Do You Believe Me Now?

Training For World Destruction

''Elder where is this place?'' Jongup looked around at the people around him. Everyone had their flesh revealed, and was jumping into a large body of liquid.

''We're in Busan!'' Daehyun grinned. 

''Elder my feet are tired~ Can't we stop somewhere?'' Zelo whined.

''Andwae! Our ship is recked because of you! You're not in the position to complain!'' Yongguk barked.

''What are we going to do Yongguk?'' Himchan, his right hand man, asked.

''For now we need to find a place to stay. Once we fix our ship we can proceed with our Earthvasion!'' He pumped his fist in triumph.

''And you two! Are going to attend school until then.'' Youngjae pointed at the maknaes.

''What's school?'' Jongup asked afraid of the answer.

''It's a place humans go to learn.'' Daehyun grinned mockingly.

''Well then we're all going aren't we?'' Zelo was hoping he was right.

''Nope. Just you two!'' Youngjae smirked.

''Nooo!!!!'' They screamed in unison. 






''Oppa...I don't think it's safe to tell them.'' I whispered to Kai who looked as if he was going to tell his friends the truth about me.

''No it's okay Yoomi.'' He pulled me to the side. ''Trust me, these guys are very good at keeping secrets.''

''It's not that I'm worried about. It's the danger they'll be in once they know.'' I swallowed a huge lump in my throat.

''Don't worry. We're your guardians right?''

I nodded my head.

''So we're going to protect you no matter what. We just need a little extra help.'' He smiled at me. I was getting those feelings again...why did they appear so much? Humans must be exhausted from all the mood swings.

''Okay.'' I smiled back.

''So who is this girl?'' Kris asked for a second time since I got there.

''You're not going to believe one word that we tell you, just a warning.'' Chanyeol said in all seriousness.

''Try us.'' Bao zi chuckled.

''Her name isn't really Yoomi, and she's not even really a human, she's a specimen.'' Sehun started.

''Yeah, I found her in the streets one night, and she followed me home. Almost like a dog. Apparently she escaped a training center that houses specimens that are supposed to save the world from something their not sure of themselves.'' Kai continued.

''I named her Yoomi after she tried Coke for the first time, and she was like 'yummy' it was so cute! Don't you think?''

''Shut up Chanyeol.'' Suho sighed. ''Anyway these doctors from the center are trying to take her back. They know about us, and now they want to kill us. We agreed to be her guardians.''

''So we made a road trip out of it to visit you guys in hopes that you'd let us hide out here for a while.'' Baekhyun grinned cutely.


''That was...the funniest thing I've ever heard!'' Tao bursted out in laughter. ''Omo! iIt hurts!'' He held onto his stomach, and doubled over. Our expressions showed that we were dead serious about everything.

''Wait...that wasn't a joke?'' Kris asked after he stopped laughing himself.

''No. I can prove it.'' I stood up.

''How?'' Bao zi asked.

''If I beat Tao in a sparring competion will you believe that I'm not human?'' I said with clenched fists.

''Beat me? That doesn't happen unless you have about six years of Wushu training.'' He smirked confidently.

''Wah! You've studied Wushu?! I was supposed to learn that when I turn 18.'' 

Suddenly Tao started doing a bunch of cool Wushu moves, and making noises as well. Grunts to get the point out I guess. ''Do you think you can beat me?'' He chuckled.

''We'll have to see.'' I tied up my hair, and followed him out the door.

''Are you sure you're ready for this?'' We gathered a crowd by the RV. All of my guradians as well as Kris, and Bao zi.

''Show him who's boss Yoomi!'' Chanyeol's deep voice cackled.

''Ahhh!'' I charged toward Tao with my battle stick, and they clacked loudly. He was pretty strong, but not stronger than me. I sent a power kick in the air, and he dodged it sending his stick right for my head. I bent backward, and just barely missed his swing. While I was bent my stick smacked into the ground. I used that stability to lift myself into the air and send my stick for his chest. Instead his leg smacked with my head, and I was on the ground. I felt surge of energy from the pain made me stronger. My eyes warmed with light, and I was up stronger than ever.

''Woah! What's up with your eyes?'' He yelled while we sparred. He was stumbling backwards as my kicks, and punches were sent his way.

''Woooh! Go Yoomi!'' I heard Kyungsoo roar.

''Heehee! Thanks oppa!'' I yelled to him, as I swung my stick into the air making Tao fall back.

''Get up Tao!'' Kai yelled. Why didn't he want to cheer for me? I thought I was his buddy.

Tao was on the floor, my stick pointed at his chest. ''Do you believe me now?'' I smiled.

''S-Sure..'' He stuttered.

''Great!'' I pulled my hand out to help him up. He took it gladly. ''You're really good. You studied Wushu right?''

''Yeah...what did you study?''

''Ugh, just Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, and Judo...but I never studied Wushu! You're so lucky!''

''What the heck was that?!'' A boy with big doe eyes gaped.

''Lu Han!!!'' Sehun went running over to him.

''We leave to get breakfast, and we come back to a martial arts battle?! You always have fun when we're gone!!!'' Another male human whined. He had longish hair, and a cute face.

''Yi Xing! Did you bring the the Lays?!'' Bao zi ran over to him.

''I'm not sharing!'' He scoffed, and went inside.

''Who is this girl, and why was she whooping Tao's ?'' Another male asked once we were all inside.

''Chen, this is Yoomi, our friend/robot.'' Sehun smiled.

''I'm not a robot!'' I protested. That was a huge stereotype about us specimens.

''Explain?'' Lu Han gaped.

''Ugh! Not again~'' Kyungsoo collapsed into the chair.




''Elder I'm sorry! We promise to never play around in the control room! Just don't send us to school! Please!!'' Jongup begged Yongguk.

''Nope, my mind's already made up.'' They found an un occupied building to stay in until they fixed the ship. Until it was completely fixed it would remain under the invisible shield Youngjae created. 

''Ugh! Fine! I'm running away!'' Zelo huffed.

''Go ahead. We won't stop you!'' Himchan laughed. ''Look I'm closing my eyes do it now!'' 

''Argh! You'll regret not taking us seriously!'' Jongup scoffed. The two youngest ran up to the second level.

''Jongup elder let's make a bet.'' Zelo grinned.

''Oooh what about?''

''Who ever can make the most human girls fall for him is dubbed the most irresistable Matoki in the universe!''

''Deal!'' The two shook on it.

''I promise I'll win.'' Zelo smirked.




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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??