Date Night

Training For World Destruction

''Hyung, are you going to be late?'' Sehun asked me as I was jelling my hair back.

''Maybe it depends on how this date goes.'' I asked this girl out the other day. It's no big deal I'm not in love or anything, it's just for hell of it. She's cute, and it was obvious she was into me.

'' greasy person you~'' He laughed. 

''Shut up.'' I couldn't hold in my chuckle. Sehun had the ability to make me laugh about anything. 

''Kai! Where are you going right now?'' Kyungsoo stuck his head through the bathroom door.

''Aish! Do I have to give an invterview before I step out the door?'' I ruffled up the front of my hair just a bit to give it a messed up perfection look.

''Oh? You're actually brushing your hair?!'' Kyungsoo gaped. ''Hey guys Kai is going somewhere, and he won't say where!'' He called into the hallway.

''Chincha?!'' I flicked his forehead. ''Why don't you scream it to the neighbors?!"

''As long as you clean up the bathroom when you're done I don't really care. It's so annoying picking up after everyone!''

''Kai! Where do you think you're going?!'' Chanyeol laughed. 

''Okay! I'm going on a date! Are you all satisfied?!''

''Does Yoomi know about this?'' Suho asked. Why would I tell Yoomi? She doesn't even know what a date is.

''Nope. It shouldn't matter. I don't need to report to a 16 year old girl whenever I'm going out.'' I pushed past the crowded doorway to go change into nice clothes.

''Omo! You're even wearing a button up shirt?! This has to be the end of the world!!'' Yi Xing joked.

''End of the world?!? Where?!?'' Yoomi came running to my room.

''Aigoo~ Yoomi look at Kai. He's brushing his hair, and everything.'' Bao zi smiled.

''Omo! Oppa chincha daebak~'' She put her thumbs up, and smiled brightly. Only her aegyo affected me like that. ''But, where are you going?''

''Out with a friend. Do you mind sleeping with Kyungsoo oppa tonight?''

''Mwoh?!? You're not coming home?! Just what kind of friend is this!!'' Lu Han asked knowing that would make Yoomi curious.

''Are you going to a sleep over oppa?'' She asked with wide eyes.

''Ani...I'm just-''

''Going on a date with a lady friend.'' Chen wiggled his eyebrows. Suddenly Yoomi's eyes went from the usual light shining from them to pure scary darkness.

''Lady friend?'' She crossed her arms, and tapped her foot.

''Uh oh...'' Tao grinned. 

''Yes a lady friend. We're just going to go bowling, and eat a little. You'll probably fall asleep before then so I figured you'd rather sleep next to Kyungsoo than-''

''Ani! If it's not you I won't sleep!''

''Yoomi, hajima~ I promise tomorrow night we can have a coke before bed.'' I smiled hoping this would keep her from making me feel bad about going on a date.

''Do what you want! I'm not going to sleep tonight.'' She stormed out. 

''Yoomi! What's wrong with my bed?! Oh come on~ I'm just as good as Kai!!'' Kyungsoo ran after her.

''Yoomi's getting pretty sassy lately.'' Baekhyun chuckled.

''Yeah...I don't like it. We need to turn her into the sweet little girl that was fascinated with the concept of a microwave again.'' Kris sighed.




''Yoomi, won't you just give me one hug before I leave?'' Kai stood in front of me, jacket in hand, about to go out with his lady friend. 

''Hmph!'' I turned my back to him. 

''Annyeong, please get some sleep. Guys! I swear if you start talking about weird stuff around Yoomi I'm never leaving her alone with you guys again.'' He gave me a hug from behind, and when I turned around he was gone. ''Ugh...'' My stomach deflated with my heavy sigh.

''Yoomi. How about we play a game?'' Kris shook my shoulders. I knew he was tyring to cheer me up, but that wasn't going to work. 

''What game?'' I said looking at the floor. 

''It's called hide, and seek. Have you heard of it?'' Lu Han grinned.


''It's really fun you'll love it!'' Kyungsoo smiled while he explained. Basically one person closed their eyes while everyone else hid. The game was pretty much self explanitory.

''I don't know...I'm not in the mood for games.''

''Yoomi. I know you're worried about Kai, but he's truly just having fun with a friend. Tomorrow how about we all go bowling. Will that cheer you up?'' Chanyeol grinned. 

Okay...Kai oppa was just spending time with a friend like I did with Zelo all the time. He didn't have feelings of love for anyone. He was just...having fun with a girl that wasn't me!!!

''What's a date?'' I asked Sehun.

''A date? It's just another word for hanging out. I bet Kai is probably going to bring you back something after his date. He can't stand it when you're mad at him.''

''Chincha?'' Did that mean he had feelings of love towards me too?  ''Bao zi! You have to count!'' I giggled before running upstairs.

''Aigoo! Yoomi let's hide together.'' Tao grabbed my hand.

''Nae.'' We ran into his, and Kris' room. ''Oppa you go in the closet, and I'll squeeze under the bed.''  I smiled. 

''Okay!'' He slid the closet door closed, and I didn't waste anytime. I slid the window open as quietly as possible, and jumped down. 

