Chapter 27: What should I do?

I never wanted to fall for you [HIATUS]

~The Lunch Time~

I was sitting on the chair, by my table when all my classmates walked out, leaving Anne and him in the class. I turned to Anne who smiled awkwardly, slowly going out of the class.

“Wait a second,” I smiled at him and nervously, but quickly, ran out of the class to the ladies bathroom, locking myself in. This was just too much for me to handle. Not now, when I got used to live here, in USA, while my boyfriend is in Korea. This is just too much.

“Xiao…?” I heard Anne’s voice.

“Go away,” I muttered, pouting.

“Katy is here as well…” she said.

“Katy, please show him around the school and say that I became sick.” I said, sitting on the toilet.

“Are you going home?” Katy asked.

Katy … Katy is a brunette girl. She’s a very nice, but shy as hell, which makes guys easily to bully her, since she has a nice figure as well. Anne knows Katy since her childhood; they were childhood friends. I met her when I first came to USA, as well as Anne.

She’s a good student; not a nerd not a lazy . Her grades are just the way they’re fit for her, which makes her perfect. On top of this, she likes to read and she’s even writing one story, named Fairy Land. She wants to be a writer in the future as well as lawyer.

“Yes, I’m going home.” I nodded. “I have flu, fever, diarrhea, pneumonia…” I started saying all kind of diseases that came in my mind at this second.

“Okay,” Katy muttered and walked out calmly.

“Will you come out now?” Anne sighed after few minutes. I slowly stood up and took a deep breath, unlocking the doors and opening them, revealing Anne.

“Is he gone?” I asked quietly.

“Of course, since Katy is showing him around…” Anne smiled.

“I’m going home…” I said and opened the doors, peeking out if there’s any trace of him……there he was, standing in front of me, looking around. I quickly closed the doors, leaning on them.

“HeisstillinghereAnnewhattheheckshouldIdo!?” I quickly said.

“What?” Anne muttered confused.

“He. Is. Here.” I repeated, but more slowly and quieter. Her eyes widened and started laughing, like she just breathed that laughing gas like Super Junior in EHB.

“That’s not funny!” I hissed at her and started looking around. “I have to get out of here…” I muttered and then I saw a window. I smiled and ran towards it, but it was high. I turned around, seeing Anne all serious.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” she said.

“I’m not kidding. I don’t want to see him. He’s married, for goodness sake.” I sighed and let my hands fall down, beside my tights.

“You’ll get killed, if teachers will see you.” She said and stepped closer.

“Tell me who, of the teachers, is outside in the lunch time?” I asked and crossed my arms.

“You’ve got a point, but still…” she muttered, but I cut her: “Just for today, Anne. You owe me this much.” sighing. She bit her lower lip, thinking.

“Please?” I asked. I really didn’t want to see him and realize that I’m still alive and was fooling them for more than one year. After few minutes, Anne let a loud sigh out and made a stair with her hands as she leaned down.

“Thank you,” I smiled whispering and stood up. She suddenly lifted me and I could saw people outside, grabbing for the edge.

“You got it?” she asked.

“Got it.” I smiled as I pulled myself up, with her help. It was kind of small window, but still big enough, for me to come thru it. After I was half out of the window, I saw a teacher and let myself fall to the ground.

“Kya~” I squealed.

“Xiao, you okay!?” Anne yelled.

“I’m…fine…” I answered, but then a sudden pain went thru my ankle. “Damn,” I sighed and slowly stood up. I leaned on the wall and looked around, seeing if anyone saw me and gladly no one did. Then I searched for teacher to see where he was and he was already walking towards entrance.

“Anne are you there?” I asked, but there was no answer. She probably went back to the class… I muttered and slowly stomped my way to my car, which was, at the moment, far away.

After I reached in few minutes, I unlocked the car and sat in, since I was pretty lucky to have keys with me in my pocket. I started the engine, but before I drove off I sent a message to Anne.

