Happy family

Chasing Towards Paradise

"Y-Yeobo~! I-It... h-hurts!" Junah breathed in and out as he clutched at her stomach.

L frantically looked around. Other members looked stunned too. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! CALL THE MANAGER DAMMIT! MY WIFE IS SUFFERING!" L hollered.

Scrambling, they all grabbed their phones and dialed the manager's number.

L went back to Junah then grasped her hand. "Everything's going to be alright, baby." he kissed her hand.

Junah's forehead were full of sweats already. "B-But... I-It h-hurt-ts!" she yelled in pain.

L bit his lip. Stood up and threw the key on Hoya. "Come with me. I'll take her to the hospital." L said hurriedly.

In a careeful manner, L stooped down then carried her bridal style. Hoya looked at the others. "Follow us if the manager answer the call already." then he followed them.

Junah tightened her arm around L's neck as her other one grasped her stomach. *I didn't know this will hurt this way!!*

"Drive the car." L said as Hoya nodded.

The three of them entered Junah's car. Hoya went to the driver's seat, as the other two went at the back.

L carefully put Junah on the seat as he sat down beside her. "It'll be okay, honey."

After a couple of minutes, the three of them arrived at the hospital. Hoya turned the engine off then he helped L take Junah out of the car.

Nurses and doctors hurroed towards them with an emergency bed. They helped the two boys put Junah on the bed.

Junah grabbed L's hand as the nurses pushed the bed towards the emergency room. Once they arrived, one of the doctor stopped the two.

"I'm sorry, mister. But you can't go inside." he made a small bow then hurried inside.

L peeked at the small hole before the door finally closed. L and Hoya's pants were being heard around the quiet place. The two of them looked at each other then chuckled.

"That was scary." L said.

Hoya nodded. "It was." he agreed.

Soon, the others arrived.

"Where's Junah?!"

"Where is she?!"

"Is she all right?!"

The two got bombarded with questions.

"Yes, she's fine." Hoya and L said in unison.

The others sighed in relief. 

"So let's just wait first." Hoya said.

Milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours had passed. 

Suddenly, the door opened. All seven members stood up.

"Where is she? Is she all right, doctor?" L asked.

"Are you the husband?" the doctor asked.

"Yes." L nodded.

The doctor smiled. "Congratulations. Your baby boy is completely fine."

L stared at him. His breathing stopped. 

He's now a father.

"I'm a father. I'M A FATHER!" L pumped both of his fists then he hugged the doctor.

The other members stepped back in shock while the doctor blinked.

"Thank you very much, doctor! You saved my family!" L grinned widely.

The other members haven't seen L this happy before.

The doctor smiled then nodded. "You can visit her at the room now."

INFINITE nodded. "Yes, doctor. Thank you." they bowed.

L looked at his hyungs. 

"Dude, you're a father now." Dongwoo whispered, stunned.

L grinned and shook Dongwoo rapidly. "I know. I know. I KNOW!" he exclaimed.

The others laughed. "Are you that happy?" Sungyeol asked.

"Oh, you don't know how happy I am right now." L shook his head, the big smile never left his face.

Sunggyu smiled. "It felt like you're my hyung now." he joked.

"We already told you to find a perfect girl like Junah, hyung." Sungjong said.

Sunggyu rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I will, I will." he waved it off.

"Come on! I want to see Junah!" Woohyun said excitedly.


Junah looked at the baby on her arms. He looked perfectly handsome, just like his father. His eyes are the same as L, and his tiny lips got Junah's nicest one. He also got his father's nose.

Junah looked at him as she gently poked her son's nose. "You're as handsome as your father." a happy tear slid from her eye.

Just then, the door opened. Junah looked up and saw the anticipating boys.

"Is that..." Dongwoo pointed.

Junah nodded. "He is!" she giggled.

L slowly made his way beside her. He gazed at his own son's face and noticed evrything. "Wow. He look exactly like me." L said.

Junah rolled her eyes. "He took my lips, look." she pointed at it.

L looked at his son's lips and back to Junah's lips. "You're right." he said then pecked her lips.

Junah smiled then turned to the other guys who were looking at the baby.

"Oppas, meet... Kim Myungjun." Junah introduced.

Sunggyu looked up. "Myungjun? As in, Myungsoo and Junah?" he grinned.

Junah giggled. "Exactly."

"Can I hold her?" L asked.

Junah smiled. "Go ahead, he's your son."

L smiled. He gently took Myungjun from her arms. L gazed at his son's perfect feature.

"Waa~ hyung. He's handsome."

L smirked. "It runs in the family." he winked at Junah.

L softly smiled as he held his finger. Myungjun grabbed his middle finger with his L-like eyes as he made cute faces. L smiled then kissed his son's forehead.


"Appaaaa! Look!" 

L looked beside him and saw Myungjun showing the digital camera. It has a picture of him and Junah, talking to each other.

"Waa~ did you took this, Myungjun-ah?" L asked.

Myungjun nodded as he scooted closer to his dad. "Ne!"

"Snack time~!" Junah came out of the kitchen with a tray of cookies.

Myungjun ran to her then tugged on her shirt. "Umma! Look!" he tip toed then Junah grabbed the camera.

Junah grinned then carried Myungjun. "Aigoo~ my lovely son took his parents' talents." she pecked Myungjun's lips.

L stood up, walked beside them then wrapped his arms around them. "I know... Now, aren't you going to give appa a kiss?" he puckered his lips.

Junah rolled her eyes. "Aniyo. Myungjun's here." she poked her son's cheek.

Myungjun laughed heartily then he gently grabbed his parents' head. And then, he let them pecked each other's lips.

"YEEEEEEY!" Myungjun cheered while clapping.

Junah and L laughed. "Now... Give umma a kiss." Junah puckered her lips.

Myungjun grinned then peck her lips.

"Appa too." L did the same.

Myungjun giggled then peck his dad's lips.

The three of them laughed heartily.

L rested his head on Junah's head as they both watch their son, Myungjun.












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[10/22/12] Hi! Sorry but I can't update today! I'm a little sick, and I can't concentrate on writing :( Forgive me? :) Thank you!


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BeTrue #1
Chapter 30: it's really a happy ending..
thank you for the story..
I Appreciate it ...
Chapter 30: Great jooobbb author nim!!!:)))
Chapter 16: Nooo myungie dont cryy!!:((
Chapter 8: Omomomomo!!!! He likes junaahhh!!!^^
Chapter 4: Oooohhh noo. -.-
Chapter 3: Hahaha!! Woohyun and hoya is so funnyyy!!
Chapter 2: Aww that's so sweet^^
Chapter 30: Such a cutie pie jcdinadoicniwdcmo
haeyeol28 #9
Chapter 30: Aaaaa! Spazzing~ xP hehehe! This fiction was.really JJANG!! :3 I love it so much.. when I read it, I felt thousand of butterflies flying.. Woof~ so so.. Ah. Molla! Love this fiction! <3<3<3
Chapter 29: Nice storyy :D i finished it in 4 hours xD