Yoomi's Guardians

Training For World Destruction

''Kai! I can't believe you just let her leave like that!'' This was one of the rare instances where Chanyeol didn't wear a smile. I didn't like being the person to make that happen.

''Whatever...it's done.'' I kicked off my shoes, and climbed into my bed. I layed over the blankets just wanting to relax, but for some reason I couldn't. 

''..Yoomi'' I couldn't help but chuckle at Chanyeol's name for her. It was kind of cute. ''Aish!'' Why was I thinking about her?! She was obviously a runaway looking for a place to hide. I sat up right in my bed in frustration. ''She's gone Kai. Get her out of your mind.'' I said banging my head.

Suddenly there was a ruckus outside. Glass was falling, and people were yelling. ''What the hell guys?!'' When I opened my door there were three tall men, and one very attractive woman wearing white lab coats.

''Yah! You guys aren't even police! You can't do this.'' Sehun protested as one man tore apart the kitchen.

''What's going on?!'' My patience was wearing thin.

''The sooner you tell us where she is, the sooner we'll leave.'' The woman smiled.

''Who are you talking about?'' Suho frowned.

''Our sources tell us this girl was with you, young man.'' She held up a picture of Yoomi, and pointed at me. 

''I've never seen that girl in my life!'' I lied. A part of me was glad that we sent her away earlier, but another part was worried she would be found by these doctors soon. They didn't look friendly.

''We can do this the easy way or the hard way young man. I know you're smart, so make your choice.'' She was inches from my face now. Her voice rang in my ears very seductively, but I didn't give in.

''Ahh!'' Baek yelped as one of the men had him in a head lock.

''I've never seen this girl, but if I do you'll be the first to know.'' I smirked. After what felt like an eternity her eyes blinked away, and she told the man to stop.

''We will be back. If you lied to me....you'll really regret it.'' With that her, and her trolls left.

''....Who were those people?'' Chanyeol was caressing Baek who was having neck problems after that thing put his hands on him.

''I don't know...but who ever they were I think they're going to hurt Yoomi.'' I sighed.

''You called her Yoomi!'' Chan smiled.

''Yeah I know.'' I couldn't lie. The girl grew on me. ''You know what we have to do right?''

''Let's go get our girl back!'' Kyungsoo grinned.

''Yup.'' I grabbed my skateboard and we headed out the door.




I had been leaking for an hour now. Was this the end? Was there something in the city air that didn't go well with specimens? Not only was I leaking from my eyes, and nose, but I was having really bad chest pains as well. I've never been in pain like this before, and it didn't feel good.

''Where was it?'' I had been trying to find the center, but it was almost invisible now. Almost like it had some sort of discuise to keep humans from noticing it. Then I realized it probably did. Getting punished in there was a wiser choice than dying out here. I decided to step into a store with bright colors, and sweet things. The sign read ''It's Sugar''

There were lots of kids my age so I blended in pretty well. Suddenly as I looked through the window I saw Doctor Park Kahi. She looked extremely angry, and the three male doctors behind her weren't too inviting either.

''Just get it over with 16. It's either die our here, or beg for forgiveness. I stood in front of the window waiting for them to notice me.

''That brat is getting on my nerves!'' Doctor Park growled.

''Well...we were told to bring her in alive. As long as we do that we should be in the clear.'' A gross smile spread across one of the doctors face.

''Yes. Poor R-16 was getting attacked by wild dogs, and we saved her just in time.'' Another one chuckled. I could barely breath. They were planning on hurting me...I made a run out of the store before they noticed me standing behind the glass.

''Yah! That's her!'' Doctor Park yelled. ''R-16! We're not going to hurt you!" Yeah right!

''Liar!'' I shouted back. Suddenly a hand reached for my shoulder. It was one of the male doctors. It turned like a light switch. Whenever I felt threatened my fighting instincts took over. Since he wasn't a human, but a training center doctor I had no problem using my skills.

''Ahhh!'' He screamed when I drop kicked him to the floor. That move was a lose lose, but it knocked him out.




''Kai! Isn't that her?'' Kyungsoo had been riding along side me on his skateboard. He spotted Yoomi surrounded by the people from earlier.

