Meeting Male Humans

Training For World Destruction

First thing's first. I need to figure out my next move. It was dark outside. Unlike the usual blackness of night in the center, out here the moon shined over everything providing a dim light.  I've been running for what felt like an hour, but I wasn't tired. 

''Where am I?'' Everything around me was so different. So big. So...dirty. By now there was barely anybody in the street I just needed a place to hide out for the night until things cooled down over at the center.

''Hey little girl you look lost.'' A middle aged male swayed towards me.

''Omo!'' I've never actually been face to face with a male human. Just as I suspected he had a huge belly, and unattractive facial hair. ''You're just as ugly as they told us.'' I wanted to touch him. Slowly, I walked over to him, and poked the little gray hairs sticking out of his head. ''How do you carry the weight?''

''Mwoh?'' His breath smelled terrible. I didn't know much about humans, but I was starting to realize that this male wasn't really a nice one. I quickly pulled my hands back, and took a few steps away.

''I'm going now!''

''Ani! Why don't you stay for a while.'' He grabbed my wrist. My instincts told me this situation wasn't so safe. ''Are your parents around?'' He smiled grossly.

''I'm warning you sir. It's against my virtues to harm a human being, but I will have to take action if I feel threatened.'' My purpose was to protect the human race, not harm them, but I had a bad feeling about this person.

''Ohhh! You're virtues don't allow you to harm human beings? Well I guess that's good for me.'' He pulled me toward darkness. A part of the street that wasn't protected by the warm moonlight.

''Let go of me you disgusting thing!'' 

''Yah!'' I was in the process of pulling his arm over to flip him when another male voice called out in the desserted area.

''This is none of your bussiness young  man! Get lost!'' Disgusting breath was thrown in my face.

''Sir! I'm about to take action!'' Out of no where the male holding onto my wrist was tackled to the ground. 

''Run!'' A younger male took hold of the fat human. I couldn't get a good look at him, but from what I could see his body was in good shape. Not fat, and unkept like all the humans I learned about. 

''Anniyo.'' I bent down to look at my wrong doer's face. ''You got lucky tonight sir, but next time don't make me want to go against my virtues.''

The slimmer male let him go, and he took off running. ''You shouldn't be hanging around this part of town at night little girl.'' He wore a weird device on his head. I didn't know what it was, but it looked like some sort of crash shield.

''Are you a soldier?'' I asked pointing at his head.

''This? Naw it's just my skateboard helmet.'' He picked up a board on wheels. 

''Oh!! I've heard of this! Humans use these things to get around.'' It felt good understanding a human-like item.

''....yeah, get home safe alright?'' He gave me some sort of farewell by patting my shoulder, and rode off on his ''skate board''.

He saved me. A human male saved me. Maybe it was my super human instincts, but something told me to follow him.

He rode pretty fast, but my stamina didn't fail me as I ran a safe distance behind him. He told me to go home safe, but that sentence didn't make sense to me. If I went home, I was dead. Finally after running behind for a good ten minutes, he picked up the skateboard, and ran up the few steps to his home. 

''I guess I should wait here until he comes back out.'' I sat on the bottom step, and waited.



''Yo, Kai if you don't get up I'm gonna pour water over your head.'' Suho's voice was nagging me already. 

''Hyung, ten more minutes.'' I covered my head with a soft pillow to get rid of the noise.

''Ani, today's Tuesday we have classes in the morning.'' He persisted. ''Look you already have clothes on, just get up.'' Last night I didn't bother changing, I just passed out on my bed.

''Fine I'm up.'' I sat upward, and brushed my hand through my hair. ''Let's go.''

''Aigoo, you're seriously gross.'' He wrinkled his nose as I popped a breath mint into my mouth, and grabbed my bag.

''Omo! She's still there!'' Chanyeol, and Bacon were staring out the window like two peeping Toms. 

''Who's still there?'' My curiosity got the best of me.

''Some girl took a seat on our stoop last night. We weren't seriuos when we said she might sleep there!'' Bacon smiled so wide his eyes disappeared.

''Let me see!'' I ran over, and squeezed my head in between the two. ''Holy ! I know that girl!'' 

''You do?!'' Chanyeol bursted out laughing. ''Is she another one of your secret admirers?''

''Let me handle this.'' I let out a smirk, and walked outside. She wasn't asleep, in fact she was sitting in a very strange upright position. ''...umm'' 

She wasn't even startled by me. She turned around slowly with a smile.''I never said thank you.''

