Martial Artists Quarrel

Training For World Destruction

''You're telling me a 16 year old girl got away from 4 adults!?!'' Head master yelled his brains out. 

'' our defence this isn't just a 16 year old girl. We're talking about R-16. She's trained to grow stronger from pain. Simply fighting back won't work.'' Kahi held a frozen steak to her bloody nose.

'''re right, but there has to be a way to get her back before she starts thinking on her own.''

''I'm afraid that's already happened. These boys were protecting her from us. My guess is that they already know her purpose, and hiding her somewhere.'' She held up a photo taken of Yoomi's guardians. 

''No!'' Head master banged his fist. ''Those boys must be found, and killed before any more news gets out.''

''As of now there where abouts are unknown, but we will track them soon, and keep you to speed with any news we get.''

''Good. I just want you to understand one thing...if R-16 goes against us...we may never have what we've been striving for all these years.''

''I know sir. That won't happen. You have my word.''




''O.p.p.a that's how it's spelled.'' Kyungsoo was helping me with some of the terminology. Apparently I had been kind of rude to all of them by referring to them by their names.


''Wah! You sound like a normal 16 year old Korean girl already.'' He smiled. ''Do they have honorifics at the center?''

''Nope. Everyone is called by their code, and every adult is referred to as doctor.''

''Ahhh that sounds so simple.'' He smiled off into the distance.

''I guess, but there's something I've been meaning to ask.''

''Yes you can touch my hair.'' He tilted his head over, but that wasn't what I was talking about.

''No...something else.''

''Oh, sure what's up?''

''Lately I haven't been feeling well. On the inside. Is it normal for humans to feel weird sometimes? Or all the time?''

''Hmm...I think I know what you're talking about.'' His finger tapped his chin in thought.

''Really?! Am I dying?!''

''No~'' He waved. ''It's just feelings. Sometimes you get mad, or happy, or sad, or scared, or excited. Haven't you ever felt that before?''

''Well the day I escaped the center I was really scared, but other than that no I don't think I've experienced these feelings.'' So that's what it was. I wasn't dying, I was just flustered from having so many different emotions in just two days.

''Hey Yoomi!'' Chanyeol took a seat across from Kyungsoo. ''Do you really know martial arts?'' He wore his usual giant grin. This time his eye twitched a bit.

''Yeah. Taekwondo, Judo, Kung Fu, and Jiu-Jitsu. I wish I would've stayed longer to learn Ninjustu...''

''Ninja training?! I wish I lived in the center!''

''No you don't. It sounds cool, but you have no idea how stressful it is knowing that one day I have to sacrifice myself to save the world.''

''Well once you finish that we can go back to Seoul, and live happily right?'' I wanted so bad to tell him that my purpose is to sacrifice myself to save the world, not just fight. I couldn't do that however...the words wouldn't come.

''Yeah...we'll live happily.'' I smiled back.

We had been driving in Sehun's RV for over an hour, and the sun was slowly going down. Everyone looked dead tired, and I felt extremely tired. I didn't sleep last night, and for the first time I was realizing how sleep deprived I was.

''Good night guys.'' I gave Kyungsoo, and Chanyeol a hug before dragging my feet to the bunks. There were small bunks in the wall with curtains for privacy. It took me three tries to find Kai sleeping cozily under the blankets. 

''Oppa, I'm coming in.'' I whispered before squeezing next to him. The curtain barely closed with both of our bodies snuggled inside. 


''Ahhh!'' My right ear was attacked with screaming, and just with one turn I fell right out of the bunk taking the curatin with me. The pain surged through my body, and I felt my eyes blaze with light. I flipped  up to my feet without using my hands, and stood in a fighting stance.

''Yoomi, why were you sleeping in my bunk?!'' Kai jumped down. For the first time I saw a male humans body without clothes. He had the same type of mid section as me except his chest was flat. He had abs like me...why?

''You have the body of a specimen...why?'' I slowly reached out to feel his body. 

''Yah! Personal space!!'' He stepped back.

