Chapter 20: Wrong call

I never wanted to fall for you [HIATUS]

~Inna’s POV~

“Inna-ah,” Kevin giggled. I looked at him worriedly, since he drank alcohol and his tolerance of it is low.

“K-Kevin-ah, are you feeling okay?” I asked and bit my lip, knowing he’s definitely not okay. As he tried to say something, Kyuhyun kissed my cheek again. I already stopped counting how many times he kissed me just this one day. I looked at him, seeing he’s drunk … as well. Then I looked to Leeteuk hyung, who was barely looking and then … fall asleep, slamming with his head on the table. I lightly shook my head as the doorbell suddenly rang.

“Inna-shii,” Sungmin called me. I looked at him, trying to say something, but then, just like Leeteuk, fell asleep by slamming head on the table.

“Inna, can you please go open?” Eunhyuk asked me. “I’ll take guys to their rooms…” he said and lifted Siwon. I stood up and walked towards doors, looking into dining room for the last time, seeing that, Kangin and Shindong were helping Eunhyuk carrying guys to their rooms, since it was already night.

The doorbell rang again.

“Coming~” I sang, rather annoyed now. I opened the doors and my eyes widened as I saw him standing right in front of my own two eyes, breathing quickly.

“J-Jaeseop,” I stuttered.

“I-Inna…” he was catching his breath.

“W-what are you doing here?” I asked.

“I … came … to get … you…” he answered and took a long deep breath.

“Yah!” I suddenly heard a voice behind. AJ and I both looked who it was and saw Kevin.

“Kevin…” I muttered.

“You,” he started, pointing at … AJ? His finger was going here and there, up and down, so you didn’t really know to whom he was referring, but I knew he meant AJ.

“K-Kevin?” AJ was surprised. Kevin walked to me, and almost fell, but I quickly held him.

“You,” he started again. “You … why you treating Inna like a … murderer?” he asked. AJ and I both frowned at Kevin’s sudden question.

“Kevin stop it.” I said.

“Ani!” he said seriously.

Why do I have a bad feeling? I thought as I looked at Kevin.

“She didn’t murder Xiao …” he continued. “You knew it wasn’t her…”

“It doesn’t matter who did it. It’s done now.” AJ calmly said.

He still can’t forget it, right? My eyes suddenly tear up.

“Yah!” Kevin hissed at AJ. AJ’s eyes widened at his action.

“K-Kevin…” I muttered, but only then I realized tears streamed down my cheek, which made him even more furious.

“I’ll make Inna divorce you and marry someone else!” Kevin suddenly threatened AJ.

“Kevin stop it!” I begged as I couldn’t stand two friends fighting because of me. “It’s okay if AJ thinks I killed Xiao, just … stop it.” I sobbed and fell on my knees, burying my face into my hands.

“Inna,” I heard Eunhyuk’s voice. I slowly looked up and saw him next to me, holding me for shoulders. He gave me one of those smiles that assured that everything will be fine. I slowly stood up and looked straight into AJ’s voice. I wasn’t afraid of what he’ll think of me anymore.

“I-if you want to divorce, I’m okay with it.” I said. I could saw his shock reaction, but I remained calm, though my heart was breaking.

“I…” he was trying to say something, but he couldn’t let a single word out.

“It’s okay, AJ.” I smiled. “I would be angry at you too, if you would kill my ex.” I said and looked at Kevin, who was looking now from me to AJ and back. “Let me help you Kevin.” I said and held his upper arm, slowly walking into living room. As I sat him down on the couch, he instantly fell asleep.

“Inna,” Eunhyuk called me again. I looked up at him. “He wants to talk with you alone.” He said.

“Ne,” I smiled and wiped my tears that streamed down. I slowly walked back into hallway, where he was standing. “Come,” I muttered and waved him to follow me in the kitchen.

“You want to drink anything?” I asked as I was cleaning the table from what was left of birthday party.

“Ani,” he answered and sat on the chair, looking around. “How was the party?” he asked.

“Okay,” I answered shortly. There was a silence; only Donghae, Kyuhyun and Sungmin were left in the kitchen.

“Hey AJ,” Kangin smiled as he walked in the kitchen.

“Hey,” he smiled and bowed with head. Kangin took Sungmin and walked him into his room, while Shindong took Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk Donghae.

“You don’t have to clean these dishes, Inna. Do it tomorrow.” Eunhyuk smiled before he walked out.

“Gwenchana,” I smiled at him, but soon I stopped and sat down in front of AJ, with cup of tea in my hands. “What do you want to talk about?” I asked calmly, like nothing happened before.

