Progress Report: Onew and Jonghyun

Family Network

A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! 2013 is such a weird year, now I feel old. My birthday is in a bit more than a month so I am just aging faster and faster. Bring on the wrinkles!! :/ I must bow and apologize and buy you ice cream and jump off a cliff in apologizing for my lack of updating and my lack of updating after promising to update. My brothers came home, and I had midterm exams and had all sorts of insane things going on leaving almost no time to fully sit down and write any chapter whatsoever. I had a bit of time to catch up on reading my favorite fics, but I didn't have time to finish my chapters. I am now updating a few times today, plus posting a short holiday-related short story which is Jonghyun centric that I hope you enjoy. I am now back on track so I will be updating family network, and when it is done I am going back to isagifted and writing a bunch of short ones that I have been inspired to write. Comment and tell me if there is anything you absolutely want to see happen in this fic before the end and I will give you credit for the idea because I appreciate whoever subscribes or even views this. It is so much fun writing and I am overjoyed that people like my story. :D ENJOY~ (It is much shorter than my usual ones, but more are coming!) 



Jonghyun woke up, remembering there were no classes that day due to power outages all across the city. He smiled at the fact he didn’t have anything to do that day. He felt bad he didn’t get to talk about stuff with Taemin and Key that night because he was so tired, but all that was erased when he realized where he was and who he was with. He was in Minho’s room, in his bed, with Minho in his arms. Jonghyun wanted to cuddle closer to Minho, wanted to scream from the amount of happiness he was experiencing, but he couldn’t. He didn’t want to wake the sleeping angel so he went to go find someone to share his excitement with...that someone would be Onew. 


Jonghyun wandered around the house for a bit looking for him. He went to the basement to find little Taemin curled up in front of the television in a ball with a pile of banana milk cartons surrounding him. Well someone had too much to drink. Keke. Jonghyung then went up to Onew’s room to see if he was there. He wasn’t...but Key was. Key was rapped up in the covers sleeping soundly. Jonghyun wondered what happened after Onew dropped the glass, but he was too excited to think about anything else other than Minho. 


Jonghyun figured that Onew would be back at the apartment working on something school related. That Onew worked incredibly hard so he could make a good life for himself and be a good role model for Minho. He also wanted to eventually make enough money to buy their parents something nice for the amazing life they gave him and his brother. Truly, Onew knew that if he was not adopted, he would have never had such an amazing and caring family like this, an awesome younger brother, and three other irreplaceable friends, one of them being the love of his life. Jonghyun admired his hyung everyday for his hard work and unconditional love and understanding he gave to Key. Jonghyun was so happy that Onew was the one after Key, and not some other jerk who didn’t respect his little brother. Jonghyun drove to their apartment and walked in finding Onew sitting at the table drinking tea. Hyung! I have like a billion things to tell you! Are you busy!? I have a lot to tell you too, Jjong. Sit down. Jonghyun was confused at his hyung’s serious nature and pulled out a chair and sat across from Onew. You can go first since you look like you’re about to combust. Onew braced himself for whatever the hyperactive boy was about to tell him. 3...2...1...*long deep breath* Okay! So yesterday after you and Key disappeared, which by the way I want to hear about, I was looking for people and such after I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Side note, I think I mixed up my toothbrush with Taemin’s, which is still grossing me out, but whatever. Anyway~ I went back downstairs finding Tae drunk on banana milk and high on life screaming into a pillow all excited. I don’t know what that kid was doing but then I went to look for Minho *blushing* and I found him in his room and I thought that I could practice my confession while he was still half asleep, so I woke him up and he asked me to pick truth or dare. God he was so cute, that brother of yours, Onew hyung, Jesus Christ...anyway~ I picked truth and he told me *hiccup and tears flowing* that he loved me and asked if I loved him back!!!!!! Onew looked at the red faced, panting boy. That was the best news he heard in a long time! Minho, even as sleepy as he was, confessed and Onew was overjoyed. *touching Jonghyun’s arm lovingly* That is amazing Jjong. You two are really cute together. Hyung, thank you so much! I am now thinking of how I am going to confess for real still so just know that I will take care of the frog prince forever. What was your news? Is it hm...I don’t know...related to a certain cat-like diva with a serious attitude and a weird obsession with the color pink? Keke, yeah Jjong ah, it is. Yesterday, after Taemin poured water on me, I was freezing and shivering and wet and all that and I just lost control of the glass I was holding when I heard Minho scream for me. what were you torturing Minho with? Keke, Taemin dared Minho to pierce his ears...and Key wanted to do the honors. I don’t think he ended up getting them pierced, because Key jumped like 10 feet in the air after hearing glass shattering and ran faster up the stairs than he runs to the mall when there is a sale. Ah. I see. Onew blushed furiously thinking about how much Key cared when he hurt himself. So anyway after almost bleeding out from getting glass in my hand, Key tended to my wounds and when he was insisting, he accidentally called me yeobo which threw me for a loop, I was so damn excited! As he was fixing me up...I sorta dozed off and the next thing I knew, Key was kissing me. HE KISSED ME!!!! Ah Jjong, I have never been happier in my entire life! Then I hugged him and then he fell asleep and thats why he’s in my bed. You didn’t... Didn't what? Jonghyun crossed his arms and gave him a knowing look with an eyebrow raised. Onew's face was confused and then melted into anger as soon as he finally figured it out. Yah! KIM JONGHYUN! Why would....I just let him sleep while I took the window seat. God! I would never...I love him. Jonghyun almost squealed. Like a school girl. Getting free candy. While riding a rainbow pony. He could not contain his excitement and pride he had! He loved them together. He loved that his hyung and brother were going to be happy together. He loved that he and Minho were going to be together! He didn’t know about Taemin, but still! He was happy for Taemin too! He was just happy. So happy, that he was now strangling his hyung in the tightest hug that has ever been given to date. 


