Alien And Specimen Join Forces

Training For World Destruction

''Is it time for school already?'' I could barely open my eyes from the blinding light. Why did Jongup open the curtains so wide? ''Hyung, would you mind-''

''It's awake. Get it before it attacks!'' A strange woman's voice was yelling. Was I still dreaming?! I opened my eyes, and realized the blinding light was a flashlight being held in my face. 

''Hyung!!'' Three men in lab coats grabbed me by the arms. 

''Your hyungs aren't here to save you Toto Mato.'' How did she know my real name?! 

''What's going on?! Who are you people?!'' I fought against them, but it was no use. There was too many of them.

''Ahhh!!'' I heard Youngjae elder scream from downstairs. 

''What do you want?!'' 

''Come with us, and we'll answer all of your questions okay sweetie?'' She my face like I was a child. The men dragged me downstairs where I saw the rest of my elders on their knee's, and their hands tied behind their backs.

''Are we being arrested?'' Himchan had a bloody lip. 

''No! This is all his fault!'' Jongup nodded his head in my direction. He was the only one who knew what I told Yoomi. 

''What did you do now Zelo?!'' Yongguk elder barked in his deep voice.

''We don't have time for your alien bickering! We need to get you six on the truck before R-16 finds us.'' The woman sighed.

''R-16?'' Daehyun elder croaked. He had a few scratches as well.

''Oh, you didn't know? Your cute little friend Yoomi is actually part of a government protection service. Thanks to her, and your blue headed alien we were able to find you guys.'' She said looking at a clipboard. This was all a lie. Yoomi told me herself that she would never hurt me or my elders. I believed her.

''You're lying!'' I spat at her feet. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my cheek as one of the lab rats smacked me with full force. My body was starting to heat up in anger. A mere human had no right to lay a finger on me. 

''I'm lying? Sweety pie the only one who has been lying here is you, and R-16. She ran away from our prison facility, and was lucky enough to get taken in by 12 idiotic boys who think she's cute like a puppy. Meanwhile you've been playing spouse with her, and put all of your friends at risk by showing R-16 your space ship which is the very reason why your little vacation on our planet ends today!''

''You what?!'' Youngjae elder gasped. ''Zelo if we live through this I'm going to kill you!'' He struggled against the ropes tieing his hands.

''I told you not to do it!'' Jongup sighed. ''Now look at us, we're dead Matoki.''

''Tranquilize them, we need them silent on the ride back.'' Without any warning Himchan elder was hit with some sort of electric device, and he was out cold.

''Elder!'' Tears stung my eyes, but I wasn't going to let them see me cry.

''You bastard!'' Yongguk elder lunged forward but was shot with the same gun, and fell to the floor. 

''Run!'' Daehyun elder, and the rest of us scurried away from the guns but we were going to be shot eventually weren't we?

''Ahh!'' Jongup went down with a loud thud, and scream. Soon I was the last one untouched, and when I was cornered into the kitchen I was wondering why I hadn't felt an electrice pain yet.

''You're kind of cute. I think I'll keep you awake.'' She smiled. I let out a sigh of relief as the sweat dripping on my forehead slid down my cheek.

She has no idea what a mistake she just made




''Kim Yoomi! You're going to be late for school!'' Bao Zi stuck his head through the room door, and I was snapped out of the visions I was having while asleep. In my visions I was back at the center training with R-17, but Zelo was there too. All the male, and female specimens were mixed. Zelo's hair was jet black. 

''Ugh, I think I had a nightmare.'' I shuttered at the thought of being back at the center, but what scared me the most was Zelo's black hair. 

''Hurry up, and get ready. You were supposed to be out of the house half an hour ago.'' Chen jumped into the room behind Bao Zi.

''Chincha?! Well where's Kai oppa? He usually wakes me up!''

''Kai went skateboarding with Kyung, and Sehun. I forgot you were still sleeping. Mian~'' Bao Zi was so good at being adorable it was hard for me to stay mad.

''Arasso...'' I dragged myself out of bed, and slouched to the bathroom.

''Oppa, do you think Zelo is still waiting for me?'' I said with a mouthful of tooth paste.

''Ani, he probably left already.'' Chanyeol oppa stood behind me combing my hair. It was something that we did on a daily basis. He just loved brushing my hair while I brush my teeth. ''Do you want a pony tail?''

''Ani, just leave it out.'' I stepped into the hallway and found my bag packed with my school supplies, and a jacket in case I get cold. Tao oppa always left it in the hall for me so I wouldn't forget it.

