Made up mind


I was left there standing alone. Daehyun walked back to his seat and Eunbi instantly went over and started caressing his face. Sick. I walked out of the cafeteria quickly and walked into the office. I told the teacher there that I needed to go to the hospital and I told her it was an emergency. A little white lie doesn't hurt once in a while, right? I walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus which brought passengers to the local hospital. The bus arrived about five minutes later. I hopped on and took a seat.

At the hospital, I walked towards Zelo's room. With trembling hands, I slowly knocked and turned the doorknob. I walked in and closed the door behind me. Zelo was sleeping. His body looks frail, thin and sick. His face on the other hand, looked angelic. He looked peaceful, happy and calm when he was sleeping. All I ever seem to see from him nowadays are tears and anger. I sat down next to him and gently his hair.

I watched him sleep for a while. It was calming. It helped me think. After a while, his eyelids fluttered open and he blinked in surprise when he saw me. "Hyuna! What are you doing here? Did something bad happen? Aren't you supposed to be at school studying for your exams?" The worried expression on his face that showed was cute and I couldn't help but giggle. 

"No, Zelo. Nothing bad happened. I just decided to come here and see you because I have something important, like very important to tell you. I hope you'll listen to me."

Zelo looked at me and cocked his head to the side. He hesitated for a moment then replied, "Of course I'll listen to you. Anything for you Hyuna." I smiled at his understanding.

She's gonna break up with me, . She's gonna go with Daehyun hyung now. Crap, crap, crap. But why does she look so happy? Maybe she's not breaking up with me...maybe she's here to tell me some good news. Oh my god, this is nerve wrecking. Zelo's thoughts went wild in his mind.

"Um..Zelo? Are you okay...? You look like you're spazzing out.." I slowly said to him.

"Huh?" He replied, dazed. "Oh, um. It was nothing. Sorry. What did you want to tell me again?" Zelo shifted his gaze to me with eager eyes, hoping for good news. "Is it good news or bad news?"

"You can say it's kinda both maybe?"

Zelo nodded and motioned for me to continue. 

"Okay. So I have finally made up my mind after so long." He raised a brow. He looked like he wasn't exactly sure what I was talking about. So I said, "I made up my mind about you and..Daehyun."

"Oh..." Zelo's face fell when he heard Daehyun's name.

"I need to tell you the truth, Zelo. I like Daehyun. I really do. And this 'relationship' thing that we have...isn't exactly working out, you know. I don't feel right being with you. I know you said just until you get better but I can't do it. I really can't..I realized that my feelings for you are like feelings for a sibling, or a friend. It's not exactly a lovers love. I'm sorry Zelo."

It was silent for a moment and I decided to break the ice so I stood and and grabbed my things. "I have to go back to school now Zelo. I'll visit you tomorrow." He didn't say anything. He didn't even look up. So I just walked towards the door.

"Does he know?"

I turned my body and faced Zelo. "What?"

"Does Daehyun know you picked him over me?" He asked slowly..

"No," I replied. "I'm going to go back and tell him."

"Well then, good luck with that."

I smiled sadly and said, "Thank you for understanding and not getting mad at me Zelo. You are the best." With that, I walked out of the room.

Zelo dropped back onto the bed and pulled his hair angrily. "I thought it was good news, ugh."


"Daehyun!!!" I shouted to him and tried to catch up with him. He turned around and slowed down when he saw me. His eyes had no expression in them. I caught up with him and said, "I have something to tell you." He nodded and gave me a look. A look that made my knees weak. "I've already told Zelo this. I broke up with him because I honestly feel that it isn't right and my heart really belongs to you, Daehyun. Please just forgive me for everything bad or offensive I've said. I hope you understand. I want to be with you, you only. Not Zelo."

I saw Daehyun's eyes getting bigger as I was explaining to him. I couldn't tell whether that was a good or bad thing. At some point I thought there was something on my face.

"Daehyun? Are you gonna say anything?"

He took a step forward and hugged me and said, "I'm glad you chose me."

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exomaania #1
Chapter 42: omg omg omg omg
Chapter 42: I like the ending, its sweet and simple. Is rmthat really the end though? It didnt say complete or final...
bellaxjoker #3
Chapter 42: aww,,so sweet. glad daehyun is fine and happy with hyuna. sad cause himchan doesn't come to his senses. even sadder cause the group was never the same without zelo. so it makes the ending somewhat bittersweet. good job,author-nim. looking forward to your next fic!
arescom #4
omo! Zelo!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 41: Im glad daehyun is ok! And I rest my case, like I said earlier in the story himchan is bipolar lol, he asked if hyuna was ok after having a fight with her during the funeral! Bipolar!
Chapter 41: Daehyun sooo sad sweet...please let them end togethee...
bellaxjoker #7
Chapter 41: phew~! Glad that he's fine. Maybe if you went through that staring fight banghim were having,you'll be sliced in two. Heol! Great chap here,authornim!
bellaxjoker #8
Chapter 40: please don't. don't want to lose daehyun too. argh! going crazy right here!