A Specimen Revolution

Training For World Destruction

A/N: Normaly I don't really specify which POV the stories in to get people thinking, but I'm probably gonna be jumping around a lot so I'll label them mianhae if you get confuzzled >,< (and I apologize in advance for any spelling errors)

Kai's POV

After a few hours of falling in, and out of sleep the truck we were in suddenly stopped, and the wide doors opened blinding all of us.

''Where are we?'' Kyungsoo croaked. 

''Alright two at a time go to the bathroom. We don't need any accidents in here!'' That same doctor who found us in Seoul months ago yelled as two doctors escorted Chanyeol, and Baekhyun to the bathroom.

We were all too tired to fight against them. Even though our bodies haven't been of much use in the past few hours it was like our spirits were drained. I didn't have the fight in me.

''You two next!'' A doctor pointed at Sehun, and Lu Han.

''I have one question that's been bothering me. If this center is such a big top secret government facility couldn't you guys at least sprung for a truck with seats?! We've probably hit 30 speed bumps, and each time I fell on a different persons lap!'' Lu Han yelled. At least his out burst made the rest of us laugh a bit. 

''I might have to put you to sleep if you don't close that mouth of yours!'' She pushed him down the last step.

''Why don't I close that mouth of yours?!'' Kris glared at the lady while holding a sleeping Tao. He could barely move from the pain. His ankle wasn't doing any better, we could all tell by his constant moans of discomfort.

''Hey, you watch it! If we wanted to you all would've been dead by now.'' She wanted Yoomi. Our lives didn't matter to her as long as she had her specimen.  Well that wasn't going to happen. R-16 was no longer their specimen Yoomi was our human! ''You two up!'' She pointed to Chen, and Xiumin.

''We don't have to go.'' Xiumin glared. It baffled me how someone could have two completely different personalities.

''Then you two go.'' She pointed to Suho, and I. Suho took the opportunity to pee, but I couldn't even bring any part of my body to move. It was like I was stuck in the same position for hours. 

''Come on Kai, stretch your legs a bit.'' Suho patted my shoulder. I didn't need to respond for him to get the message. 

''Then you go.'' The woman pointed to Kyungsoo. ''Just know we're not making anymore stops.'' She glared at me.

''What about us?!'' One of Zelo's hyung's with full lips yelled as she began to close the doors.

''Psht. Do you really think I'd risk letting out things like you? Not a chance.'' She chuckled. For such a beautiful woman I didn't understand how she ended up in this field.

''Ugh! That is gonna get what she deserves!! I swear the next time I see her I'm snapping her ing neck!! If she even looks at one of wrong she gonna get a knee to the god damn face!!'' The deep voiced guy yelled. It was like something inside of him snapped. All of a sudden all his friends were holding him back.

''Hyung, you have to control your temper. We can't upset her or she might kill us. Think of Zelo. We need to live for him.'' His friend, Youngjae, calmed him down. 

''You're right...'' 

''What did she mean by things like you?'' Kyungsoo asked.

''Oh, you didn't know? We're aliens.'' Jongup said matter of factly.

Oh, Zelo the alien is dating Yoomi the alien slayer... 

''Pwahahaha!!!'' All of us started laughing at the irony. It was the least we could do in our situation.

Yoomi's POV

''We're what?!'' I stared at the files trying to make sense of everything! This had to be wrong. I'm not made to hurt people, I'm supposed to be the good guy, the hero. 

''Yoomi what is it?'' Zelo struggled his way out of the custodial cart. 

''What is all of this?!'' R-17 flipped through photos of bombs in Japan, Hawaii, even a plane crashing through a building in what looked like New York U.S.A

''Were all of these disasters caused by the center?'' I gaped as all these so called war events seemed to be from one place, and one place only. All these countries thought they were fighting eachother, when all along they've been fighting the same people. Us.

''Yoomi, what are we gonna do?'' Zelo stared with wide eyes over my shoulder. This was all news to him as well.

''I don't know....'' I flipped through the pages in the file, and noticed one was missing. ''Where is page 16?''

''I don't know, but we need to get out of here. We've been gone too long.'' 17 panicked.

''You're right. Come on!'' As the three of us made our way out of the office with the file in hand three doctors with one very big needle surrounded the door. 

''Look who decided to come home.'' Dr. Choi Sooyoung had such a wide smile, and long brown hair. 

''Look, we know what you all have planned, and this stops right now!'' I held the file in front of her, and the other two doctors.

''Oh no! Our plan is foiled! How will we ever go on once you tell everyone our big bad secret?'' She mocked us. ''Do you really think we're scared?''

''You should be.''I handed the file to Zelo who stumbled back from my unintentional force. ''There's one thing you've mis-calculated.''

''And what is that?'' 

''You've made me unbeatable.'' I stood in my fighting stance feeling completely confident with 17 right beside me. 

''Get them!'' Dr. Choi Sooyoung sent her two friends on us, and it was almost too easy beating them. With a small jabb to the neck, and a kick in the gut they were down. However, we weren't prepared for her to come at us with the needle while we were pre occupied.