“It’s …” he started, but didn’t know how to continue. I took a sip, looking at him. “I … Come back.” He finally blurted out.

“Waeyo?” I asked, still calm.

I wasn’t called Queen of hiding true feelings for nothing. He was kind of shocked at my reaction, which was way too calm and to tell the truth, I was enjoying.

“They miss you.” He said, confused.

“They?” I was surprised. “If they miss me … then I have no intention to return.” I smiled and stood up; trying to leave, but he grabbed my hand. I turned around surprised, trying to say something, but his soft lips stopped me from my intention.

I miss you.” He whispered quietly as he pulled away from my lips. My cheeks turned darkish red and leaned my head on his chest, with my heart wanting to fall out.

“Are you coming back, with me?” he quietly asked, somehow afraid of my answer. I didn’t look at him or move from the position, but I nodded. He tightly hugged me and kissed my forehead.


~Jin Ae~

“Did you find her, Anne?” I asked as we met at the entrance.

“Not … yet,” she said, trying to catch her breath.

“Eomma!” I suddenly heard Hyun Ae’s voice. I turned around, to where the voice was coming, and saw her with boys on the stage.

“Hyun Ae!” I called and waved.

“Jin Ae, your girl is here.” L. Joe smiled. Without looking at others, I ran towards stage.

“Hyun Ae, come.” I said. Suddenly Chunji kneeled down, so we were looking in each other’s eyes. “B-bwohya?” I asked.

“Go to the backstage. Girls will make you ready.” he said quietly, but loud enough for me to hear him.

“I’m not leaving Hyun Ae’s side.” I said.

“She’ll be safe with Anne and two guards.” He said.

“Guards? Are you kidding me?” I asked, but he was deadly serious. “Geez, fine.” I sighed, giving up. A wide smile crossed his face as Hyun Ae was accompanied with guard to backstage. I looked over to Anne, who was already walking and disappeared behind.

This is driving me crazy. I thought and let a sigh out, walking with one guy backstage.

“Here’s the dancer that will substitute Ricky.” The guy said. Girls looked at each other and then at me. One pulled me to them, while the second was already doing my makeup, the third my hair and two of them searching for clothes.

“We’re done!” one of other guys said on the microphone. He lightly nodded and then looked at me. “Go,” he said and pushed me to the stage.

“And Ricky~” C.A.P. smiled, pointing at me!

I can’t believe them… I screamed in my head. I looked to Changjo who was smiling at fans, but he was cold towards me, whenever he looked in my way. Then I looked at Niel who was now the one talking with fans, thanking for coming all the way here. L. Joe was smiling and playing together with Chunji. My eyes went on C.A.P. who was looking around, probably searching something, until he remembered. At the end, I looked backstage where I saw Ricky, looking at me.

Why do you look so familiar? He lip synchronized. I shrugged.

Which song are we singing? I lip synchronized back.

You’ll see. He smirked. I gave him glare, but right then music started. The first song was To You. Everything was going smoothly and I still knew their moves. After the song ended, the most screaming ‘Ricky’ got. Guys were pretty amazed by it, including Hyun Ae and Anne, though they saw me zillion of times, dancing on the stage with lots of dancers and singers.

After the concert, we all deeply bowed and still no one saw and realized that I, ‘Ricky’, was a girl.

Good job everyone,” Teen Top clapped and smiled. I only clapped a little, but then rushed to Hyun Ae that just stepped in the dressing room.

“Hyun Ae,” I whispered and hugged her tightly.

Eomma, you were amazing.” She said in Korean.

“Hyun Ae,” I said and looked at her strictly.

Omo, you can speak Korean?” Chunji was surprised. Hyun Ae looked from me at him and smiled nicely.

“Just a little,” she said in English.

“You’re amazing for a four year old girl.” L. Joe smiled.

“I was studying hard.” Hyun Ae smiled.

“Let’s go,” I said and tried to leave, when Changjo grabbed my hand.

“Wait,” he said in English. I turned around at him and then at his hand holding mine. “I have to talk with you.” He muttered.

“I don’t have a reason to talk with you. Neither of you.” I said and looked from one to another.

Aish, jinja … such a rude girl…” Ricky muttered. I glared at him.

“You should be lucky that Angels didn’t recognize me as a girl.” I hissed at him. My mood quickly changed.

“What’s with you?” C.A.P. asked confused.

Nothing’s with me.” I hissed at him in Korean. “I’m just sick of all of you. You’re all pretending like you’re I-don’t-know-how-big and looking down on me. Especially you, Chunji!” I pointed at him. He was obviously confused.