Anne, I’m sorry and thank you.

Please bring my stuff after school.

Ps: I think I twisted my ankle, so I’m going to doctor.

I wrote and send it. Few seconds later I got her reply.

What!?! You twisted ankle, that’s why you squealed?! Are you okay? Is everything okay with you? Do you need any help?

Was what she wrote. I chuckled at her reaction. She was very protective when it comes to me, so she loves to help, but sometimes not, which is…often these last few weeks.

I’m fine, it’s just that I twisted my ankle, I didn’t break it.

And I’m really sorry for my selfishness.

I wrote back. I put the phone on the passenger’s seat and drove off, towards my home. After I drove on the yard, where I parked, I stomped my way to the doors, where I opened them.

“Mom?” I heard Jinny’s voice from living room.

“I’m home,” I muttered and walked inside, stomping.

“What happened?” she asked and ran to me.

“Just falling from the window.” I chuckled awkwardly as I made my way to the kitchen where I sit down. “Can you please get me ice?” I asked Jinny. She nodded and walked towards refrigerator, where she opened it and then the fridge inside, taking the ice out.

“Thanks,” I smiled and I put it on my ankle.

“What happened?” she asked again and sat on the chair, next to me.

“He’s here,” I sighed and closed my eyes.

“Who? Dad?” she asked confused.

“No,” I chuckled. “Kim Jaeseop,” I said and looked at her. Her eyes widened as her jaw dropped to the floor. I chuckled and ruffled her hair. “That’s why I fell from window. I was running away from him.” I said and explained her.

“He…” she clenched the fist as her knuckles became white as snow.

“No, Jinny,” I smiled. “It’s okay, he didn’t do anything. I just don’t want to see him, since the stupid teacher called my real name.” I sighed and looked at the ceiling.

“What will you do?” she asked.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged, though she knew I was going to stay at home; she knew me too well.

~The next day~

“Will you come?” Anne asked as she walked in my room. I slowly opened my eyes, and looked at her all sleepy.

“Go away,” I muttered and buried my face into pillow.

“I guess that means no.” she sighed.

“You can take my car.” I muttered and throw her the keys.

“Thanks!” she chuckled and walked out. I smiled a little and rolled on the other side of the bed, looking up into ceiling.

“Am I really going to avoid him?” I asked myself.

~Anne’s POV~

“This girl…” I sighed, shaking my head, as I parked near the University. “Seriously … she never asked Inna where he’ll study, did she?” I sighed again and stepped out of the car.

“Anne!” I suddenly heard male voice. I looked up and saw him walking to me. I bit my lower lip, thinking what I should say.

“Hey,” I smiled waving.

Slap yourself, you stupid . You have to say hey?! What for!? I mentally slapped myself.

“Hey,” he said back as he stopped in front of me. I looked around and then at him, knowing what he’ll ask me. “About yesterday,” he started. I swear I suddenly felt blood in my mouth, from biting my lip too much in these one damn minute.

“Yes?” I asked, pretending to be irritated.

“The girl that was with you; is she really Xiao?” he asked, ignoring that I'm irritated.

“No,” I answered. The heck you are talking about!? “People are calling her Xiao, since she resembles her a lot.” I lied and continued. “I saw her few times, but I never knew anything about her.”

“Oh,” he muttered disappointed.

“Yeah,” I smiled. “Sorry, gotta go,” I smiled and quickly walked away. Darn it, I’m going to kill you Xiao for making me to lie! I thought as I made my way to the class.

“Where’s Xiao?” Katy asked.

“Home,” I answered quickly.

“What for?” she was surprised.

“She twisted her ankle in the middle of escaping.” I looked at her, sighing.

“Seriously? Why would she escape either way?” she asked and right at that time AJ walked in. “Because of him?” she asked and pointed at him with her eyes.

“Yes, Sherlock.” I said with sarcastic voice. “He’s the reason she escaped. He’s the reason she twisted her ankle and he’s the reason she stayed at home. All because of one stupid man.” I said, now really angry.

