The Hero Syndrome

Training For World Destruction

I ran to Zelo's house, him being the only person I wanted to see. How could Kai say those things to me? How could he think those things about me?

"Yoomi, what are you doing here?" Daehyun rubbed his eyes as he opened the door.  

"I came to see Zelo..." I tried smiling, but my mouth wouldn't allow it. It was stuck in a permanent frown.

"Of course..come in." He yawned. "He's in his room." Daehyun fell back onto the couch, and passed out.

"Zelo...?" I knocked on his door, and it opened almost instantly.

"Yoomi!? Waegeurae?!" He held my face as tears fell down non stop.

"It's kind of a long story..." I pulled him tight, and cried into his chest. He was the only comfort I wanted, I needed. None of my oppas would understand this pain, only my Zelo knew what to say.

"Kajja." He held my head close to his chest, and walked me downstairs.

"Hyung I'll be back." He said to the sleeping Youngjae, and Daehyun on the couches. When I felt the wind blowing through my hair I knew we were outside. I didn't look up, but my gaze remained on the ground. My hair completely covering me. I sat down somewhere when Zelo stopped walking. He flipped my hair over to reveal my tear stained face, and puffy eyes.

"Zelo? If I told you the absolute truth would you believe me no matter what even if all the fingers pointed to me?" How could oppa even talk to me the way he did?

"I'm not too sure what you're talking about Yoomi." He pulled a loss strand of hair behind my ear. Another round of tears came back. My lip quivered, and I threw myself into Zelo's chest again.

"Kim Yoomi." He whispered. "You're too pretty to cry. Whoever did this to you is a terrible person in my book. So can you please look at me, and explain to me exactly what's wrong?" He held my shoulders. I continued to look down at the floor. When leaving the house I didn't even bother putting shoes on. I realized for the first time I was bare foot.

"...I can't explain it because you won't understand....all I can say is love hurts really bad sometimes Zelo. It hurts so bad when the person you love is looking right through you. I don't know how to tell him how I feel, but things just keep getting worse the longer I keep these feelings in. Now it's too late because he hates me, and I don't think I deserve that. I don't know how to feel better about these feelings Zelo. What do I do?" My eyes stung with tears that spilled instantly after a quick blink.

"You can feel better by staying by my side. I'll protect you from pain like this. Do you wanna know why I'm the only person who can make you feel better?" A small grin formed on his face somewhat lifting my ripped heart.

"why?" My voice was hoarse.

"Because I know what it feels like to not have your feelings returned. It's me Yoomi. It's me, your Zelo. I'm the one for you. I'm the one who can understand your heart, I can fix your pain, and you do all of that for me as well." He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "No more tears." For the rest of the night we held each other tight. I didn't want to let him go in fear of feeling pain again. When I felt his heart beating against mine nothing was wrong.

" me love you. You're the only person I want to love from now on..." My voice was barely a whisper. I doubted he even heard me. The sounds of our hearts beating at the same steady pace lulled me to sleep shortly after.





I opened my eyes, and saw stars. They were everywhere....

''Pretty...'' I was surprised by the sound of my own voice. This felt like a dream. 

''Yoomi.'' Zelo's voice was in my ear. I turned my head to my right, and he was smiling at me. His nose tickled mine, and I flinched back.

''Why am I here?'' My voice sounded so terrible. ''What's happening?!'' I clasped my throught.

''Your voice is just hoarse, it's okay.'' He chuckled.

''Hoarse?! There's an animal inside of me?!? I haven't been sticking to my usual diet, but this is just ridiculous!'' Who would feed me hoarse?! They were such majestic creatures.

''Yah, I'm glad you're joking already.'' He ruffled my hair. ''I was really worried about you last night.'' Suddenly I remembered the last words I whispered before falling asleep. 

'' me love you. You're the only person I want to love from now on..''

I felt the color in my face flush away. ''I'm sorry about being so...dramatic?'' I couldn't come up for a better word to describe my actions.

''Don't apologize Yoomi. I'm glad you came to me last night...'' He grinned, and jumped out of bed. 

'' did I end up here?'' My voice was still something I needed to get used to. 

''You're a pretty heavy sleeper, and a pretty light person.'' He chuckled. Suddenly the small trace of a grin vanished. ''But...last night when you were kept crying. Really loudly. I thought you were having a nightmare. I held you until you calmed down. With all the sobs I couldn't really understand anything, but there was always one thing I could make out...''

Was that why my voice was so ''hoarse''. I was suddenly embarassed at my childish behavior. How could I allow myself to do such things in my sleep?

''You kept crying Kai oppa why don't you love me?'' 

''....Are you sure?'' My heart rate was speeding up at a dangerous rate, and my hands were releasing a liquid. 

''Yoomi, is the person you have feelings for your brother Kai?'' He looked embarrased to ask, but I could tell it was eating at him alive not to know the truth.

