Nan Feng Wei find out her brothers..

an unbelieved love completed!
They finally reach the place of the Korea S.P.D place. The place located at the Nan Feng Yong house. Inside was so big and then, there have 2 servant brought the tea come to give to others, when they saw Nan Feng Wei; they were so shock and drop the cup. Lucky Nan Feng Yong never scolds them and brings them outside to ask what happened.

Y: aunties what happened? Normally you all would not drop the cup?

Servant 1: because inside had a girl look alike with madam.

Y: what?

Servant 2: she really looks alike with your mom.
When the servants finish their explanation, Nan Feng Yong had return to the room. Finally it the time for self introduces. Nan Feng Wei had go first, when Jun Pyo and others heard that her surname is Nan Feng they all so shock and asked what her mom name is.

W: hi guys, my name is Nan Feng Wei, W. I this year is 16 year old.

Jun Pyo: why the surname same with you?

Y: how I know? Can you help me ask her, what her mom name?
Yi Jung: okay. Wei mind to tell me, what your parents name is?

W: okay, my mom name is Huang Fu Shan. Although I never saw before my dad but my mom told me before that my dad name is Nan Feng Jin.

Y: your dad really calls Nan Feng Jin?

W: yup.

Nan Feng Yong heard that name, he immedially rushed to his dad room and wants to find his dad and ask about it. He wants to know does he have a younger sister, which is about same age with him. Nan Feng Wei know that Nan Feng Yong is her own elder brother, but she never say out because she doesn’t wish to let others know about it. She
also know that why her own mom want to left her dad.

Y: dad, mind to ask you one thing?

Jin: what thing you want to ask?

Y: mind to tell me do I have a younger sister?

Jin: how you know?

Y: she now is in the guest room and aunties have told me about it.

Jin: why can she come back?

When they talking about her, Nan feng Wei had walk pass the room and she knock at the door and she gone inside.

Y: Wei, why you come here?

Jin: so that is the girl you saying?

W: why you want to dump my mom? You know that she want to protect me and she get kill? How can you dump my mom?

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
seems interesting