“Chill,” she muttered and sat in front of me on Xiao’s seat. “Don’t worry about him,” she smiled and started playing with me.

“Gosh, Katy, I’m not in the mood.” I groaned.

“What the heck has gone into you?” she was surprised by my actions.

“I’m sorry, but one idiot ruined it, making me lie because of her.” I sighed and leaned back on the chair. “This is exhausting. Jinny doesn’t go to kindergarten and now Xiao doesn’t want to go to school…I’m going crazy,” I muttered, looking up into ceiling.

~No one’s POV~

This is driving me crazy… AJ ruffled his hair as he walked into class and overheard conversation that Anne and Katy had.

“This is exhausting. Jinny doesn’t go to school and now Xiao doesn’t go…I’m going crazy,” Anne muttered. AJ looked at her seeing she was looking into ceiling, while Katy was shaking her head.

So that really was Xiao? And Jinny? Who’s that? he thought as he bit his lower lip. And then he remembered. He tried to stand up, but right then teacher came in, preventing to do his plan.

“Anne here?” the teacher asked as she was checking to see who was here.

“Yeah,” Anne nodded, raising her hand.

“AJ?” she asked.

“N-ne,” he stuttered, nodding.

“Katy?” she continued.

“Yup,” she chuckled.




“He’ll come in few minutes.” Katy answered. Teacher looked at her and then back down on the paper.


“He’s sick,” James answered.

“Anna Mary?”




“Xiao?” teacher called again looking up. Anne was too busy thinking, saying anything. “Xiao Yun!?” teacher raised her voice, making Anne waking up from her thinking.

“She’s home, since she sprained her ankle.” Anne said.

“Why did she go home yesterday, after lunch?” she asked her.

“That’s when she sprained her ankle.” Anne answered.

“Oh really?” she murmured. Anne only nodded quietly. “She sprained her ankle where? On running away thru ladies bathroom?” she asked and put her hands on her hips.

“N-No…” Anne stuttered.

“She didn’t ma’am,” Katy butted in with her country accent, which she got from her father. “I saw her when she fell from the stairs, since she was thinking something, without realizing stairs in front of her.” she lied; she was great at lying.

“Okay,” teacher muttered and looked back on the paper, checking others. Katy looked back at Anne, who smiled: “Thank you,” grateful. Katy winked at her and then looked in front, since the class started; she was sitting on Xiao’s seat for the whole day.

After the end of the day, Anne walked towards Xiao’s car. She threw her bag in and sat on the driver’s seat, starting the engine. Slowly driving back home, she listened to her Super Junior CD, y, Free and Single.

When she reached the house, she walked inside and was surprised that everything was quiet and mostly … empty. Just to make sure, that Jinny and Xiao are both home, Anne walked upstairs and peeked inside Xiao’s room, revealing her sleeping while she was hugging Jinny. She chuckled, shaking her head lightly, and walked back downstairs into kitchen, where she decided to make something to eat for them.

After an hour of doing lunch, for Xiao and Jinny, they both woke up and walked into kitchen, smelling something nice.

“Did you make it?” Jinny asked as she sat on the chair, by table.

“Yeah,” Anne chuckled as she put milk porridge on table. “I made something quickly, so you two can eat it.” She added and looked at Xiao who stomped her way into kitchen, groaning and whining all the way. “Are you feeling any better?” she asked.

“The same as yesterday and I think it became even worse…” Xiao answered.

“Should we go to the doctor?” Anne asked and helped her to sit down.

“I don’t know…” she muttered. “Let’s just wait for one day.” She said and slowly started eating. “So how was school?” she asked.

“Same as always, though I was angry since I parked in front of school.” she sighed and sat on the chair as well.

“Why?” Xiao was confused. Jinny was quietly eating, while listening to their talk. “Is it because of him?” she asked.

