Clone Wars

Training For World Destruction

''It's okay Yoomi, we won't do anything.'' Mr. Park smiled. I've never seen him before in my life, but for some reason I felt a connection to him. Like he's always been in my head telling me what to do. I kept a close eye on my friends being held back and locked eyes with Kai. He was practically begging me not to step forward, but for some reason I did. 

''Yoomi! Stay away from them!'' He shouted in a husky voice. 

''Come here Yoomi.'' Jinyoung smiled as I stepped closer to him. He put his arm over my shoulder. I didn't know why but I couldn't tear myself away from him. He was controlling me. 

''You've been causing the both of us so many problems do you know that?'' He grinned. ''I'm sure you do.'' 

I slowly nodded. ''I can't let you win.'' 

''You can't let us win? Poor girl, you've already lost.'' Dr. Kahi cackled. ''You're a child-''

''Kahi, please.'' Jinyoung silenced her. ''Let me finish.''

''You will never win!'' I shouted.

''Yoomi, haven't you ever wondered why? Why were you brought up in the center? Why you haven't been caught yet, when it's clearly very easy for us, why you just happened to meet a group of aliens and end up ''falling in love'' with one of them? Why didn't we stop you to begin with? Why haven't we killed your pack of boys?''

''It's because you know you can't beat me! You know I will win in the end!'' I was trying to keep my poker face strong, but inside I was growing weak. I didn't like how surrounded I was by the enemy. How all of the people I cared about were in the arms of death. 

''Not even close, you indeed are a special specimen. We created you to lead the others. We've trained you the hardest. You have it in you.''

''You didn't create me! I'm my own person! You both will die just like you killed R-17!'' Tears pooled in my eyes. ''You two are dead!'' I spat on Kahi's shoe.

''Eww!'' She swung her hand, but Jinyoung stopped her right before she landed a hard slap on my cheek. 

''Now now sweetie. She needs to know the truth first.'' 


Kahi stood quiet. ''Yoomi, there's a reason we've kept you alive this whole time, and right now....right now is your last chance to make the right decision for yourself. For your parents.'' 

Parents? I looked at the both of them and my head began to spin. Them? Park Kahi, and Park Jinyoung! Those two made me! I'm human!

''Ha! Chanyeol is gonna be happy when he hears her name is Park'' Kyung cackled.

''Shutup!'' One of the bigger doctors, Hwang Chansung, held him back.

''I-I'm not human...I can't be...'' My voice cracked showing them just how vulnerable I was becoming.

''No you're not. Neither are we.'' Kahi smiled. ''Now'' She put her arm around my shoulder. ''Don't you want all of this. A family, two parents, power. We can have it all.'' 

''No!!'' A shriek escaped me. It was all too painful to process. The people putting me through so much problems were my parents! I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them, but I've never needed them a day in my life. ''You killed her!'' My mother was the reason R-17 died.

''I never touched that specimen!'' Kahi yelled back.

''No. You didn't. But as long as you are a doctor you will always be held responsible! You're not my mother!! You are an evil witch that will die alone in a hole!!''

''You've made your decision Yoomi.'' I heard a loud noise behind me. The floor of the spaceship opened up and another specimen was brought up.

She had my face. She was me!

''Yoomi, meet Yoomi.'' Jinyoung smiled. ''Which ever one makes it out alive will rule with us. Whether it's the right Yoomi or not.'' 

The other Yoomi swung a big needle with blue liquids around in her hand. The needle in her hand was the only difference between us. She wore my clothes, had my face, had my hair, everything! ''Good luck!'' Kahi smiled.

''You're foolish.'' I was made sick from hearing her voice. It was like looking in a mirror and seeing an evil reflection of myself. ''Ahhh!'' She charged forward with the needle. My only method for survival at the moment was offense. I needed to tire her out. 

''Ahh!'' She landed on top of me, the needle held firmly in her hands, her plan was to send it straight through my forehead, but I had to hold her back! I couldn't let her kill me!

''Yoomi!'' I heard Zelo's screams louder than everyone else's. I couldn't make out what the others were saying, but Zelo's voice was my biggest motivation to win. 

''Get off!'' I finally gathered the strength to throw her off me. She rolled to the side, and jumped to her feet faster than I could. 

She was stronger.

Chanyeol's POV

''Dude! This place is so high up! Why didn't we take the elevator?!'' Sehun huffed when we finally made it to the roof.

''Because I don't think us getting stuck in an elevator while we're supposed to be helping Yoomi save the world would be very efficient now would it?'' Baekhyun said, annoyed with the maknae's continuous complaints. 