''That is! Come on!" I grabbed my board, and wacked one of the men over the head. In my mind he was going to fall over in a pool of blood. Instead my board broke in half, and the guy just laughed at me.

'''Was that supposed to hurt?'' He chuckled.

''...Just a little.''

''Kai!'' I heard Yoomi's bright voice. She was in the middle of whooping that woman's . She was using Taekwondo, and other martial arts I didn't recognize yet she still managed to wave at me. She kneed that woman in the head, and ran over to give me a hug. ''You looked for me.''

''Yeah, we kind of have a problem right now!'' I pointed at the giant man that was about to beat us into next week.

''Oh yeah.'' She spun around, and sent her right foot into the guy's jaw knocking him out instantly.

''Woah...'' This girl wasn't normal.

''Umm a little help over here!'' Kyungsoo was guarding punches with his skate board.

''I'm coming.'' She ran over, and jumped on the guys back. He grabbed her, and she flipped right into the pavement.

''Yoomi!'' I thought she was dead. Suddenly her eyes opened, and there was a bright spark in them. She got back on her feet and did two front flips making the last one a kick right on the guy's head. He was out like a light.

''You guys came for me!'' She ran and gave Kyungsoo a hug.

''Yeah, yeah yeah there's plenty of time for a reunion later. Let's just get out of here!'' I grabbed her hand, and the three of us ran home.




''Explain everything.'' Kai sat me in the middle of everyone. Chanyeol, and Baekhyun just got back from looking for me as well. Kyungsoo called them to give them the news that I was found.

''Well, like I said before, I'm not a human, I'm a specimen.''

''That's obvious! That guy slammed you into the ground, and you got right back up like it was nothing.'' Kyungsoo gaped.

''Where I'm from everyone is trained in various martial arts from birth.''

''Where is that?'' Baekhyun asked with wide eyes. He seemed to warm up to me now.

''It's called The World Training Center. Special humans are taken from birth only if they show signs of becoming a specimen. See I was chosen because of the spark in my eyes. Every specimen shows a different sign.''

''What are they taken to a training center for?'' Suho asked.

''...For world destruction.'' Just as I suspected they were rendered speechless. ''I'm supposed to save the world one day.''

''From what?'' Sehun gaped.

''That's the problem. They never tell us exactly what we'll be fighting. All I know is that I've been raised in the center, and the fact that I escaped really upset them. A specimen is never to see outside the walls of the center until the day we're called out to battle.''

''How did you get out?'' Chanyeol asked.

''It was all a big mistake! I was just finishing up my night chores with R-17....'' Thinking about her made me sad. I wanted to know if she got back to our cell safely. What if she got caught? I would've risked everything for nothing. ''....the lights went out, and if I got caught I would've been in trouble for being out after lights out. I ended up sliding down the garbage shute, and now I can't go back.''

''....they want to hurt you Yoomi.'' Kai said with a solid expression.

''Not just me...they're going to hurt you too.'' I didn't mean to put them in danger, but it was already too late. Them knowing about my existance was enough to get them killed.

''Then we need to make a decision right now. Is everyone in this? If any of you don't want to get further involved then speak up now.'' Chanyeol turned to the rest of the guys. No one spoke up.

''Yoomi. We're going to help you save the world. We'll be your guardians.'' Kyungsoo smiled brightly.

''I don't know what to say...this is a big risk you guys are making....thank you.'' I couldn't hide my grin. Finding these guys must've been fate, because I felt safer within the four walls of their home than I ever did behind the walls of the center.

''...But we can't stay here anymore...'' Suho looked around at their mess of a house. ''They know we live here.''

''No problem! I know a perfect place we can hide out for a while.'' Baekhyun smiled.

''Oh no...don't tell me you want to-'' Kai was cut off.

''Road trip!!!'' Sehun smiled. ''Big Sally has been waiting to be taken on the road! This is perfect.''

''Who's Big Sally?'' I questioned.

''She's his RV.'' Whatever Kai was talking about, I would find out soon.

A/N: Lol Sehun's RV is supposed to be the one from the teaser! Teehee I hope everyone reading this enjoys it, please comment and subscribe! Bye Bye~

Oh yeah B.A.P is gonna be in the next chapter if I have any BABYs reading this. I know EXOTICs pretty much run AFF these days. I'm one of them ^^


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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??