“He walked to me,” Anne started. “And asked if you’re really that Xiao; but I wouldn’t be I, if I wouldn’t start lying.” She sighed and buried her face into her palms. “On top of that, the teacher for History saw you escaping thru window.” She added and looked at Xiao.

“Seriously?” she was surprised. “B-but how?”

“I don’t know how, but Katy lied, saying that you fall down the stairs, while you were in deep thought.” Anne explained.

“Oh god,” Xiao sighed and stopped eating for a moment. “I’m going crazy. Why did we even sign in this University?” she whined and looked up into ceiling.

“I’m wondering that too now…” Anne sighed, nodding. “But it will pass, right?” she muttered.

“It won’t pass, until AJ and I have a talk, which will be in few days… but if I don’t go to school, it’ll be like I dropped out, which will make AJ think that it’s his fault, which it is a part…” she murmured and sighed. “I have no idea, what to think and do anymore…” she whined.

“Just go to school.” Jinny suddenly spoke. Anne and Xiao looked at her surprised. “Go to school, talk to him and sort everything out with him. You’ll feel better.” She smiled.

“That makes me think,” Xiao started. “Why aren’t you going to kindergarten?” she asked.

“I don’t want to…” whispered Jinny.

“And why is that so?” she asked again.

“Mark is teasing me…” she pouted.

“Mark? Teasing you? Why?” Xiao was confused.

“He’s saying that I’m stupid Asian without mom and dad.” She quietly said.

“Then just hit him.” Anne spoke.

“I did,” she nodded and looked up. “But then teacher scolded me…” she muttered and looked back down.

“Oh dear,” Xiao sighed, shaking her head. “But, how did you hit him? Hard?” she asked smiling.

“Well…” she started and bit her lip. “First I slapped him and then I pushed him to the floor, where I got on him and started hitting him…” she explained.

“That’s the way!” Anne laughed. Xiao chuckled as well, but she was getting worried even more.

“I’ll go to kindergarten tomorrow to talk with teacher, so don’t worry.” Xiao smiled and continued eating. Jinny only nodded, continuing eating as well. There was silence between them for few minutes, until Anne decided to break it.

“Where is Mason?” she asked, looking around.

“Out,” Xiao answered. “I think he went in store, since we’re mostly running out of food.” She muttered. Just when Anne tried to say something, Xiao heard her phone from her bedroom. She looked at Anne.

“Right away,” Anne chuckled and run upstairs.

~Xiao’s POV~

“I wonder who’s calling…” I thought to myself loudly. Few seconds later, Anne came back downstairs, with my phone on her ear.

“Yes, she’s here,” she said in Korean. “Just a second,” she chuckled and gave my phone. I looked at her and then put my phone on the ear, without looking who’s calling.

“Yes?” I asked.

“You know you’re in so much trouble, right?” I heard Kevin’s voice on the other side.

“Yeah,” I nodded, knowing what he’s talking about.

“What will you do?” he asked.

“I don’t know…” I muttered and looked around. “Right now, I’m at home, because I sprained my ankle yesterday, when I was escaping from University.” I said and let a sigh out.

“So you did escape, huh?” he murmured into phone, more to himself than to me.

“Did he called you?” I was confused.

“Yeah, he called. He asked something about you, I don’t really know what, but it was about you.” He said.

“What should I do, Kevin?” I asked, suddenly feeling nervous.

Here comes pictures...! :)

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larrylou #1
aww too bad you never finished
But please, continue updating!
Chapter 32: awww i think i know who is at the door~~ ^^
Chapter 30: LOL poor taemin >.<
thanks for updating~
Chapter 29: awww xiao is now revealing the truth to everyone ^^
thanks for updating
Chapter 27: i see aj is here...
Chapter 25: thanks for updating ^^ hmm looks like kyuhyun might want to change :)
Chapter 24: awwww such a sad goodbye but hmm make me stay hehe XD
thanks for updating good luck with school :D