'' slept on my stoop all say thank you?'' This was beyond secret admirer...she was a ing sasaeng!

''Of course not!'' She laughed.


''I didn't need to sleep.'' Ok this girl's crazy meter just went up a few knotches. I took a quick glance inside the window, and five heads shot behind the curtain.

''Oh, well you're welcome-''

''Kai! We should get going to class now.'' Suho came to my rescue.

''Kai...'' The strange girl breathed out my name. ''What's that?''

Suho let out a burst of laughter. ''I guess she's not hopelessly in love after all.''

''That's my name!'' I thought this girl stayed out all night because she had a crush on me or something. How did she not know my name?

''Don't you have school little girl?'' Suho smiled.

''School? As in the place where adolesent humans attend to gain knowledge of mathematics, scienes, social studies, physical education, and sometimes studies of the arts?''

''...yeah that...'' I had to pick up my jaw that just dropped from how strange this girl was.

''Nope. Where I'm from we don't need that. Well techinically we do, but my knowledge surpasses that of a normal human my age so it's really pointless for me to even think about attending such a place.''

''...Yeah..I'm going now, but you should go home. You're parents are probably really worried.'' I turned to Suho so we could leave before she said anything else.

''Parents?'' Ugh! I couldn't leave now. She just kept pulling me back in. My head tipped backwards as I turned back in her direction.

''Let me guess. They don't have those where you're from either.''

''Nope.'' A smile spread across her face. ''Us specimans don't have any.'' 

'' know we can't leave her like this. There's obviously something wrong with her.''

''I know..but I wish we didn't have to.'' I pulled the bag off my shoulder, and grabbed the girl by the hand. She didn't have any protest against following me inside.




His name was strange! I would've expected something like Ben, or Paul. At least those were the names in all my text books. Well the lead doctor's name at the center is Kahi so I guess that's the style with South Koreans. He grabbed my hand, and brought me into his home. Oh my goodness! I'm entering a human'd home! This was soooo against the rules of the center.

''Where exactly are you from?'' Kai asked as I took a seat on a soft seat that stretched across the room.

''A place you don't know about.'' I said flatly. ''Woah! There's so many of you!'' It was already shocking to meet two human males, but now two more were staring at me with bright smiles.

''Yeah, we have two other roommates. They're still sleeping.'' A tall male with curly blonde hair smiled. ''I'm Chanyeol by the way.''

''Chanyeol....'' His name rang out of my mouth. It was so fun learning new names like this.

''Do you have a name?'' Kai asked.

''Oh I've never had a name.'' 

''Well what do people call you when they need your attention?'' The human that joined Kai, and I outside.

''R-16, or just 16 for short. But that's only if I'm in my unit. Otherwise there could be another 16 hanging around somewhere.'' 


''Umm, there is something I've been wanting to ask.'' I pulled up all the courage inme to ask.

''Sure what is it?'' Chanyeol smiled.

''Can I touch you?'' I bit my bottom lip from nerves.

''Can you....touch me?'' He gaped. 

''Just for a few seconds! I've never seen something like you humans! It's really interesting to me.'' I reached over, and buried my hands in his curly hair. ''Wah!'' It was so fluffy. My hands traced over his eye lids, and his nose. I thought humans were different, but once I touched Chanyeol I realized that he had the exact same texture as me, and every other speciman I've grown up with.

''Guys I'm not cooking for you today-'' I focused my gaze past Chanyeol's head, and saw another human walked out of a room. Once he took notice of me he stopped in his tracks. ''Who is this?''

''I'm R-16!'' I got up, and waved. 

'' I'm Kyungsoo.'' He grabbed an apple, and went back into the room.

''Kyungsoo....'' His name was the most unique to me. The 's' in soo sizzled on my tounge. 

''Um R-16?'' The one male human who had been silent spoke up with a bright smile. ''Are do I put this? Are you ok up here?'' He pointed at his head.

''Of course I am.'' Suddenly Chanyeol mis judged the distance of the table, and placed his cup in mid air. ''Omo!'' My quick reflexes aloud me to catch it before anything spilled.

''...Nope, she's totally not alright up there.'' Kai frowned. 

A/N: Omo! I've been re writing this chapter all day, and I'm finally satisified now that it's already 2 in the morning...I should get some sleep. Please comment, and subscribe thank you!




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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??