Don't leave me, please.


"Zelo?? Zelo?" I grabbed his arm and shook his furiously. No, this can't be happening. He can't die. He's too young. "Zelo! Wake up! Open your eyes! You can't leave me..."


I looked over at the heart monitor. His heart was still beating, but it was weak. Too weak. The line could go straight any second. I ran out the room and grabbed the closest nurse that I saw, "You have to help me! He's dying!" I shouted, through my sobs.


The nursed rushed into the room with me immediately and she went over to him. The room was silent. The only sound in there was the loud, long continuous beep from the heart monitor machine. The long beep meant that the patient's heart was no longer beating and he or she has died. I fell to my knees when I looked over to the heart monitor and saw the straight line. I buried my face in my palms and I weeped.


"No!" was the only word that came out of my mouth repeatedly. I couldn't believe and I didn't want to believe it. Zelo can't die. I remained on the ground, sobbing my heart out. I heard more people coming in the room. I heard the doctor announce the time of death. I heard everything. And it was painful.


I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I didn't bother to look up. I assumed that it was the doctor. He said, "I'm sorry for your loss." And then, he left the room, just like that. The nurse and the rest of the medical team left the room silently, acting like nothing had happened.


They didn't even bother resuscitating him. How could they be so heartless? How can they just leave like that? I don't understand. With all my might, I stood up and slowly made my way over to Zelo's body. His lifeless body lay there. His lips were so pale that they looked almost white. I touched his face and it felt ice cold. 


The door opened, Yongguk, Youngjae and Jongup rushed in. I turned around and saw them. They looked as distressed as I was. Yongguk went over to me and hugged me. Youngjae and Jongup went to Zelo's bedside. I cried into Yongguk's shirt. "He doesn't deserve this! He's so young! Why does it have to be him?" I said over and over again.


Yongguk let go of me eventually and Youngjae came over to hug me. "It's okay, Hyuna. I believe that he's in a better place now." He said.


I pushed him away violently and shouted, "It's NOT okay! How can you say that? I just watched him die! I saw it all. All the pain and regret in his eyes! I can't believe I was so stupid. If only I came to him and apologize earlier. Maybe he would still be alive now. It's not okay...It's horrible..." 


Youngjae looked shocked and scared. He backed away and looked at the ground. Yongguk came over and hugged me again. This time, tighter and more reassuring. "Youngjae is right, Hyuna. Zelo's in a better place now. You have to believe that."


"But how can God take him away from me so easily? This is so unfair!" I sobbed.


"God took him to a better place. He doesn't have to suffer anymore, Hyuna. He's been really close to death this whole week. The doctor didn't believe that he could handle so much stress on his body. They told us that he only had a few days to live after the operation. But he lived through it. He fought the illness. He fought it with all his willpower because he believed that one day, you would go back to see him and forgive him. And you did."


"But why at this time? We only had a few minutes together..." I asked again. I was clearly in denial.


"A few minutes, a few hours, days or months don't count. What matters is that you made him happy and you helped him achieve his goal. You forgave him. He said that he can't die without getting forgiveness from you."


I said nothing and just continued sobbing. The people from the mortuary section of the hospital came into the room and wheeled out Zelo's body. "We need to go now..." Yongguk said.




A/N : This chapter is so sad I actually teared up a bit while typing it. :( 


To those people who said they don't want Zelo to die....I'm sorry I just had to do it..


And to those who are asking what happened to Himchan etc etc. He'll be in the next chapter(s). This fic is going to end soooooon~


Thank you for reading :D

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exomaania #1
Chapter 42: omg omg omg omg
Chapter 42: I like the ending, its sweet and simple. Is rmthat really the end though? It didnt say complete or final...
bellaxjoker #3
Chapter 42: aww,,so sweet. glad daehyun is fine and happy with hyuna. sad cause himchan doesn't come to his senses. even sadder cause the group was never the same without zelo. so it makes the ending somewhat bittersweet. good job,author-nim. looking forward to your next fic!
arescom #4
omo! Zelo!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 41: Im glad daehyun is ok! And I rest my case, like I said earlier in the story himchan is bipolar lol, he asked if hyuna was ok after having a fight with her during the funeral! Bipolar!
Chapter 41: Daehyun sooo sad sweet...please let them end togethee...
bellaxjoker #7
Chapter 41: phew~! Glad that he's fine. Maybe if you went through that staring fight banghim were having,you'll be sliced in two. Heol! Great chap here,authornim!
bellaxjoker #8
Chapter 40: please don't. don't want to lose daehyun too. argh! going crazy right here!