''....Kai, he's not really my brother...none of them are.'' I couldn't believe I was telling him this.

''If they're not your brothers then who are they?'' He took a seat next to me on his bed.

My lip was probably going to release blood from how hard I was biting down on it. ''I live with them for reasons I don't think you'll understand..'' I couldn't even meet his gaze.

''Kim Yoomi, I'm the one person on this Earth that will always understand you.'' He clasped my cheeks to assure eye contact.  I couldn't keep the secret any longer. He needed to know.

'' have to promise not to leave my side once I tell you. You have to promise!''

''I promise.''

''The reason I live in Busan with Kai, and my oppas is because-''

''Kim Yoomi!'' The door bursted open. Zelo, and I jumped  away from eachother. Kai was staring at me with mixed expressions. I could tell he was angry by how he threw the door open, but his face showed confusion. ''What were you just doing?!''

''Nothing!'' My ears were feeling hot.

''Did you sleep here with him?!'' As if hearing him say that out loud a light bulb lit up in my head. I did sleep here with Zelo. Up until last night the only person I could ever fall asleep next to was Kai oppa. That was one thing I always remembered when I listed reasons why I gathered feelings for him.

''Hello?!'' He waved his arms bringing me back to reality. 

''Oppa...I don't think you have the right to be mad at me right now!'' Where this sudden courage was coming from I had no idea, but I realized something. Kai oppa saved my life the night I escaped, and I was always attached to him for that. 

But did that deserve my love, and devotion?

This was just a case of the hero syndrome. I learned a lot about it at the center. The doctors would tell us after the world was saved we would gain a lot of popularity. Humans would even claim to be attached to us. They named this the hero syndrome, and they warned us to never pay attention to that kind of stuff. Here I was doing it myself. (idk if that's the actual defenition of hero syndrome :3)

''If it wasn't for the rest of the oppas that actually treat me like a human being I don't think I would ever want to come back home-''

''Yoomi, it's alright. I know you didn't steal the hair clip.''

''Oh well someone better call the news! Oppa finally has a clue!'' 

''Look I know you're really mad at me for the things I said, they were terrible, and I didn't mean any of it. I was just mad.'' Kai genuinly looked apologetic, and I was still genuinly mad! Meanwhile Zelo sat on his bed watching the fight.

''That's an understatement. However, since I don't have a heart none of those things you said stuck to me. It didn't hurt my feelings because I'm uncapable of feeling anything. If you're sorry for what you did, then I'm sorry that you thought you had the ability to affect me in such a way. Don't worry oppa all is forgotten.'' I kept such a straight face throughout my rant I forgot how to smile. 

''Bye Zelo. I'll come by later.'' I stormed out of the house without even a glance in Kai's direction. 

''Yoomi! You're home!'' Chanyeol grinned when I came back. 

''Where's Kai? Did you guys fix things?'' Kris asked. All of my oppas crowded around me full of questions.

''Yoomi, I had to call your school to excuse your absence.'' Lu Han smiled. ''I felt so important.''

''Did you sleep at Zelo's?'' Sehun asked.


''You what?!? You slept at a boys house?!?'' Kyungsoo came running down the stairs. ''Young lady if you tell me you two shared a bed!!''

''Anniyo! We didn't oppa.'' He would've lost it if I told him the truth.

''Yoomi, please don't hate Kai. He's just really stupid when it comes to being sensitive.'' Suho oppa sighed.

''I don't hate him...'' I'm just really annoyed. 

''Speaking of Kai, where is he?'' Bao zi asked.

''Who knows-'' Before I could finish my sentence he bursted through the door, and slammed it behind him.

''Kai! Maybe we should-'' He ignored us all, and ran upstairs. ''Have a family meeting...'' Yi Xing finished his sentence.

''What's wrong with him?'' Chen furrowed his eyebrows. 

''Yoomi, did you, and Kai have another fight?'' Baekhyun frowned. 

''Ani...more like a discussion.''

''Gwaenchanha Yoomi. Whatever you said to Kai that made him so mad was worth it. Now all you have to do is make up later, and we'll all be a happy family again!'' Tao grinned. 

''I hope so oppa...'' Maybe realizing that I didn't love Kai oppa anymore would make things easier. Hopefully...

A/N: Sorry if the chapter is short >.< I wanted to add more, but I think what I have in mind deserves a chapter all it's own! Wait till you guys read it!! ^^V yes as I have mentioned before my computer crashed, and all my music was deleted! I had 1095, and it went to 0. Can you imagine 1095 kpop songs being erased?! It took me about 4 hours to figure out how to get it back on iTunes through my iPod, and in the end I only lost 52 which I have already replaced. You can imagine my excitement.


(Omo you guys probably don't care about this) anyway sorry for not updating. Saranghaeyo <3

Here's a thankyou present ;)




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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??