''Mianhae oppa~'' I whispered up to the second floor. I couldn't play happily not knowing what Kai was doing. I ran over to Zelo's house.

''...Yoomi? What are you doing here right now?'' Himchan oppa opened the door.

''Annyeong oppa~'' I gave him a hug. ''Is Zelo here-''

''Yoomi! What's up?'' Jongup ran over to the door.

''Jongupie!'' I gave him a big hug. ''Where's Zelo? We're going on a date.'' Daehyun spit out his drink when he heard me.

''You're going on a date with Zelo? Are you two like that already?!'' Youngjae grinned.

''Sure...Jongupie can you go get him?'' I smiled.

''Yup!'' Out of all of Zelo's hyungs I think Jongup had the best smile..nevermind that title belonged to Yongguk oppa. Jongup was a strong second, then was Daehyun, then Himcan, then Youngjae, then Zelo. Jeez! So many beautiful smiles in one home! Zelo's cute hair made up for it though.

''Mwoh?!'' I heard Zelo scream from upstairs. ''A date?!'' He came running down. '' want to go on a date with me?'' He grinned.

''Why not? Aren't you my Zelo, and I'm your Yoomi?'' Why was he freaking out so much over a date? We already hang out everyday, this was no different.

''Kajja! Anywhere you want to go.'' He grabbed my hand, and pulled me through the door.

''Can we go bowling?'' There was only one bowling place in town so our chances of running into Kai, and his girl were 100%.

''Bowling...? Sure..'' He sighed.

''You don't think it'll be fun?''

''Ani! It's just...I've never bowled before so I'm gonna look stu-''

''Me either! Our first time is together!'' I smiled making Zelo feel better.

''Geurae? Wah! Let's have fun.'' He put his arm around me. 

We finally made it to the bowling alley, and I immediately spotted Kai with his date. She was pretty...very pretty. As I looked at her I couldn't help but contrast our differences. For one she didn't have the wardrobe of a 16 year old boy. Her hair was golden brown with a big sunflower clip in it. She was the opposite of me appearance wise. 

''Yoomi isn't that your brother? Hyung!-'' I covered Zelo's mouth, and pulled him around the corner. 

''He doesn't know we're here, and I'd like to keep it that way.''

''Ahh we're on a secret rondevu. How romantic.'' He grinned. 

''Whatever...let's just get something to eat first.'' I giggled. We held hands to the food stand, and he ordered me a hot dog. 

'' this really made out of dogs..?'' I asked when we took a seat. Kai, and his lady friend were in perfect sight range. 

''I don't know...I got it because I thought you'd like it.'' He shared the same disgusted look on his face. 

''No~'' We both shook our heads, and threw our food into the garbage. We just ended up sharing my Coke with only one straw.

''Your brother looks like he's enjoying himself.'' Zelo chuckled. Kai really did. His date was good at knocking the pins down, and he clapped every time. Why couldn't I be the one bowling with him? Why didn't he want to take me on a date? My heart felt sad.

''I must not be as pretty'' I found myself mumbling a little too loud.

''Mwoh? Who said you're not pretty?'' Zelo grabbed my hand. 

''No one...'' Me

''Kajja! I'm going to win you something. He grabbed my hand, and pulled me over to a machine full of cute things. My eyes spotted the sunflower clip in Kai's date's hair. ''Zelo! I want that one! Can you please win it for me?'' I ruffled his beautiful pink hair.

''Nae! Watch me win this for you my honey~'' He chuckled. The crane inside the machine moved all over. 

''Aigoo! Do you think you can get it?'' Just as I asked the crane clasped onto the clip, and spit it out of the slot.

''A Sunflower for my Yoomi!'' He grinned. ''Here let me put it in.'' I held my head up for him to clip it into my hair. 

''Thank you Zelo!'' I ruffled his hair. I wanted to take a look at Kai, and his date one last time before Zelo, and I leave. They were close, even smiling. Suddenly  his date stood on her toes, and their lips touched for a moment. I didn't know what that meant, or what it was, but it made my chest ache. More than before. 

'' cool'' Zelo chuckled. To him this was probably normal. He was human, he understood what this habit was. I was still unsure how to feel about it. 

''...Can we go now?'' 

''Sure.'' He didn't notice the tears pooling in my eyes which was a good thing. By the time we reached my house I was able to keep them from falling. 

''Thanks for tonight...'' I looked up at his smiling face. Suddenly he bent down, and put his lips to mine. Just like oppa, and his date did. It was a mere second, but when he pulled away his face was the same shade as his hair.

''What was that for?'' I touched my lips. They were tingling. 

''I don't know..I saw your brother kiss his I wanted to too.''

''Kiss? Is that what it's called?''

''Yoomi naekkeoya!'' He ran away without another word. 


A kiss? What is the meaning behind one? I guess I needed to ask Kyungsoo another important question.

A/N: Aigoo!!!! Do you have any idea how looong I've been waiting to write this scene? I've literally been planning it since the first chapter!!! Ugh it feels good to release my Zemi needs XD. The comments I've been getting make me happy


but there's only three people commenting, and I have like 20 subscribers...Does that mean everyone else is unhappy with it? You can continue being silent readers if you want, but it kind of makes me sad. Thanks anyway.


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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??