''Whatever, at least we-'' Sehun's words were cut short from what he finally took notice of. I ran over to the ledge to see as well, and suddenly felt my heart sink. 

''All this can we fix it?'' My dry throat help when I tried to speak. Hundreds of people were running from the ship that didn't stop once. A trail of bodies was left in it's tracks. Those poor people didn't make it in time. 

''Guys! This is it!'' Baekhyun brought our attention back to the task at hand. Behind us stood a giant power beam. It jutted into the sky with electric rays stretching around it. 

''What are we supposed to do with that?'' Sehun gaped. ''If we touch it we might die!'' 

''Well, if that ship gets here we're all going to die regardless!'' Baek said. I turned my attention to the site seeing telescopes hanging on the sides. 

''Maybe...'' When I looked through one of them I could see everything that was going on at the ship. The guys were being pinned back by doctors, Zelo's alien brothers were held back too, that evil doctor woman stood at the edge with another man and in the center...I couldn't make out what was going on.'' 

''Hyung! Now is not the time for site seeing!'' Sehun growled. 

''Come look at this you two!'' They ran over, and Baek was the first to put his eyes into the telescope. ''What's going on with Yoomi?!''

''W-which one?!'' He stuttered. ''I see two of them...they're fighting each other.'' 

''What?! There's two Yoomi's?!?'' Sehun pushed Baek out of the way and stuck his head into the machine. ''How do we know which is the real Yoomi?''

''We don't...'' I wasn't sure how I was capable of speech, but I needed to know if the Yoomi I loved was going to make it out alive, and not that imposter.

Zelo's POV

I watched the two fight, and every single punch thrown killed me. I didn't know if the my Yoomi was the one giving the pain, or getting it. 

''Yoomi! You can do it!'' Suho shouted. I wanted to help her so badly, but which one was she?!

They were definitely fighting to the death. With every punch they both seemed to get stronger. They were too equally matched. 

''Ahh!'' They both sent a punch to each other at the same time sending them both to the floor. 

''Zelo...'' Daehyun whispered to me. He nodded his head toward the needle rolling in our direction. ''Stop this...'' His voice was so weak. Without giving me warning he flipped the doctor holding him back over his shoulder and the doctor fell to the floor. Suddenly Yongguk hyung did the same and it was chaos. 

I didn't waste any time. I ran to the needle before the Yoomi crawling towards it could beat me. ''Zelo, give me the needle. I can kill her.'' She pleaded.

''No Zelo...she's the clone. Kill her...'' The other Yoomi spat out blood. Her face was covered in blood. 

''Zelo! It's me...I love you. Please...can't you tell it's your Yoomi?'' The one closest to me had tears pooling in her eyes. My heart was going to explode. I didn't I couldn't make the wrong choice. '

''Zelo..nan neokeoya. Please don't listen to her!'' The other one cried. 

''Ani! Zelo naekkeoya! I love you Zelo!'' She quickly reached into her pocket, and I knew instantly she was the enemy. She probably had another needle, and was about to attack me. 

''Yah!'' My vision was blurred from the tears forming in my eyes. Whether this was the real Yoomi or not I couldn't stand putting a needle in her body. She still had the same beautiful face. The needle was lodged into her neck, and she was out instantly. Her eyes were closed peacefully. At least she would look beautiful at rest. 

''Yoomi!'' Kyungsoo shouted. I looked back for reassurance that I made the right choice, but I got mixed results. Kyungsoo fell to the floor, and began to cry. ''You idiot! That's the wrong one! You killed her!''

''Hyung?!'' I started crying with him. ''You're wrong!''

''No! That's the right Yoomi! The real one is still alive!'' Youngjae shouted. ''I think he killed the clone!'' 

''I don't know!'' Kai fell to the floor next to the unconscious Yoomi. ''Is it her?'' I've never seen him show a sign of pain until the instant. Out of Yoomi's cold hand fell the sunflower that belonged on the headband I won for her. Kai's eyebrows furrowed in the most heart breaking way when he took in the fact that Yoomi was killed. 

''You killed her!'' He shouted. ''This is Yoomi!'' His cries were louder than any of the chaos. 

''Thank you Zelo...'' The other Yoomi pulled herself up from the floor, and joined Kahi, and Jinyoung. ''She was becoming annoying.''

''Ahh! And it looks as if we will be reaching the tower shortly.'' Kahi smiled. I looked up and saw it in short distance. Everything was ruined. I killed Yoomi, the world was coming to an end. We would never live to see another day because of me......

There was nothing I could do but hold on to Yoomi's cold hand and watch the yellow sunflower fly away with the wind.

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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??