The only thing that was nagging at the back of both the boys’ minds was that they both left. They both left the two younger ones to wake up confused. Being overprotective as , the boys simultaneously grabbed their coats and screamed: TO THE BAT MOBILE! Laughing hysterically, the two oldest ran to their car, on a mission, to be there for their loves. So far, their plan and matchmaking and all that were working. The two had never been happier. 


A/N: Eeep! In real life I love Jonghyun and Onew's partners in crime trouble making older brothers relationship. It's awesome. Anyway, you may be thinking, is she serious, they all love eachother and that's it? NONONO this is just a progress report, the romance is a work in process and there is much more drama to come. I have a bunch of chapters left so don't worry if you were worried...idk if you were. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I ship Onkey and Jongho to the MAX so I just wanted to show all the feels in these next chapters. <3 Thanks :D 

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Chapter 31: Yay taekai moment<3
SuDarkWind #2
Chapter 30: Ok I really have to say that I hate how they're pinning all the blame on Jonghyun for the situation being ed. Like forreal the crap that went down was not his fault and yes I understand Minho is scared but you don't get anywhere by running in the opposite direction all the time. It's not that Jonghyun pushed him away an obstacle popped up and instead of Minho trying to find a way past it he ran in the opposite direction AGAIN. For crying out loud Minho you're the manliest man out of all of them! GROW A PAIR AND COME OUT WITH IT ALREADY.

Rant over.
SuDarkWind #3
Chapter 8: " please just listen....Minho feels it’s his responsibility to protect Taemin and I, and feels responsible when we are hurt. This along with feeling forgotten or under appreciated, is causing him extreme anger and sadness. He doesn’t want to tell you because he doesn’t want to bother you or Onew-hyung because you have a whole other set of pressures with college."

That whole part is supposed be in pink to symbolize key talking but you put it in blue which is Jonghyun's color.
Chapter 39: lol somebody need to draw that couch scene it sounds cute
I'll read as soon as I have time
CoffeeJjong #6
Chapter 35: A year long away from Minho/Onew?!
Can Jjong and Key actually stand that?
Cant imagine that >.<
Same goes to Minho and Onew!
I believe they wont like some others ppl during the away
(The other brother wont let that happen though XP)
But having not with their love one....
kind of cruel?
CoffeeJjong #7
Chapter 32: FINALLY!!!! I was damn upset when i read the last two chapter.
Though not that sad since Taemin and Kai finally together.
Maybe you could show what they said instead cause this chapter is kinda brieft.
CoffeeJjong #8
Chapter 29: OMG! Please hurry just let them together already!
Even before the surgery or what i dun care!!
Its so hurt to see them NOT TOGETHER!
xoxogossipgoat #9
Chapter 27: 39: omg its so amazing right?
44: hahahaha I laughed so hard at this!

Oh and we're the same height :)
CoffeeJjong #10
Chapter 27: Why must this be so difficult for jjong and minho?
When things get better it became even worst =(
it make me hate Victoria. Finally onkey get tgt! Wish that jongho will soon, as soon as next chapter, tgt too!