a letter make wei sad, f4 back

an unbelieved love completed!
In another day, Nan Feng Wei had called for a meeting. That meeting is going to let others know what is the letter writing about.

W: I would let you all see this letter.

Nan Feng Wei hand phone suddenly ring, when they seeing the letter the hand phone already long time no people calling from that phone accept her master.

W: hi, this is Nan Feng Wei speaking. Mind to tell me who you?

Unknown: hey, I am the one you finding. I hope you can stop finding who kill your parents?

W: who you?

Unknown: you no need to know.

Nan Feng Wei answers a called which is from the killer that killed her Mom and sister. In another side, Jun Pyo had return to Korea.

Jun Pyo: hey guys, F4 is back!

Yu Bin: ya. We back, but why you all don’t look so happy?

Jin Jun: because our boss gets a letter and heard one call and become so sad.

Jin Fan: ya, she already never sleeps for 2 day 1 night.

Jun Pyo: but why she still looks healthy?

Jin Jun: this is a question.

All riders and rangers still solving why this time the case, Nan Feng Wei is so powerful?

Jun Pyo: W, we back.

W: welcome back.

Jun Pyo: what happened to you?

W: you should know.

Jun Pyo: because you found out who kill your family members?

W: yup, my dad finally gives me the information.

Jun Pyo: so is who?

W: is the big demon.

Jun Pyo: our enemy?

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
seems interesting