''You guys aren't so big, and bad after all.'' She smiled holding the needle to R-17's neck.

''Not my Yoomi's friend!!'' Zelo slammed a thick book into her head, and she fell with a loud thud. ''Woah, that was intense.'' He huffed.

''Omo! I love you Zelo. You saved the day!'' I jumped into his arms.

''What do you think is in this?'' 17 kneeled over the needle. ''Do you think it kills?'' 

''I don't know...we should keep it just in case.'' 17 tucked it into the custodian pants she was still wearing. 

''Come on. We need to get the news out to the other specimens.'' The three of us held hands, and headed to the main office where they made announcements. 

Zelo's POV

Words couldn't describe how scared I was. I couldn't let Yoomi see though. She was so brave it didn't seem like anything frightened her. I wanted to be strong like her. I needed to be. 

''Are you okay?'' She asked me as we made our way to the main office. I didn't know where I was going so I just followed quietly. 

''Ne, I'm fine.'' I smiled to reassure her. She would ask if I was okay almost every ten minutes. 

''We're gonna be alright.''

''I know.'' 

''Come on.'' R-17 opened the door to the main office. Luckily it was unoccupied. Without showing a pinch of nerves she went up to the mic, and pressed the button.

''All specimens report to the gym. I repeat all specimens report to the gym. Thank you.'' She smiled in accomplishment, and grabbed my hand again. ''We need to show all the specimens this. We need to start plan before Dr. Park Kahi gets here.''

''What's going to happen when she gets here?'' 17 asked.

''I don't know, but we need to find where this is, and make sure she keeps his brothers away from it.'' She said pointing at the sketch of the control tower.

''What on Earth is going on in here?!'' Another doctor barged in. This one looked harmless.

''Dr. Hyorin, we don't have time for this. We need to get to the gym-'' Yoomi said.

''You three aren't going anywhere! This little fiasco ends now. Give up the files, and you might leave with your-'' My Yoomi was like a fox. Hitting the exact right spots that makes people bend over in pain, and moving swiftly past them. She knocked over the doctor without letting go of my hand.

''We need to get to the gym!'' She shouted as we ran past a hall full of girl specimens. They were like robots completely lifeless, dull, and generic. None of them stuck out like Yoomi. I couldn't even imagine that she used to be one of them. 

Yoomi's POV

So far we got lucky with the lack of doctors in our way, but sooner or later we were going to get caught. I already prepared myself for that. It was how we were going to escape that was in the back of my mind, but for now I needed to get the rest of the specimens on board.

''I'll find a way to baracade the doors!'' R-17 yelled. ''Come on.'' She extended her hand to Zelo, and he was hesitant to take it.

''Zelo go with her. Trust me everything's going to work out, okay?''

''But...I don't want to split up.'' He pouted.

''No matter where we are we will always find our way back together. You have to trust me. Can you do that?'' Slowly he nodded his head.

''I love you Yoomi.'' He planted a soft kiss on my cheek before stumbling behind 17. Even in all the chaos I was still glued to the floor from my feelings. Everything inside of me felt mushy, and tingly. I finally gathered myself, and ran to the front of the gym. When I reached the front everyone whispered in curiousity.

''What's going on?''

''Isn't that R-16?''

''Is that a human?''

''When did she get back?''

''Everyone quiet!!'' I had to use my loudest voice to be heard by them. Suddenly the gym was silent. ''Yes, I am R-16, and yes there is a human in here. His name is Zelo, and he is the funniest, sweetest, cutest human you could ever meet. All of our lives we've been trained to protect people like him right?''

''Yes!'' Everyone said in unison. I was surprised at how much of their attention they were giving me.

''So what would all of you say if you found out that we've been lied to all of our lives! That the only reason we've been prisoners of these four walls is to help very selfish adults gain conrtol of something that's not rightfully theirs?''

I held up the folder for everyone to see. ''In this folder I have evidence that these ''doctors'' only need us to help take over the world. It's going to start with Seoul, and slowly spread to other countries. Girls! We're not heros at all, but an army for the enemy! The doctors are our enemies!''

''Yes!'' They all chanted together. It wasn't going to be hard pursuading them because no one liked living in the center. No one!

''Who's the enemy?!''

''The doctors!!''

''Who will we fight?!''

''The doctors!!''

''Then I need to ask you all something. Are you ready to fight to the death for the future of our world?!''


''Specimens! This is the moment we've all been preparing for!''

''Yeaaa~~~'' The gym erupted in chants. I don't think this feeling could get any better. Everyone's energy was vibrating on me, and I just wanted to fight!

A/N: That's it for now~ I hope you enjoyed!! I love how powerful Yoomi is, I wish she was my friend in real life. Anyway this story is almost over T.T sad right? I'm gonna miss all you commenters! Follow me on twitter so we can keep in touch and spazz about exo whenever we hav a fangirl moment! Saranghae!! 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChuriK3Channie

Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/churik3chanana




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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??