Lending a hand. (part 1)

To Infinity and Beyond..

Finally the first week of school ended.

All the weekend i was about to stay home,listening some good music and watch videos on Youtube like i always do.

I was changing the channel of the TV on the remote,finding something interesting to watch.Nothing ,only kids programs everywhere,even if it was about 8 o'clock am. Mom was sleeping ,and i was eating cereals laying on the couch.

Really a hot day.Since it was already Saturday,and i ddn't get know the neighborhood ,i thought i could go outside and practice the skateboard,5 days without touching my lovable skateboard,what a disgrace.

I got up from the couch,placing the cup to the sink . I took a bath,singing along to myself,then,taking out from the wardrobe a pair of short jeans and a white t-shirt full of black skulls.Yeah i admit that my clothes are kinda like a scene. Even my hairs are like a scene,the bottom are dyed with a light blue color.But,I'm not a SCENE. Anyway,as i wore my pairs of vans that i use skateboarding.

I wrote down a letter:"Mom i'm going out for a walk,i won't be late."and placed it to the table of the kitchen.

I opened the door of the garden ,that separate our house from the walkway,that appeared full of children chaising each other,playing around with their appas and ummies. I felt bad watching them so happy,as one of them float his children in air,then catching him again laughing as he hugged him strongly. I couldn't do this again. I am lucky that I'm mentally strong,i keep everything to myself,none knows everything about me,even my mom. I sat at a benchnext to me,taking out my phone.


Wow,one new message,i wonder who could it be ,i was sure it would be mom,but when i checked it was a private number sayin' : "For 5 minutes to the park ,please come,or i will get you by myself,hehe~ "


Who was this person?
I was so scared . Oh my god what should i do now?
"Or i will get you by myself" ...shocked.But ,wait...how did this stranger got my number?

I decided to go check once,at least the park was only 3 minutes away from i was ,it's no big deal,i guess.
As i got to the park,full of kids,i saw Jonghyun playin' with them ,weird that he wasn't surrounded with fans asking him to take photos with them.
I wasn't sure if he was the one who text me.Taking my skateboard with the right hand,i sat down to the ground ,waiting terrified for someone to talk to me.
"You camed!" I heard Jonghyun's voice as he came in front of me,with his puppy face and his stunning smile.

I got up immediately from the ground,as i was barely breathing,i spooked those words
"Where did you take my number? And why did you bring me here?" i said a little confused,i was so surprised,an idol asking me to meet him?

"Hehe~ that's a secret."he said as his eyes curled up,then he continued.."Oh,yeah,since the day we accidentaly bumped,and the day you was watching me at the practice room,and the day at the library ,and all those days at school,i couldn't talk to you beacuse you always leave,i thought i could talk to you now."

My cheeks turned quite pink,at the fact he remembered the day at the practice room.

 "I'm sorry,i cant"i said as i turned my back and walk the way to the main road,but he took me by surprise ,grapping my wrist ,s he turned me back where i was standing a few moments ago.
"You won't escape this time" he wishpered,i felt weak,i just wanted to hug him till i melted.Then..he smiled.HEAVEN!

"Oh really?" I said convinced in what i was thinking about.Then continued.."WATCH ME ."
I put his hand down,as i saw his face,still smiling,then i turned again as i placed the skateboard down,ready to go.

"Don't go....please" i heard his low voice,my mind was shputing at me:"STAY YOU FOOL!THIS OPPORTUNITY CAME ONCE IN YOUR LIVE."

I turned back again,this time,he was closer to me.
"Why?" i said gently.

"Beacuse...hmm..can we talk in another place please? I feel uncomfy here-" he wishpered again,i hardly heard him,cuz' of the kids screaming all around us.

"Okay" i said,with an uncertain tone.

I was afraid to talk to him.I knew he will leave,and this gonna hurt me.Why was he so determinate to talk to me?

We sat at a bench at the other side of the park,none was there,just me and him..silence for a moment then he's voice got heard.
"Ooo,finally a quite place,my ear's just couldn't stand all the kids voices,even if i like them" I took a look at his eyes,as i smiled a little,he was staring right at my wrist,what was he looking at?I think he was staring at my scars.All the scars that was caused from the cuts.

I immediately turned them to the other side,so i could cover them,then i saw his face ,he wasn't smiling anymore,abruptly he took his hand,turning my wrist up again so he could focus again on them.

"Whaat..what are you doing?" i said ,acting like i was confused.

"Why do you do such things to yourself?" he was still staring at them..then he turned his face,watching at me straight into my eyes.

"Why would you care?You don't even know me" i replied.

"Well let me know you then,that's why im here"

"I don't get you,why do you want to talk to me,you don't see... everyone is avoiding me? You are even an idol..you should be practicing or..giving interviews ..or following you schedule.Don't you wonder why i don't make friends? You shouldn't be here right now,you are waisting your time." my eyes started to tear up naturally,i turned my head,so he couldn't notice that i was full of tears.

"I'm good at listening...now,may you please look at me ,and tell me why are you alone,why you are full of scars all over your wrist and why you don't want to talk to me,how you know i can't help you.Just try it once!" as he finished those words ,my cheeck were full of tears,they were falling down to my lap,drop by drop,he couldn't see my eyes,but im sure he was looking at my lap by the moment.I felt his hand pulling away my hair from my face ,placing them behind my ear.

"Tell me." he wishpered,as he got closer to me.

"Why don't you just leave me alone." i said as i sobbed,then i tried to get up ,but he pulled me down by placing both of his hand  on my wrists,then i continued "You will not understand,then you will leave,like everyone did."

"I won't...i promise" he placed his right hand over my shoulder.I felt a warm positive energy throught all my body .

"I hope you keep promises then...ask me what you want to know" i finally turned my face,to look at  him,i knew he will think im a psycho soon.

"I know it sounds weird but,i wanna know everything." he said,as he was wiping my tears with his hand,i felt my love for him was growing. He continued.."First,tell me why do you cut,and why you want to be alone,please" his gentle tone,was melting me inside....


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Updated after 1 month i guess,i think ill update faster now. Hope to get more subscriber till tomorrow. Please comment .


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Chapter 27: ____ YEAH YOURE BACK!!! <3
Chapter 27: OOOOOOOOOOHMEEEEEEEEWERGAAAAAAAAWD!!!! Omo youre back you're back!!!!!!!!!! Waaaah! I'm so so happpyyyyyy!!!
WOAH. You were so detailed in explaining the protagonist's figure. Hahaha! I'm 165cm, I wished I really was 43kg though LOL
Chapter 26: Awww are you sick eonnie? please take goood care of yourself!! This was so cute as always!! Jjong is just a sweetheart! And Onew..Onew will be Onew hahahhah XD!! I can't wait to see what happens in Italy! She's soooo lucky!!!^^ Have a good rest eonnie!! FIGHTING!!!!
xxHardcoreShawolxx #7
Chapter 26: Kyaa!! U updated!!;) thank u!!^^ Tht seriously was nt a fail!:) i liked it...:) curious 2 knw wat will happen in italy... Feels like its gna b awesome!;) will b waitin 4 the next chappie;) xx
xxHardcoreShawolxx #8
Chapter 7: LolxD saying jjong's name at least 40 times...! Hilarious! xx
xxHardcoreShawolxx #9
Chapter 23: Jjong is the best boyfriend eva!!! hes soo unselfish to hav prepared tht christmas surprise.:) xx
xxHardcoreShawolxx #10
Chapter 14: Ooo im dying 4 tht chapter!!!;) yay! More SHINee!!<3 i better continue reading... Hwaiting!!xx