“Jin Ae, calm down…” Anne said and grabbed my hand.

“No, I won’t calm down.” I said to her. “I knew who Xiao was.” I said and everyone’s faces darkened. “I knew her even before she started walking in High School. Damn it, how could you?

B-but we…” Niel stuttered, but I cut him off: “Don’t but we to me. I knew you met her when she was here, in USA. I knew, Chunji, you confessed to her, but she rejected you. I knew that everyone was nice to her, but goddamn it…” I couldn’t continue. Instead I wiped my tears away that streamed down and walked out, with holding Hyun Ae’s hand and Anne behind.

“Eomma,” Hyun Ae called me as we were walking down the street.

“D-dae?” I asked and lightly smiled at her.

“Mianhae,” she said. I stopped.

“Jinny,” I called her by previous name and kneeled in front of her. “You don’t have to apologize. It’s not your fault. On top of that, Taemin is coming in a few days and we should greet him with happy faces, arraso?” I smiled sadly.

“Arraso, Xiao noona.” She smiled back. I hugged her tightly and lifted her up.

“Shall we go back to house?” I asked and looked at Anne, who was quietly following us. “Anne,” I called her as she was dazing off.

“Huh?” she looked at me confused.

“Shall we go back home?” I repeated. “It’s pretty late.” I added.

“Uhm, yeah … sure…” she scratched the back of her neck. I bit my lower lip and continued walking.

We were walking in silence, till we reached home.

“I’m going to take a shower.” I said as I let Hyun Ae down, looking at Anne. She was, again, dazing off. I lightly sighed. “Anne, it’s okay, you don’t have to worry about anything.” I said quietly and hugged her.

“I’m sorry,” she started sobbing.

“I told you it’s okay. You didn’t know what will happen so don’t worry about it anymore.” I said and looked straight into her eyes, wiping tears from her cheeks. “I’ll tell Mason to make you some tea, okay?” I added.

“It’s okay, I can do it myself.” She smiled.

“I’m going to take a shower, okay?” I said. She nodded and we both walked our own ways. I walked in my room and took long T-shirt out of my closet, my underwear and towel, heading towards bathroom. I undressed myself and stepped in the cabin, opening the water, so it was pouring on my head, down my back.

“Jin Ae~” Britney’s voice suddenly woke me from my thoughts.

“I’m in the bathroom.” I yelled.

“Ah,” she muttered. “I’m doing some business in Seoul in few days.” She started. I just turned the water off and stopped the way I was. “Since Taemin and you decided to meet, I thought that maybe you could go to Seoul with me.” she said. I wrapped the towel around me and walked out of bathroom.

“I’ll think about it.” Was everything I said and grabbed my clothes, going back into bathroom.

“I talked with Inna.” She started again.

“And?” I asked.

“She said she wants to meet with you.” She answered, but then added. “She wanted to come here, in USA, but since she’s busy with her career it will be difficult for her to take a break.”

“Aish,” I cursed. “Fine,” I agreed in the end. “I’ll call Taemin and tell him to not come here and wait us at the airport.” I muttered.

“Gomawo,” she smiled.

“Aigoo,” I sighed, shaking my head. I’m here for few weeks and I have to go back, thanks to Britney. I thought. Aish, jinja … she’s driving me nuts, if this will going on from now on.

Slowly I walked out of bathroom in my long T-shirt and took my phone from bed. Britney was already downstairs, telling Anne and Hyun Ae the news, which made them … happy. I sighed again and dialed Taemin’s number or so I thought.

“Yeoboseyo?” I heard that someone picked up.

“Yah, Taemin-ah. I’ll come in Korea, so you don’t have to come here…” I said.


“T-Taemin?” I asked.

Silence again. I moved my phone away from a bit and saw that I called Kevin.

“Kevin, mianhae…” I apologized, biting my lower lip.

Silence again.

“Geez, Kevin, it’s me …” I sighed.

“Xiao?” his voice asked me.

A/N: Holidays started.. Thank god -falls on the ground-

I'll update as soon as possible :)

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larrylou #1
aww too bad you never finished
But please, continue updating!
Chapter 32: awww i think i know who is at the door~~ ^^
Chapter 30: LOL poor taemin >.<
thanks for updating~
Chapter 29: awww xiao is now revealing the truth to everyone ^^
thanks for updating
Chapter 27: i see aj is here...
Chapter 25: thanks for updating ^^ hmm looks like kyuhyun might want to change :)
Chapter 24: awwww such a sad goodbye but hmm make me stay hehe XD
thanks for updating good luck with school :D