were his long sturdy arms which led to a pair of large manly hands that were fixed on the flat surface of the step a few inches behind him.

A shadow looms over his face, interrupting his peace as it prevented him from bathing his face in the comfortable warmth of the sunlight. To think that someone actually dares to boldly disturb him during his well deserved break.

The feelings of annoyance were slowly drifting back into his body. His eyes forcefully opened, prepared to face this daring person. But instead of seeing anyone, all that could be seen in his vision was a paper coffee cup that is held right in front of his face.

Kris raises his right hand, wearily reaching out for the cup and carefully takes it, trying his best to avoid skin contact with whoever was holding it. As he took the cup away, all negative feelings were washed away and immediately forgotten, as it revealed the refreshing face of the daring girl.

The appearance of this girl, brightened up his view and his smile naturally returned to his face.


“No problem”

You smiled back at him and took a seat on the step, holding onto your own cup and taking little sip of the drink.

“Looking a bit stressed there”

“Yeh, just a bit” Kris sat up properly and took a sip of his drink, his brows creased at the taste of it “…hot chocolate?” he takes the lid off to confirm whether he was correct or not, but was unable to even see the actual drink with the whipped cream and marshmallows covering it all up.

You looked at his face and chuckled, proudly smiling at yourself.

“Well it’s not exactly really comforting to offer a stressed person coffee is it? Isn’t that like saying – here drink this and get on with your work, life, or whatever you’re stressed about”

Kris continues to enjoy his drink, nodding in agreement to your opinion on coffee.

“……why? Don’t you like it?”

 “No, I like it…” he looks down into his cup again “…but, are the marshmallows really necessary?”

“Of course they are! It’s the fuzzy feeling from the melting sweet taste of the marshmallows that cheers you up. Marshmallows is a must have for hocho drinkers”

Kris raises his eyebrows at you “rea~lly? Wow, you must be a really passionate hocho drinker”

“Shut up. Just be grateful I bought you the drink” *Douchebag, I should have just left him*

You could hear him quietly laugh to himself

 “I am grateful. It just feels weird that you’re being so nice to this douchebag

*This guy, he’s not gonna let this go now is he?*

An uncomfortable sensation came over you as you could feel someone’s eyes observe you.

“……looks like I’m not the only one having a bad day”

“Hm, what do you mean?”

“Shouldn’t a student like you still be in school right now? And your hair, it’s looking a bit wet…are you, getting bullied?”

You consciously patted your damp hair.

“Yeh I had a bad day, but I wasn’t bullied. Just encountered an unfortunate situation”

“And what kind of situation is that?”

“Pipes bursted on me in the school toilets and I was granted an early leave”

Kris just let his suspicions go, believing your words as you answered him without hesitation

“What about you? Now that I think about it, you’re always dressed in an expensive suit whenever I bumped into you near the shopping mall”

“You only bumped into me twice, including today don’t think I forgot what happened last time did you? You even wanted me to keep my mouth shut in front of your friends”

“Yah, are you trying to interrogate me now? At least answer my question first”

“Yah? Yah, I’m older than you…you should call me oppa”

“Pfft…at least act older than me”

“Tsk whatever, I just happen to work in the head office and let’s just say it’s a quite a stressful job…there I answered your question”

*Sounds like there’s a lot more to this job of his*

“…so~, the guy at the café…was he an ex?”

You looked at Kris, reluctant to share anymore of your life stories than you already have and quickly stared at the fountain in front, trying to distract yourself.

“You can stay silent all you want, I can always just ask your friends”

You mentally panicked and whined “you can’t do that”

“Are you testing me?”


“Fine, I’ll-” Kris was teasingly about to pick his phone up

“Yes…he is…why do I even have to explain this to you?”

“Do you still like him?”

His voice lost its usual touch of tease and for the first time since the start of the conversation, the two of you shared proper eye contact. Kris looked strangely serious and it was those eyes which made it difficult for you to look away. In fact, it felt like you were being forced to tell the truth, but there is no definite answer since you yourself was unsure of what your answer was.

“I-I don’t know”

Your voice came out quieter than usual, different from his bold image of you. Maybe it was this that snapped him back to his normal self as he looked away.

“Whether you do or not, it looks like he’s quite a determined one”

His tone of voice remained serious, but serious in a different way. Not knowing what was going on with him, you continued to speak softly.

“I guess you could say that”

Kris turned back to you and smiled. His smile made you feel slightly more relieved but you still didn’t know what to make of his sudden seriousness.

“Anyway, I really need to head back to the office now” he raised his cup at you “thanks again…I’ll probably see you again at Lay’s café won’t I”

You nodded and smiled at him. Kris got up and put on his blazer

“See you then”


Watching his retreating figure, you kept thinking back to that little moment of eye contact.

*His eyes…what the hell just happened?*

You looked at him one last time *he can be one scary guy when he gets serious…aish stop thinking about it already*

Shaking off the thoughts, you finally remembered why you were here in first place.



A/N: ok this chappie was a little rushed so its a little trying to update at least once a week, lets just hope i can do this haha


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final update before christmas ^_^


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It's has been a while since you last log in.. I miss yoj author nim... I hope you are well... I really love your stories.. I hope you will not delete them in the future.. I always come back here to read it again n again
Chapter 41: funny-cute storrrrrrrrrrry <3 i love it ^^
Finally this story has ended :( Will really miss reading this fanfic! Heh this is probably my first time commenting here. But thank you author - nim for such a beautiful story hehe, this story made me smile like an idiot at times <3 i really like hyeyi's friendship with sehun and miss a here aww <3 and not forgetting her and kai's relationship and how kai changed so drastically because of her. Hahaha :p Hope you keep writing great stories and once again, thank you so much for this wonderful story ♡ Hwaiting!
leehyunae_pearl #4
Chapter 41: this story is so cute~~ i cant stop smiling. kai is too sweet.. sehun and kris are really funny
4D_World #5
Chapter 41: Im so sorry for the sudden little comment spamming but ive been missing out on so much and i swear this will probs be the last one so bear with me ;D

This is story is so friggin perfect. I love hyeyi's friendship with maknaes...sehunnnieee >.<
eunhye and the miss a girls are such great friends as well, i love how they all contributed to the wedding in their own little ways. and kris! damn that lovable-big-brother-giant-guy. so glad that he has eunhye now, no sad ending for him :D
and you know what exo's angel really is such a perfect piece of music. if i were ever to get married, i have gotta have that playing at my wedding! its such a beautiful piece of music but LOL chanyeol that clumsy chanyeol, loved his little moment there hahaha
and and and, hyeyi and kai with their little jongkyu eeeeeeiiiii that little cutie!!!

I am soooooo gonna miss this story, kai and hyeyi are just so cute together. and i have just loved reading this so much. ill definitely be reading more of stories author-nim fighting!
4D_World #6
Chapter 39: Omg this is so frggin cute, cant stop grinning like an idiot at the computer screen hehehe
kai and hyeyi are just too perfect for each other
4D_World #7
Chapter 38: THIS! This is perfection! Finally, finally!! They're back together!!! :D
Chapter 41: I love this story XD
I miss this story~~ please write a new story starring Exo.. I love your writing!!
Chapter 41: The ending is so cute omfg can I die already