''Ugh...what's all the noise?'' Sehun flipped his curtain open. ''Kai...where's your shirt?''

''Oppa I didn't mean to scare you, I just thought I would fall asleep easier if I wasn't alone.'' I had another ''feeling'' this time my cheeks were warming up.

''Well don't. That's not normal especially if I'm not wearing a shirt.'' He grabbed the curtain, and jumped back into his bunk. 

''Sorry'' I smiled before going to the front of the RV to keep Suho company who had been driving all night.

''Good morning Yoomi, had a nice night?'' He yawned.

''Yes, but so far my morning isn't going too well.'' I made Kai angry again. 

''Well cheer up because we've reached our destination.'' Suho pulled over at a two story home. 

''What's that?!?'' Across from the home was a very large body of water.

''That's the beach! We're at Tao, and bao zi's beach house!!'' Chanyeol came out of nowhere. ''Open the door hyung!'' He stood by as Suho unlocked it. 

''Move it or lose it!'' Baekhyun raced passed me.

''Woohoo!!'' Kyungsoo jumped out. ''Come on Yoomi!'' He stuck out his hand for me to take, and pulled me over to the ''beach house''

''Bacon!!!!'' A boy with extremely chubby cheeks greeted. ''What are you guys doing here?!?''

''Early vacation...'' Chanyeol laughed. ''Where's Kris? Is he still sleeping?'' He rushed through the door.

''Naw I'm right here man.'' I heard a deep voice, almost as deep as Chanyeol's.

''Aye yo waddup Kris!''

''Aye yo wassup!'' Kris was an extremely tall person. He could've been a robot his features were so sculpted.

''Who is this?'' The chubby faced boy smiled.

''This is my buddy Yoomi.'' Kai came up, and put his arm around me. It made me happy that he wasn't still mad at me.

''Yah! Not just yours! This is our friend Yoomi.'' Kyungsoo put his arm around me on the other side so I was stuck between them both.

''Nice to meet you Yoomi. I'm Xiu Min.'' 

''Nope, he's Bao zi, nobody calls him Xiu Min around here.'' Sehun chuckled. ''Where's Lu Han?''

''He went out to get breakfast.'' Kris answered. ''Are you guys staying for a while?''

''Yup, if it's alright with you guys.'' Suho grinned being the last one to come inside.

''What if it isn't.'' A boy with extremely terrifying dark eyes came out of a room. He wasn't wearing a shirt like Kai, and also like Kai he had a six pack. I couldn't wait to tell R-17 that not all humans were fat, and ugly.

''That's so interesting!'' I wiggled out of Kyungsoo, and Kai's arms, and jumped over to the boy with scary eyes. ''Is this your code? It's very big, and strange.'' I ran my fingers over the markings on his mid section, and neck.

''What's up with your friend?'' He frowned. 

''Yoomi! Remember what I said about personal space?'' Kai pulled me away.

''I have one like that too see?'' I pulled my hair up, and revealed the marking on the back of my neck. 

''Woah...'' They all breathed. 

''Yoomi! You never told us you have a tattoo!!'' Baekhyun breathed.

''R-16? That's stupid.'' The dark circles boy smirked. I felt weird again. Inside my body grew warm, as well as my hands.

''Did you just call my specimen code stupid?!'' My hands were starting to curl into knuckles.

''Yes I did. Why would you get that as a tattoo?'' I couldn't take this feeling anymore. I crouched down and swept my foot around to knock him off his feet. 

''Yah!'' He yelled. He jumped over my foot, and landed a back flip. Before I knew it we were sparring. He was a martial artist as well. 

''Yoomi! Stop!'' Kyungsoo grabbed me around the waist, and pulled me away before the both of us got hurt.

''You're a martial artist?!'' Dark circles gaped. ''Hi I'm Tao.'' His smile was surprisingly inviting as he bowed.

''Hi Tao...''

''Where did you find this girl?'' Kris eyed me.

''That's a really long story...'' Suho sighed.

''Well we have time.'' Bao zi smiled.


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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??