''Yoomi! Your breakfast is ready!'' Suho oppa called from the kitchen.

''Coming!'' I jumped down the stairs two at a time, and met everyone at the dining table.

''Wah! You look cuter by the day.'' Lu Han oppa smiled as I took a seat. ''Dig in everyone.''

''Oppa, this is really good!'' I took a big bite out of my pancakes. It was so sweet in my mouth that I had to shake to get the sugar rush out of me.

''Hold still will you?'' Kris wiped the corner of my mouth that was apparently smudged with syrup. 

*''Ahh!'' Bodies fell to the floor, out cold the instant they hit the ground!*

''Ouch!'' My fork fell to the floor with a loud clatter as I held my throbbing forehead.

''Yoomi! Waegeurae?'' Baekhyun oppa kneeled next to me.

''I'm fine...I think I have a head ache.'' Why did I see that image? Was it from my dream or was it really happening?

''Are you sure?'' Suho oppa asked with wide eyes. ''If you're not feeling good you shouldn't walk to school.''

''Anniya, it was probably from eating too much, right?'' I slowly backed out of my chair, and reached for my bag. 

''Are you leaving already?'' Tao oppa followed me to the door.

''Ne, I'll see you when I get home. Annyeong oppa deul.''

''Get there safely!'' They all shouted as I closed the door.


I tried consenstrating on Jang seonsaengnim, but Zelo hadn't showed up to school, and I don't think I've ever spent a whole day without him. I especially wanted to talk to him about the vision I had at breakfast. It was starting to worry me because my headache was on, and off so I never knew when the next disturbing vision would come.

''Ms. Yoomi, I said you're released for lunch now.'' Mr. Jang chuckled.

''Oh, geurae? Mianhamnida.'' I bowed my head.

Where is Zelo? Better yet where is Zelo, and Jongup?! Both of them are missing. Wae? I sat at our usual lunch spot, but this time alone.

''Ugh, he's going to hear a mouthful-'' Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the back of my skull, and at first I thought it was another head ache until I felt it again on my back. 

''Yah! Bwoyah chigeum?'' I turned around to find Zelo in the bushes. 

''Zelo! What are you doing?!'' I ran over to him, and he threw me inside the foliage to hide me from the rest of the school.

''Yoomi it wasn't you was it? You're not the reason all my elders were taken right?!'' He was short of breath, and obviously short of having a nervous breakdown.

''No of course not! Why, did something happen?''

''She took them Yoomi. This lady in a white lab coat took my hyungs away. If I didn't have the advantage of being adorable I don't think I would've made it out of there alive.'' His bottom lip began to quiver.

''Zelo calm down alright. I'm going to help you do you wanna know why I can help you?''


''Because I know exactly where she took your elders, and I know exactly how to get there. Come on.'' I knew this day was going to come eventually. I was mentally prepared as well as physically.

If the doctors wanted me they would've come to get me ages ago. Instead they were buying time to figure out a way to get me back to the center becuase God knows they can't capture me in an open environment. I dragged Zelo off the school grounds and back to my house to get my oppas. We were going back to Seoul in Sehun's RV. 

''Yoomi, I don't think we should go in there.'' Zelo pulled my sleeve as I took a step closer to the front door. 

''Why? My oppa's are going to help us-'' When I opened the door my heart fell to the pits of my stomach. Pillows were torn, food was all over the floor, the refrigerator was left open with all the insides spilled. Even the T.V screen was cracked. 

''Oppa!'' I ran upstairs, and didn't hear a reply. ''Kris oppa! Baekhyun! Suho oppa!'' The house was completely empty. By the time I got back downstairs my face was stained with fresh tears, and my nose was leaking. 

''She took them too.'' Zelo was crying too. It was such a sad scene that belogned in a movie.

''Anniya, I'm supposed to protect them. Why is this happening?'' I looked around for any trace of my oppas and saw one sign that told me they were definitely gone. I fell to the floor feeling low, and helpless.

''Yoomi, what is it?'' Zelo crashed on his knees next to me sniffing up the leakage from his nose.

''She took Kai oppa.'' I held his skateboard that lay on the floor. The one we bought together.

''How are we going to get them back?'' Zelo pouted.

I knew then and there that my easy life was over. It was time to stop playing, and end this war between my creators, and R-16. ''Zelo, we're going to fight for them back.''

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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??